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Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 28th, 2016, 10:14 pm
by blanketcross
So I have been listening to a file called "Subliminal Cocksucker" for the past 3-4 days (can't keep track lmao). I wasn't listening and went to do the dirty with myself and had sexual thoughts with women, and then I realized. This is the longest I have been thinking about men without switching over to liking women and the only thing keeping me on the gay side was this file. (I am gender fluid and sexual fluid? It all changed around over the time of 2-3 weeks a piece). If I wasn't for this file I would probably be jacking off to women, but I want to stay on the gay side of things. This file seems to be working and the only thing helping me stay down on this teeter totter of sexualities.

On the outside part of this file, I really like the rain noises in the nice

On a side note, Your Other Half isn't going to well. If someone could make a subliminal for it I would be grateful.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 29th, 2016, 4:54 pm
by OxyFemboi
blanketcross wrote
So I have been listening to a file called "Subliminal Cocksucker" for the past 3-4 days (can't keep track lmao). I wasn't listening and went to do the dirty with myself and had sexual thoughts with women, and then I realized. This is the longest I have been thinking about men without switching over to liking women and the only thing keeping me on the gay side was this file. (I am gender fluid and sexual fluid? It all changed around over the time of 2-3 weeks a piece). If I wasn't for this file I would probably be jacking off to women, but I want to stay on the gay side of things. This file seems to be working and the only thing helping me stay down on this teeter totter of sexualities.

If you really want to stay on the gay side of things, you might want to add ViVe's Sexuality Restructure: Cock to your listening schedule.

Sexuality Restructure: Cock
This is a curse and a conditioning file. It will make pleasuring cock the new centre of your sexuality. Short term, it will become impossible for you to have an orgasm without thinking about cock, and the more aroused you become, the more thoughts of pleasuring cock will enter your mind. Those things cause a conditioning effect and over time you start to associate pleasure with pleasuring cock. It will become the new centre of your sexuality.

This file is completely gender neutral!

This is a curse. Be really sure before you listen to this file, as the conditioning effect can not be reversed easily! Listen on your own risk!


Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 1:55 am
by Dreamin4Men
Good lord that file is not messing around! It's got an awesome induction and the cock part is already drilled into my head after one listen. If you can get a good trance going this will definitely do some serious (gay) work on you.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 3:51 pm
by blanketcross
Which induction of his is it? Zero, Night Ride, Pet, I would like to know because Zero and Night ride don't work well for me. Neither do the white light or feminine Light.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 4:51 pm
by OxyFemboi
blanketcross wrote
Which induction of his is it? Zero, Night Ride, Pet, I would like to know because Zero and Night ride don't work well for me. Neither do the white light or feminine Light.

The Induction for ViVe's Sexuality Restructure: Cock is the White LIght induction. There used to be a Zero Induction version, but for some reason unknown to me, ViVe removed everything using the Zero Induction from his site. You can always cut-and-paste whatever induction works for you, including one from someone else, in front of the suggestions. If you have a trigger that puts you in trance, you could also use that.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 5:40 pm
by ProfessorPig
The Induction for ViVe's Sexuality Restructure: Cock is the White LIght induction. There used to be a Zero Induction version, but for some reason unknown to me, ViVe removed everything using the Zero Induction from his site.

ViVe has a post on his website about why he removed it. Jukebox made the zero induction originally, and other people were sending Jukebox angry letters claiming he stole it from ViVe, so ViVe took it down to prevent that confusion from occurring.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 5:58 pm
by OxyFemboi
Thank you, ProfessorPig. Now that I know what happened, ViVe's removal of the Zero Induction files makes perfect sense. I did love the Zero Induction, though. Jukebox was inspired when he created that induction. Jukebox's Zero Induction is a work of genius.

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 7:41 pm
by blanketcross
Alright, thank you Professer, and YORSH! Now that you say I do recall ViVe having a lot more versions of files with the inductions but when I went back recently they were gone but I soon left my mind. I will try it with the Pet Induction since they are the same voice. From the comments it seems like there are a lot of successes

Re: Subliminal Cocksucker Realization

PostPosted: March 31st, 2016, 3:19 am
by OxyFemboi
blanketcross wrote
Alright, thank you Professer, and YORSH! Now that you say I do recall ViVe having a lot more versions of files with the inductions but when I went back recently they were gone but I soon left my mind. I will try it with the Pet Induction since they are the same voice. From the comments it seems like there are a lot of successes

Yeah, if you aren't on Tumblr checking out some cocksucking web pages in two days, ... well, never mind; you will be. I definitely posted a few more pages of action shots than normal after I listened ... and was drooling over all the cum shooting ....

Yoshi just made all of us horny. Later. Rocky