by mat422 » March 27th, 2006, 1:51 pm
Hey I have been going on and off with self hypnosis for a while now. At first I did it by myself so I could get into trance, but it was really hard. It was really easy getting into trance by just listening to someone else. Anyway I had some success with the trigfreeze2 and I only listened to it once! I mean whenever i say the trigger and try to move i can't really move. Its quite amazing. My goal is to get either hornyschoolgirl to work or trigwoman2, can you recommend which one might be easier? How long should I listen to the visualizationhelp file before I can hallucinate really well? Also does anyone have any suggestions on files that i can try that are easy like trigfreeze2? Thanks for the help and I hope many other people have the same success im having now! :D