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Muscle Growth diary

PostPosted: May 24th, 2006, 7:01 am
by phee
I have just tried the muscle growth sublinimal by taking out the relaxation part and the wakening then listenting to it in my sleep.
I set my radio alarm clock to play the track for 2 hours during the night, the radio didn't wake me but i must have had it on loud enough to hear it because it has appeared to work.
The reason i've tried this file is because i've been very lazy with weights resently and just can't be bothered to do any proper work outs, but when i work up this morning being my day off i had this unavoidale urge to exercise, i've spent the day doing push ups and dumbells as much as possible.
Because i've only been lisenting to this file for one day there isn't any visual change but i'm very confident there will be.
I'll keep you updated and strongly recommened.

PostPosted: May 24th, 2006, 4:04 pm
by CuriousG
Well, if you don't do the exercise, you're not going to get major result. The 20 minutes spent listening to the file would be more effectively spent actually working out.

PostPosted: May 25th, 2006, 12:28 am
by whatthe75
Same here , i have only listened a few times , and have found an endless amount of energy ( or at least urge to use energy and exerise ).

I am normally quite fit and exercie quite a bit but this file seems to have increased my energy and enthusiasm more.

PostPosted: May 25th, 2006, 2:26 pm
by Fluid
Not strange, I suppose. It's entirely possible for your brain to keep a constant tension on your muscles (which bypasses the need for exercise), which will make them develop just as well. Hell, you could practically train them using electric shocks.

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 12:46 am
by Cairn
What exactly is it that makes muscles grow? As far as I understand it isn't the actual exercise as most people seem to think, but when a muscle is put under stress the brain diverts resources (protein and energy) to increase the size of the muscle so that it will cope better next time. So it should be theoretically possible through hypnosis to avoid the exercise part but still cause the muscle to grow.

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 6:20 am
by Fluid
Yup. As long as a muscle is kept under sufficient stress, the body will divert resources to support it.

here is what i think

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 2:39 am
by Lokey
well in actuality when u train you create micro tears in the muscle fiber. your body reacts by 1 repairing the tears and 2 building on to try and prevent tearing again.
there is one limit to the growth and that is the amount of muscle fibers that is tearing. you can create more tears by more divers training but u can not increase the amount of fiber u sooner or later you will not be able to grow anymore.
the thing is if your brain keeps your muscles under continues tension your muscle fibers will lengthen not grow. same as no tension makes them shorten. electro simulation would only work to a point because it can only put limited amount of strain on the muscles thus your muscles will out grow that faster than weight training.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 11:37 pm
by getpumped87
I'm an experienced lifter and lokey speaks the 100% truth

Agree with Phee

PostPosted: March 11th, 2010, 10:55 am
by DAVE275
I agree with phee , curiuos g , listening made him much more interested in lifting weights ,, and there fore he DID and there fore he will grow . I know where of I speak as a 295 pound 5'11" Bodybuilder/Powerlifter . I have my days when motivation is lower than other days ,, but with a motivational subliminal to arouse your musclebuilding instincts ( if you have any ) you get all fired up for an intense and very productive workout.