by Jacara » August 20th, 2006, 12:34 am
Sure, trauma can cause instant subconscious associations to be made, and hypnosis/NLP can remove them almost as fast, but I assume that CuriousG means that any file you find on here won't work as advertised (if at all) after the first listen, even if you're a darn good subject; repetition is important to seeing the results you want.
And LDark, if you did see those results after one listen, then you're off to a great start! After a few more sessions you may be responsive enough to not be able to resist it ;) Good luck!
(Oh, and if they didn't try it, you might wanna see what happens if they keep saying "it's sex time" to you repeatedly.. I've found that sometimes what's supposed to be an on/off trigger works more like a boost every time it's said, so that your need for them might grow with each triggering)