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Orgasam Inducer seems to work.

PostPosted: January 17th, 2007, 8:32 pm
by ShadowSabre
So I downloaded this file and, after editing a custom mix of a couple other files, decided to listen to this out of trance so I could tell what the suggestions were before I actually used it. Between the background sounds and the fact that the voice is machine-generated, I was having trouble understanding it, so I had to keep listening, trying to understand it. At some point in the process, I somehow fell under-- and I rarely go under without deliberately choosing to-- and came hard. Afterwards, I sort of wanted to stop it, but felt too comfortable to move, so I let it keep looping until I had come a few more times. (Ah, the benefits of being female.) I'm tempted to try it again once I finish this post-- it's only been maybe ten minutes, yet I already feel aroused again. Hope it's not too addictive of a little sucker....

And I still don't know what parts of it actually say.

Now, I'm not sure if it really works or if it did because I was already primed from working with some other files, if I was already somewhat horny, or if it's because of which files I've been listening to lately, but I'm more than willing to try it again. I'd prefer a human voice, but hey, it's interesting.

PostPosted: January 18th, 2007, 7:09 pm
by swordfish
I tried it and had the same effect, came real hard after about ten minutes,
once it hit there was no turning back

PostPosted: January 19th, 2007, 11:49 am
by Aaron79
I had an odd experience with this one, that isnt success per se, but interesting.
I was listening to it in loop and i felt like i was slowly going under and eventually a bit aroused part way in, but then a little after the arousal it felt like nothing was happening.
When i eventually stopped it, i figured maybe i had listened to is like 6 or 7 times (which would be like 15 minutes) but i had actually been laying there for over 45 minutes (like 20+ times)
When i stopped, i was dripping a bit of precum.
So are the other users here men or women?
i'm interested in others thoughts on this file.