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SuperHuman Mind

PostPosted: July 9th, 2007, 12:38 pm
by experimenter
Any successes with this file? I just started using Cardigan's version today. I will post any results of my own experiments, but was wondering if there's anyone out there that's used it.

PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 9:16 am
by Phaedrus
I just started listening to it over the weekend. No noticeable effects yet.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 11:34 pm
by getpumped87
as a current psychology student....I would love to hear these results...granted they're not proper lab experiments, but whatever. keep us posted!

PostPosted: July 14th, 2007, 12:09 am
by whatthe75
As you say they cant really be tested in Lab conditions.But i have used the superhuman mind and Speed learning together for a long time now and still use them about once a week to keep the effects working.

I dont know about the individual Super human file but between the two i have definately noticed differences. My other love aside from hypnosis and the mind is music.And since using these two files together i have been able to create some fantastic music far beyond anything i would have made before using the files. My music has also changed and is not so tunnel visioned and i have found that everytime i sit down to just play or write some music something new comes out.

My study of Hypnosis and NLP since using the files seems to have progressed too. At first i was learning slowly but after using the two files together i have found learning so much easier, aswell as when needed i out of nowhere i remember something that i need. For example when making my own hypnosis- i find the ideas just pop out of thin air. Something that didnt happen when i first started.Maybe it could just be experience learnt along the way.Who knows. But i believe they have worked for me.

PostPosted: July 19th, 2007, 1:59 am
by MacGyver
i've not had any sucess with this one. i do not trance myself with teh files until right before i go to bed, i try and make sure i have pleabty of time b4 i normally go to sleep, but i think it is the induction that may be killing me on this one. when i turn out the light, it is dark in the room and nothing to focus on, but with the light out, if i fall asleep and dont wake up at the end of the file, i am not wasting electricity. EMG has a version on hypno-files and i am gonna try that one as his induction is a bit easier for me to trance with.

PostPosted: October 11th, 2008, 11:28 am
Hi All.
I had Success with this Mp3.After listening few times with low Hz Generator.I expirienced Telepathy happenings in everyday life,alos fast reading and knowing information of things I'd never learned.
This is Very Great File!

PostPosted: October 11th, 2008, 5:36 pm
by MacGyver
i been so busy this past week, i have not been able to get the time to trance with this file, need to do it again though. every time i try to concentrate on making something levitate, nothing happens but, i get the feeling i am getting closer. for 2 nights after i tranced last with this file, i was thinkin somethin was wrong with my computer, the tv was not on but the computer was, and i was hearing voices yet i was the only person home. maybe i was listenin to my neighbors through my mind or something, LOL.

PostPosted: December 5th, 2008, 10:56 pm
by livelonger8
Bump for the win; for more results.
I haven't experienced many results from this file, other than a segment of photographic memory.