sorry its long.
I dont know what is going on, but i think it was those files, ill explain to the best of my ability. ok. last morning, about 3:30am, i was going to bed. I had listened to CurseMuscleBound about 3 times, and as i went to bed, i said the trigger for Trigmass, to gain 20 pounds of muscle, nothing happened, i just thought o well. then i was halfway asleep 10 minutes later, and all of the sudden i feel spaced out. but different. Like, i felt warm. I got scared for a second. it only lasted 30 seconds. I got kinnda happy cause i thought it worked. So then i said the trigger for musclebound....Nothing. Then i tried to gain 20 pounds of muscle again...And then it worked, all of the sudden, i felt like i was growing. Then i got up and turned on the light. nothing. I had mentally changed but not physicly. i have been getting that burning sensation all day today.. Did this ever happen to anyone else?
Sorry its kindof long