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LR house cat mixed results

PostPosted: June 8th, 2005, 6:45 pm
by havingone
I had some interesting results with the LR house cat file. I had been messing around with it for about a week with no success. So i decided i would play it while i was asleep, i looped it some thing like 10 or 12 times.
By the time i woke up i had forgotten all about what i had done the night before. So needless to say i was suprised at my new body. I awoke to find myself covered in grey fur, cat ears and a cat tail! The change lasted a good 4 hours befor i began changing back to normal.
While it was not total success it is the first file that has even partially worked for me.

PostPosted: June 8th, 2005, 8:47 pm
by Agriff
Wow thats a great success story! Ive heard that LRHousecat is one of the harder files to have work. This also goes to show that hypnosis during sleep does have effects and can actually work in some cases.

Give some more details about what happened. Did you have the same abilities as a human or were you limited to all fours? Could you understand other people speaking arou7nd you? Could you talk/use your thumbs/ etc...?

PostPosted: June 9th, 2005, 11:45 am
by Anti
Wow that sounds awesome, some more details would be great. :mrgreen:

PostPosted: February 4th, 2006, 1:20 pm
by Cyborg
I just tried it today, and all i got was I dident want to walk on to feet.


PostPosted: August 28th, 2006, 6:34 am
by advent_crisis
hello everybody! im a guy who has never wrote a reply on any website in my life but i have to now cause IT WORKED! i mean i WANTED it to work but was a bit skeptical the story is a bit funny actually:

so i finish listening to the clip, i wait...even to the point where it started playing back so i think to myself: "ok so thats it" i take off my headfones and try to get of my chair but i found the floor instead! haha! i didnt hurt myself at all but i believed i was a cat! Then i said to myself "ok time to prove it! Im gonna say the word dvd" so out comes "meow!" HAHA!
All sorts of thoughts were going through my mind like: "who? what? how?" but my feelings where the same throughout which were of joy i guess!
after scrambling around the floor i hopped on my bed (like a cat would), then hopped back on the floor, lied on the floor (which felt more comfortable than my bed), then i saw my jeans which were hanging down from my bed n i started playing with it with my paw!(yes i said paw!)
After swatting it a bit i then started chewing on it! Lastly i started chewing on a few other things in my room until after around 15min i went back to normal!
I always WANTED to believe in this stuff but deep down was skeptical, well lemme tell you something...NOT ANYMORE! hehe
(btw i didnt see myself as a cat but i did perform like one, maybe next time i will :) ).....oh i almost forgot: THANK YOU LADY RIO!

PostPosted: August 31st, 2006, 12:54 pm
by Tleilax
Wow! really great success story; have you try this file another time?