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Progress Log: TotalJock/Bodybuild & NotShy/FreeMentalBon

PostPosted: February 5th, 2008, 10:27 pm
by jockrockslycra
So I started a hypno-cocktail of all these files I wanted to do because I have two goals - get over Social Phobia, and become a jock/bodybuilder

I took the body out of the files below, put them in a playlist and play them on repeat while I'm asleep.
    RelaxationInduction [free file on WMM]
    TrainSleepReinforce [free file on hypno-files]
    TrainTotalJock [free file on WWM]
    FreedomFromMentalBondage [free file on hypno-files]
    TrainBodybuilding [$10 file from hypno-files]
    TrainNotShy [free file on hypno-files]
    WeightTraining [free file on hypno-files]
Then I set a time for the awakening file to play on repeat until eventually i get up - Awakening [clip taken from the Induction file] (unless i wake up on my own, n den im pissed cuase i didnt do it da whole way thru)

Sometimes I'll do it in order, others I'll do it on random
Always do it while sleeping, Sometimes nap during the day to it

That's my plan - I'll post changes whenever.


PostPosted: February 6th, 2008, 2:36 am
by bdbu
hey bro sry bout our argument b4 its cool if u like bitchface i mean hilary.

neway im glad ur finally starting. i hope it goes well for u. but i still dun think ushould be doin it at nite. if ur asleep ur not rly payin attention to the file sun kno.

PostPosted: February 6th, 2008, 10:21 am
by jockrockslycra
bdbu wrote:... i still dun think ushould be doin it at nite. if ur asleep ur not rly payin attention to the file sun kno.

Mental Conditioning - dat's da key bro

if u think bout it, while ur sleepin you can still hear no matter wat

it's just like someone one tellin u for years since u were a kid that ur ugly - u gonna stick with that idea in ur head no matter what cause it's been told to u all da time.

If u got sumthin in ur head every night playin over n over n over again, it's gonna have an effect on u - u're gonna condition ur self.

I think da trick is in da repetition. if i can sleep thru 6-8 hours, imma hear this shit at least 5 times everynight, dat kinda reinforcement is gonna hit hard

TrainSleepReinforce is gonna do da trick, plus listenin to the Induction more than once at night should keep me down in trance/asleep until it's time 2 wake up.

i felt much more confident today than any other day b4 in my life -- everywhere and everything [thnks 2 TrainNotShy/FreedomFromMentalBondage].

I woke up yesturday feelin like my body was massive n muscular (den i got up and da feelin faded, but fuck i still feel it) [thnks 2 TrainBodybuilder]

I need to get in da gym, imma start next week, gotta get shit in order so evrything gets done right, den imma go hard - cant let these files go to waste [thnks 2 TrainBodybuilding/TrainTotalJock/WeightTraining]

sex drive sky rocketed in just 2 sessions - period [thnks 2 TrainTotalJock]

dis dude im talkin to is hittin on dat inner jock growin, hes sexy, bttm n lookin for a hard dude to take care of him, so i got more motivation to make this shit work haha. I neva felt so in charge like dat while talkin with a dude dats into me.... [thnks 2 TrainTotalJock/TrainNotShy]

I'm gonna be getting all over this shit all night every night

not feelin dumb yet - im still workin as a math tutor, if shit get's too outta control i can alwayz do "Improve IQ" but i doubt dat'll happen

PostPosted: February 6th, 2008, 10:24 am
by jockrockslycra
bdbu wrote:hey bro sry bout our argument b4 its cool if u like bitchface i mean hilary.

neway im glad ur finally starting. i hope it goes well for u.

Dun sweat it bro, u gonna b my hypno-jock bro eitha way, we fight we make up - dats how we do, + not my fault u into a puss like Obama..... (lol)

this feels like it's gonna work, everytime i think about it, my bod gets relaxed i feel like imma change, like i need to make dat change, i gotta make shit happen, im itchin - fckin itchin to get in to da gym son

like i need to hear da file again - cant get dat shit outta my head ahhhhargghehghhghh