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PostPosted: May 14th, 2008, 12:34 pm
by ib
okay if you have read the yes!!!! and the test topic you should know that i for 6 month i have been using TrainDiapers and TrainBedWetting and now they are working perfect 3 month ago they both started to work sometimes and just got better and better and now 5 weeks ago they both work perfect i now wet the bed every time i sleep and i have lost all bladder control. and then 5 weeks ago i started to use UnknownWetting and it works great yeasterday i sat with the pc and my girlfriend who is also in to diapers asked if i was wet i said no but then she stuck her finger down in my diaper and i was soaked wow i could not feel that my diaper was soaked and today it happen again i cant feel when i am wet it is great it is like being at baby again