TrigWoman - Partial Success

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TrigWoman - Partial Success

Postby Jane_the_Bane » July 20th, 2008, 3:19 pm

As an absolute beginner, I *really* shouldn't have picked this file first, as there's a whole lot of easier stuff to begin with. (Implanting a trigger that not only makes one "change shape" but also makes one forget all about it certainly isn't "basic", is it?)
Yet the whole idea of believing myself to be a woman upon hearing "Transformation time for you" intrigued me, and so I kept "practicing" for the last two days.

The results so far are mixed, but interesting. I can definitely trigger a shift in perception, mostly based on tactile sensations: my body "changes" (at least partially), yet so far, that's about it. I'm still aware of my actual gender, the mirror displays my actual face (although my eyes tend to look slightly more feminine to me), and my voice is the same as always, even as far as inflection is concerned.

Yet judging by the fact that this is only the third day after my first contact with hypnosis, I'd say that there's still much in store for me.

(Well, I started out with the two Female Orgasm files, and was virtually blown away. I definitely don't have a hard time imagining anything while in a trance - heck, I've even entertained a similar fantasy without the use of hypnosis before - yet right now I'm really looking forward to experiencing things with my eyes open.)
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Joined: July 17th, 2008, 12:00 am

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