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File Success with a question

PostPosted: October 7th, 2008, 11:33 am
by CheriHen48
Someone in mIRC helped precondition my husband to being hypnotized, With his consent I used this condition to start him on files I got from here. I have since begun to trigger him to trance and then suggest to him directly.

His first success was the trig slave file, (I have since modified the trigger and revert)

His second success was the strip trigger which also now works well, even with my sister watching.

Lately I had been having him listen to the email slave file and tested it today. Again success.

Of the files from here I've had him listen to, only the bondage trigger has shown no success at all for us, though he LOVES bondage. Any suggestions, or ideas as to why it hasn't worked? :?:

PostPosted: October 13th, 2008, 7:16 pm
by littlecaltoy
Different people respond differently to different things.
I've been trancing and tranced for years. But there are still some things that don't work for me. I've tranced people to be able to feel sensations that arent really happening. I haven't ever had that. But when I'm triggered with the right triggers, I can't resist them either.

My guess is that he is deep enough where he can't resist something that he's been told to do, but not deep enough that his body automatically responds against his will (as it were).

Everyone is different. He may get there with additional trancing. He may get there with a different induction/approach. He may never get there.

I've been tranced on and off for years, but only recently have gotten to where i can't remember it. So there's hope, but no promises.

A couple recommendations:
-- have him try a bunch of different inductions. You can try mine (cal's induction or cal's curse, which uses the same induction) if you like. I specifically targeted it for people who have trouble paying attention in the trance or get distracted. Or you can try other good ones. The bubble induction is pretty popular, and there are a bunch of others.

-- take a little time and learn about hypnosis and do it yourself. He will implicitly trust you more and respond to your voice. Besides, you really should ramp up your information, if you haven't. This would be a good excuse. There's lots of good books an videos on it.

Ah, you seem like a fun lady. I'm sure your relationship is a blast.



PostPosted: October 14th, 2008, 3:37 pm
by strictausmstr
it sounds like your hubby is moving along well... practice makes perfect...

to accustom him to bondage in trance I suggest that you have him gradually envisage bondage... ties around his wrists etc... rather than a trigger per se....

In this manner he will link his love of bondage with trance and maybe you can use a trigger later

Have fun

PostPosted: October 15th, 2008, 1:56 pm
by cardigan
You might also have him be in real bondage a couple of times while listening to the file you want him to use. Having the physical sensation of actually being bound works wonders for the imagination and it will then be so much easier for his subconscious mind to envision what it is he wants it to create for him.
