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PostPosted: November 4th, 2008, 8:30 am
by mrblue
I've been on this site for almost 4 years now. I was a little more active early on.

Last night I decided that I wanted to just see if I could get tranced again. So I tried TrainMaleSlaveMedley because I've been feeling submissive lately.

Being a 37 min file I thought that I would not be able to maintain the trance for that long. In fact I was able to.

What I came away with was that, as has been stated, a person won't do something they don't want to do, but will if they want too. So in my case, the file says that i should shave my pubic region, but also shave all my body hair below my neck. That's something I just could not do this morning but i readily took the trimming to my pubic hair without hesitation.

It kind of dawned on me that, for me, hypnosis is sort of like alcohol in that it lowered my inhibitions into doing things I might not do otherwise. And then afterwards feeling some regret. I don't know if i will continue to listen to the file, but there is certainly a sense of wanting to listen again. So we'll see.