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Holy crap, great success with cum torture!

PostPosted: January 15th, 2009, 7:11 am
by pokmin
okay, i'm a first time poster here, really only just getting into hypnotism at all. for the past 2 weeks, i've been listening to alot of the free stuff here at warp my mind, alot of it very arousing, but none of it really delivering. i don't blame the makers of the files, just my inability to go into trance easily.

anyways, i was really tired yesturday, and i figured i would aid the files, by denying myself orgasm for an extended period of time, bringing myself to the edge, then stopping. i figured it would give my mind extra reason to go into trance, an insentive, if you will.

And it worked, much better then i had hoped. i went into the deepest trance i think i've felt yet. i usually have a fan right near my head (Helps me breathe at night) and i always hear it a tiny bt during the files. this time, nope, not even the vibrations form it i could feel. my entire body felt gone, or just everywhere, all at once.

i didn't know what EMG file i had chosen, but i soon learned, the Cum torture, one i didn't even think i downloaded, cause i figured i wouldn't be into it. i was dead wrong. i felt every sensation he said, every bit of it, i even orgasmed all three times, it was AMAZING!

the only odd thing, is while i felt the orgasms in their entirety, when it was done and over with, i didn't feel anything "wet" down there, and as soon as i placed my hand down on my penis, as soon as it touched it, i experianced a forth, most powerful orgasm i've ever had, everything came out, it felt like it last at lest 15 minutes, and took even longer to clean up!

I just want to say thank you EMG, best experiance of my life so far (Sexually)

PostPosted: January 28th, 2009, 10:49 pm
by jjj200
lucky, I've been trying to get that file to work, but all I've accomplished is getting close to the first orgasm

PostPosted: January 29th, 2009, 9:49 am
by Ladon
One possible issue I've seen with EMG's files, no disrespect to him, but I've noticed he uses a lot of direct suggestions. While they can be effective, if your natural tendency is to choose the polar opposite of a direction, it can be a frustration.

For example, my mother has always been what some people would call contrary. The easiest way to get her to do something is to tell her not to do it. Actually, its easier to tell her its not possible, thereby she's forced to prove that it is.

Other suggestion methods can be much more effective in some people, such as negative suggestions or indirect suggestions.

Negatives are only understood by way of the opposite. Imagine, for a moment: The dog is not chasing the cat. You have to imagine the chase to imagine it not happening, don't you? Or, maybe you've told a child 'Don't spill the milk', whereupon the child spilled the milk. In that case, you told him to, his subconscious had to find 'spill the milk' THEN connect it to 'Don't'.

Indirect suggestions are those which are not phrased as commands. More often they're requests, or questions, sometimes they're not even directed at the listener, such as in 'Stacking Realities'. Have you listened to Blink's Basic Induction? IMO it is a very good use of indirect suggestion and Stacking Realities, which simply may work better for some people.