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Animalistic lust

PostPosted: June 14th, 2009, 8:49 pm
by Deepthroat
I was awake for 32 hours, experiencing the depreviation of sensory perception, although memory and thought had operated somewhat greater to when awake under a fixed sleep pattern (e.g. memory in some areas (e.g. episodic memory) would appear almost photographic, at various times). As a result, I felt tired (My conscious mind - the literal perspective, would lack responsive filtering of external sensory perception (e.g. I would see something for 3 seconds - a car or such, that isn't there, before it would disappear - the prefrontal cortex was operating slower)), but was distracted before I could sleep. During the latter of the 32 hours however, I had felt somewhat aroused (sexually), wanting to err -- suck a cock, but had felt mostly compelled to listening to hypno-files - I feel increasingly compelled to listening to the files the more I listen to them (That is, all files).

Anyway, I had decided to download a few new files, and had noticed this - I wanted to feel even more aroused to my current sexual lust - I wanted to feel a burn for it.

Shortly after downloading it, I appended it to the list of hypnotic mp3 files on my MP3 player, grabbed my in-ear headphones, turned off the bedroom light and had lay on my bed. I did listen to a binaural beat track that proceeded for almost 10 minutes before I switched the track - I'm unsure of the frequency, although my perception and thoughts had kept de-synchronizing and re-synchronizing. Within moments transpiring after this, I was listening to the animalistic lust file - and given the effects of sleep depreviation, of which appeared to have supplemented the great deptheness of a trance, this was - is - now one of my most successful trances. I had fell deep, falling into a paradox of thought, whilst one portion of my mind would pertain to auditory sense of the hypnotists voice from the external environment - the rest would fall deep, into a sleep. Although, the sleep was perhaps the most perculiar of sleeps I've slept - my unconscious had been replaying parts of the morning in almost full-clarity - it was almost as if I traveled back in time - the only thing that occluded this experience, was the hypnotists voice. Shortly, I had awoken upon another yet discreet layer - I presume the reason for replaying memories, was actually the categorization of memories - trance I suppose, can be somewhat similar to sleep, but with portion of the brain keeping all others from falling into a dream as consequence of external input. Within moments, I had become somewhat aware of my body, occuring in response to the suggestions - I have limited memory as to what the suggestions where, although I appeared to be aware of the suggestions, but unable to intervene consciously with them - I could only have awareness, with no thought - no mental nor physical control upon my body. I was now a sub - the hypnotist had complete control over me, although I presume I may have been able commit amid his suggestions, but with a significant delayed response - I can recall this from an intuitive memory - everything is completely blurred, although only a feeling tells me that I was aware during this part of the trance.

Shortly, as the hypnotist was counting towards 10, I could feel my body raging with heat - an incontrollable lust for sex - I wanted to have sex with anything I could see. I even tried fucking a hole in a chair - my only thought was to fuck something. The only thing I could do, was to masturbate, and -- wow -- this was -- one of the -- most -- intense orgasms I had ever experienced. It wasn't a full body, but I had ejaqulated incredibly hard - this was an incredible feeling.

So, I conclude that this file was a great success, and I will continue to listen to it every night from now on! :D

Note to author: could you make one that makes me lust for cock at this intensity, or perhaps to be fucked anally? To deep throat oneself with a dildo or such, or perhaps to even make one orgasm? I do hope to see many more files from you!

Most importantly thought -- a big thank you to you all! You've all been great! This is a wonderful community, with an incredible perspective - completely open minded! I am truely greatful for this, and I greatly appreciate all the files all authors have posted, the users - the community, and EMG - the site author! [/b]