My feminisation success.

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My feminisation success.

Postby Eve » March 10th, 2010, 2:53 pm

I haven't been on here for years, I don't think, but thought I should log in to document my amazing success with WMM files.

It started when I was 18. I had a girlfriend of 1 year, who loved to see me wearing her clothes, especially during sex. I never had any cross dressing fantasies or anything, but was happy to go along with it, as it seemed pretty fun and although it didn't do much for me, she seemed to get off on it. Things progressed and she wanted to dress me more often and more completely, but it reached a point where it felt like she was getting a bit obsessed.

Anyway, she found WMM and asked me if I would listen to some of the files in the hope that they would make me a bit of a cross dresser. I honestly didn't think they would do anything, so to keep her happy, agreed (wasn't I such a lovely boyfriend). Well, I tried many different files, and it seemed to have an effect. I started to enjoy our 'dressing up' and started to spend all the alone time that we had together as 'Eve', my female self. I kept listening to the files and trying others (even managed to change my sexuality briefly) and found one that I particularly liked. I don't remember the name of it, but I still have it today (renamed on my computer) but it was a curse file to make you want to be as female as possible.

Things carried on between me and my girlfriend for about another year, with me still listening to the files and spending more and more time as Eve. Then one day, when we were on holiday in Spain, I suddenly became certain that I wanted to always be Eve. I told my girlfriend there and then, and within a month we had split up. It turns out that she still wanted a boyfriend some of the time, but just liked me being girly some of the time too.

Obviously this hit me hard, but I carried on listening to the files and was still certain that I wanted to be Eve. I kept spending all my alone time as Eve, and eventually, took the plunge and started to come out. I sought advice from therapists, and was eventually diagnosed as gender dysphoric (I lied A LOT about my history - hypnosis was never mentioned! lol) started HRT and started living full time as female. I am now 23, and have just returned from thailand after having SRS 29 days ago, and am loving life. I have a boyfriend of just over 6 months who I am deeply madly in love with, and life seems to be fully on the up! :)

I am unsure whether hypnosis 'unlocked' my gender dysphoria or just shifted my mind that way somehow, but out of all of the TS women that I have ever spoken to, they always invariably say that there has always been a point early in life that led them to believe they should have been female from the start, and that they always felt uncomfortable or incomplete from as far back as they remember.

I was always a happy boy and had a great life up until (and during) my aformentioned girlfriend. I am sure it was hypnosis that caused the changes, and I know it wasn't until I was about 20 that I actually felt 'uncomfortable' having a penis, and new that I wanted SRS and to live as a female full time. I am happier than I have ever been now (if not still in loads of pain :( ) and I am just hoping that hypnosis has permanently bent my mind rather than temporarily, as I have decided to hang up the headphones and quit listening to all my files! For now anyway! :P Maybe I'll see if I can use the same files to make my boyfirend become my girlfriend too! heheh!! just kidding.

Oh, and I am no longer Eve, I am now Anna... legally!

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Postby cardigan » March 11th, 2010, 12:24 am

Hello Anna!

And congratulations on your journey!

I just want to say, that in my opinion hypnosis cannot change somebody that completely. It can unlock things in your mind that were there all along. But it can't make you do something that you wouldn't want to do anyway. It can help you - and it's a very powerful help, but it can't turn a person around. Not if that person doesn't have it in him/her already.

My guess is, that you were open to experimenting with gender and appearance from the start. We are all part male and part female. Most have a clear sense of what they are and want to stay that way. Others are genetically sort of in between. And some have a very clear feeling that they were born into the wrong body alltogether. We're made that way from nature. I would venture a guess that you lay in between from the start, but that upbringing and culture up to then had kept you firmly in your male role. Then because of your girlfriend at that time you started to experiment - and you discovered that you could do that, and that you felt equally comfortable as a girl than as a boy. As time went on, you were actually more and more convinced that you needed to change entirely into a girl. Hypnosis assisted you, it made your transformation easier for you, but it didn't bring it about.

Just my 2 cents. But I wish you good luck and happiness. I think your story is very fascinating!

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Eve » March 12th, 2010, 10:23 am

Hi Cardigan.

To be honest, I have never really thought that. The only thing is that I never had 'transgendered' feelings before the hypnosis, even when I was being asked to dress very femininely. I would have thought that even if there was a deep down desire to be female, somethig would have surfaced or felt good about it when I did dress femininely for my girlfriend, in the same way that putting on similar clothing now makes me feel sexy and raises my sexual desire slightly.

Also, I was never unhappy before the hypnosis. I never resented being male, and, to be honest, really enjoyed life and felt totally comfortable with my body the way it was. This goes against any story from any other transgendered person I have ever heard. Even when the hypnosis started, I didn't dislike my 'male self', I just preferred being a girl. I even cancelled a SRS date once and ended up having the surgery 5 months later as I was slightly doubtful that it was right for me - not because I was worried that I would regret it, as I knew I really wanted it, just because I didn't 'hate' having a penis. Generally they say if you don't 'need' to have SRS don't have it, so I didn't. Soon after, I realised that this didn't, for some strange reason, apply to me, so I rebooked, and it's the best descision I have ever made!

That said, I am not saying that you're in any way worng, as again, like I said, I haven't given it a great deal of thought!
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Postby VeryGnawty » March 12th, 2010, 3:03 pm

You do what you want to do. That's all that matters. Whether or not you wanted to be a girl before, is irrelevant.
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Re: My feminisation success.

Postby homerj1620 » March 15th, 2010, 3:46 pm

Eve wrote:Things carried on between me and my girlfriend for about another year, with me still listening to the files and spending more and more time as Eve. Then one day, when we were on holiday in Spain, I suddenly became certain that I wanted to always be Eve. I told my girlfriend there and then, and within a month we had split up. It turns out that she still wanted a boyfriend some of the time, but just liked me being girly some of the time too.

Just curious, has she seen the new you?

as I have decided to hang up the headphones and quit listening to all my files!

You really should try
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