Has anyone tried Curse Shorter?

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Has anyone tried Curse Shorter?

Postby Atsuyo » April 10th, 2010, 12:45 am

I just would like to know how well it worked for anyone that tried it, and how it felt to you?
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Joined: September 11th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby smaller2 » April 11th, 2010, 10:51 am

yes, I tried it - the sound file quality is not the best, couple of pops here and there but the binaural built into it is nice and it helps. Most of the file is getting you into trance, and its very relaxing. There is a very nice visual method for bringing the height of your body down.

After a couple of months of listening, when i was at the doctor I asked the nurse to check my height when I was waiting for the doc, and she did, shoes off - and compared to my last physical a couple years earlier (I am in my early 30s) I was 1 and a quarter inches taller back then ...

So yes, it works! Though it is over your whole body, it takes time.
What NOT to do - do NOT measure yourself every day or you may find yourself loosing patience with how slow it goes.

What TO do - just relax and listen and visualize, even take things from higher shelves and bring them to lower places, because you wont be able to reach that high. Tie your shoes and belt tight. Get a shirt and pants in the small size you aim to be and put them where you see them often, knowing you are shrinking down to fit into them.

In the 100 million million cells your body has, each cell has a life cycle, and you used to have fewer cells. Your body know how to work just fine with fewer cells. And within each cell there is that materieal in which the parts that do with work float around in. Your cells themselves can shrink, they can have less volume, the cellular wall can have less surface area.

As old cells are flushed out of your body all the time, mitosis, the process of cells reproducing themselves, is constantly happening to keep the number of cells even. Well your suconcious controls your DNA, the programming that makes your body work. And it can alter the code for how big each cell is, for how healthy a cell has to be before it is removed from the body. It can have fewer cells, shrinking you down, and it can have a higher standard for cell health, getting rid of all but your healthiest cells.

I also spend hours writing my own scripts, different variations, and hired a professional hypnotherapist to help edit and record another version of a script for shrinking.

i could go on but this is already a long post ...
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