Starting to get somewhere

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Starting to get somewhere

Postby Realm » May 16th, 2010, 6:24 am

I've been interested in hypnosis for a long time, but haven't invested much into it because I've always found it rather difficult to go into trance. I just finished listening to my daily set of files though, Cardigan's deep trance, an accelerator and Enchanted Keyboard, and I experienced something significantly deeper than usual. I was barely with it even before I'd gotten through the first couple of deepeners, then I barely remembered anything. Suddenly I was half-way through the third file as if no time had passed, and it wasn't until the count of 4 in the awakener that I was aware again. I hope this encourages people who feel they aren't going to get anywhere because they aren't very susceptible to hypnosis. I thought I was as far from achieving trance as anyone at first but practice really does do the trick.

Of course I only chose the files I listen to so that they all work together for a better trance in future. After the Enchanted Keyboard I always open up a notepad document and type out as many times as I can be botherered that I am very susceptible to being hypnotised, I fall into deep trances very easily etc. Now I'm not sure if by doing all of this I've improved my ability to go into trance, or I had the ability all along and let myself down with a negative mindset.

Still a long way to go before I achieve the results I'm ultimately looking for but at the moment I'm very happy with how quickly things seem to be progressing.
Posts: 91
Joined: March 12th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby angel123 » May 17th, 2010, 7:38 am

I am glad it is finally working for you Realm, and your post is a great encouragement to people who may feel they cannot trance :?

You have proved that patience is a virtue :wink:

[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Re: Starting to get somewhere

Postby Alien4420 » May 20th, 2010, 11:54 am

Realm wrote:I've been interested in hypnosis for a long time, but haven't invested much into it because I've always found it rather difficult to go into trance. I just finished listening to my daily set of files though, Cardigan's deep trance, an accelerator and Enchanted Keyboard, and I experienced something significantly deeper than usual. I was barely with it even before I'd gotten through the first couple of deepeners, then I barely remembered anything. Suddenly I was half-way through the third file as if no time had passed, and it wasn't until the count of 4 in the awakener that I was aware again. I hope this encourages people who feel they aren't going to get anywhere because they aren't very susceptible to hypnosis. I thought I was as far from achieving trance as anyone at first but practice really does do the trick.

Of course I only chose the files I listen to so that they all work together for a better trance in future. After the Enchanted Keyboard I always open up a notepad document and type out as many times as I can be botherered that I am very susceptible to being hypnotised, I fall into deep trances very easily etc. Now I'm not sure if by doing all of this I've improved my ability to go into trance, or I had the ability all along and let myself down with a negative mindset.

Still a long way to go before I achieve the results I'm ultimately looking for but at the moment I'm very happy with how quickly things seem to be progressing.

If you're worrying about something, whether it's what you have to do for work or whether you'll be able to get into trance, you won't be able to get into trance, because trance is a natural state you fall into only when the outside world doesn't require your attention. I think that can be seen if you think of yourself in a natural trance state, e.g., daydreaming or reading a book -- the moment something comes up, you leave the imaginary world of the daydream or the book and return to the real one.
Inductions seem to address this by focusing your mind on your own body and relaxing you. I'm guessing that your suggestion more directly addressed your own concern, namely, that you wouldn't be able to trance, and freed of that anxiety you were free to enter a trance state.

But whatever the reason, it's clearly working for you, so congrats! I've found along with many others that the more you do it, the easier it becomes to go into a trance, until you get to the point where sometimes you have to work to keep *out* of a trance, e.g., when you're reading the body of a file without the induction to see if the suggestions are what you want.
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Postby Realm » May 20th, 2010, 7:51 pm

That definitely rings true with my earlier attempts at getting into trance. In particular I would be constantly questioning whether or not I was under and if the suggestions were working. I suppose after you do it for a while you can't really sustain the anxiety and so you naturally learn to let go. I've also noticed that I can be staring at an optical illusion or read through an induction script I'll quickly start zoning out.
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Postby livelonger8 » May 22nd, 2010, 4:02 pm

Realm wrote:That definitely rings true with my earlier attempts at getting into trance. In particular I would be constantly questioning whether or not I was under and if the suggestions were working. I suppose after you do it for a while you can't really sustain the anxiety and so you naturally learn to let go. I've also noticed that I can be staring at an optical illusion or read through an induction script I'll quickly start zoning out.

I guess that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
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