Starting to get somewhere
Posted: May 16th, 2010, 6:24 am
I've been interested in hypnosis for a long time, but haven't invested much into it because I've always found it rather difficult to go into trance. I just finished listening to my daily set of files though, Cardigan's deep trance, an accelerator and Enchanted Keyboard, and I experienced something significantly deeper than usual. I was barely with it even before I'd gotten through the first couple of deepeners, then I barely remembered anything. Suddenly I was half-way through the third file as if no time had passed, and it wasn't until the count of 4 in the awakener that I was aware again. I hope this encourages people who feel they aren't going to get anywhere because they aren't very susceptible to hypnosis. I thought I was as far from achieving trance as anyone at first but practice really does do the trick.
Of course I only chose the files I listen to so that they all work together for a better trance in future. After the Enchanted Keyboard I always open up a notepad document and type out as many times as I can be botherered that I am very susceptible to being hypnotised, I fall into deep trances very easily etc. Now I'm not sure if by doing all of this I've improved my ability to go into trance, or I had the ability all along and let myself down with a negative mindset.
Still a long way to go before I achieve the results I'm ultimately looking for but at the moment I'm very happy with how quickly things seem to be progressing.
Of course I only chose the files I listen to so that they all work together for a better trance in future. After the Enchanted Keyboard I always open up a notepad document and type out as many times as I can be botherered that I am very susceptible to being hypnotised, I fall into deep trances very easily etc. Now I'm not sure if by doing all of this I've improved my ability to go into trance, or I had the ability all along and let myself down with a negative mindset.
Still a long way to go before I achieve the results I'm ultimately looking for but at the moment I'm very happy with how quickly things seem to be progressing.