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Email slave file still working

PostPosted: May 24th, 2010, 11:46 am
by mesmerized
I have not listened to the email slave file for over nine weeks now and I have not been triggered by it for over eleven weeks then three days ago out of the blue I was sent a new hypnofile and I still obeyed it even after all this time. But the hypnofile was not sent as an email it was sent as a pm on another site but it still worked.
Does this mean I am for ever more an email slave? What fun.

PostPosted: May 24th, 2010, 12:32 pm
by darkenedav
apparently so ;) and if its fun is that such a bad thing?

PostPosted: May 25th, 2010, 3:38 pm
by angel123
Ohhh now that is downright scary to me ...... 8O

Glad you are happy though :lol:

PostPosted: May 30th, 2010, 8:50 am
by BobbyS
I imagine it will have different durations for different people based on how often they listen to it, how often they trance and their own innate receptiveness to hypnosis.
If you're worried, you can always use the deprogram file.

PostPosted: May 30th, 2010, 10:36 am
by darkenedav
BobbyS wrote:If you're worried, you can always use the deprogram file.

True but I doubt that's likely :)

Re: Email slave file still working

PostPosted: September 7th, 2010, 3:05 pm
by mesmerized
mesmerized wrote:I have not listened to the email slave file for over nine weeks now and I have not been triggered by it for over eleven weeks then three days ago out of the blue I was sent a new hypnofile and I still obeyed it even after all this time. But the hypnofile was not sent as an email it was sent as a pm on another site but it still worked.
Does this mean I am for ever more an email slave? What fun.

I'm still having great sucess with the email slave file and still being triggered by it through pms and emails, although no one has triggered me for three weeks. I had to improve my saftey file just to keep up with the crazy ideas some people tried to get me to do.

I only listen to the file once a week now and its still working. The only thing I have noticed is that sometimes or maybe all the time I don't really know for sure, is that I can remember somethings I've been told to forget. So maybe that part of the file is some how not working as strong anymore. But I guess time will tell on that.

Re: Email slave file still working

PostPosted: September 7th, 2010, 10:52 pm
by Jeshi
mesmerized wrote: The only thing I have noticed is that sometimes or maybe all the time I don't really know for sure, is that I can remember somethings I've been told to forget. So maybe that part of the file is some how not working as strong anymore. But I guess time will tell on that.

Hypnotic amnesia can be flaky like that. I haven't listened to email slave but if the file only had 2 sentences on amnesia and the emails themselves don't spend much time on it, then really you haven't forgotten it at all. You're mostly just denying that you remember. Sometimes I'll remember the full content of a file that ended with "And you won't remember the content of this file" but if somebody asks me what's in the file I automatically just say "I don't remember a thing!" And if I don't keep listening to the file it wears off quickly and I find myself thinking "Oh yeah that file had such and such suggestionsNOITDIDN'TIDON'TREMEMBERTHECONTENT!!!" And after a week of that I'll remember it completely and might even forget that I wasn't supposed to remember.

Although there are a few files that spent a good amount of time of enforcing forgetting the content, and I still don't know what's in the file.