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The Dog (Masturbation loop) & Uncursed Doggy

PostPosted: January 16th, 2011, 11:49 am
by hydrogenocarbonate888
I am quite attracted by Masturbation Loop - The Dog and Uncursed Doggy , respectivly by ViVe and tenebrax.
But I do like to read some testimonials before listening to a file and nobody has left a comment, so I wondered if somene could write about it...
Thanks !!!

PostPosted: January 18th, 2011, 1:28 pm
by ViVe
Would also be interested in feedback, for obvious reasons especially in the first fileā€¦

PostPosted: January 30th, 2011, 8:31 am
by Bisantu
I can't offer much to say, although I tried ViVe's dog masturbation loop several times, and while it's incredibly hot to be bombarded with all those layers of artificial TTS voices filling my head with suggestions and dog-like thoughts, I really didn't feel any effects aside from being turned on by the content itself.