What are you doing to become a jock?

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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What are you doing to become a jock?

Postby slyfox » May 2nd, 2013, 9:45 pm

This applies to dudes who just want to be more masculine too. What are you doing to work towards your goal? What is the end result you want to achieve?

Obviously, hypnosis plays a big part in my jock transformation. I don't listen to files, but I have an awesome tist who has "encouraged" me towards my goal through hypnosis sessions, LOTS of suggestion, and general positive reinforcement.

My tist and I figured out that I now spend about 20% of my waking hours during the week doing or thinking about jock things, as opposed to literally ZERO percent before I started my hypnosis. Well, he did the math...I couldn't be bothered. All that time is spent watching sports on TV, lifting weights, and reading weightlifting and sports articles online. I also seem to look at more chicks in porn these days since part of my jockification is being more straight-leaning. Jocks like chicks, you know? I have even changed my career goal from a pretty nerdy one - I wanted to be a historian or anthropologist - to one that is more jocky - now I'm working towards a degree in physical therapy.

All this stuff is a result of my jock training but it also reinforces my jock attitude.
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Postby WatDo » May 3rd, 2013, 2:47 am

I like the masculinization aspect of the jock files, and since there's not many files to choose from... Well I had to resort to using Train Total Jock 4. I have 0% desire in sports, and the mere mention of them kind of ruins my trance time. Other jocky suggestions like getting jewelry, special clothes, or tattoos also ruin the trance's quality. Hoooowever, the musclebound files are perfect for my goal.

Gaining more musclemass ultimately leads to looking more manly and increases natural testosterone levels. My levels right now are actually on the higher end for an average male (as my sex-drive and body hair show). Though I kind of always wanted to be some super buff superman, so any way to make me more masculine and increase my sexual/masculine attributes would be a step in the right direction.

I tried to get a text-tist or something, but that didn't work out too well. I need to be half-asleep for hypnotic suggestions to really stick, which means eyes closed and all. So for now I am using musclebound, curse stroke pumped, bodybuilding machine script fed through a text-to-speech (slightly modified), subliminal gay jock workout loop, and occasionally train total jock 4. Sometimes I use the "erotic" files for release and relaxation. I believe that in order to reach our goal of becoming more masculine, we also need to tend to our urges more frequently; it'll build up sexual stamina in the long run.
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Postby outkast1728 » May 4th, 2013, 11:48 am

I encourage everyone to post their progress pics on the Pumped gallery
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Postby KIY » May 4th, 2013, 10:11 pm

I started not too long ago, so thus far not much more than fiddle with a hypnosis file list. Right now I have MuscleBeastCCPEdit, The Testosterone Remix, Increased Metabolism, Cardigan Male sex animal, Curse Constant Aching Need, and, uhm, Erotic Dreams in the mix. (The last is because I have as yet to find anything which affects my dreams-- hypnosis or supplement.) I also have one of Cardigan's inductions (I'm not sure which one, since I accidentally erased the name), Deepening, Alien Memory Training, and Cardigan Enhancement and Acceptance. That is probably too many to have in a list, but I haven't figured out which ones I want to drop yet. (Right now I am thinking I'll probably drop Alien Memory Training and maybe Erotic Dreams, since neither of them seems to be doing anything.)

I finally started the process of digging out my power rack and weights from underneath my clothes and other junk in my bedroom. I am not certain whether to credit the files and/or procrastinating looking for a job. There have been one or two other hints that the files may be (slowly) working.

I think I will pass on putting any pictures of me on here, since I am toying with the idea of trying entering the Body for Life contest (or some other similar contest.)
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Postby Dogboy » May 4th, 2013, 10:59 pm

I've tried numerous files to get my interest. While I haven't found the perfect one they got me into working out enough I do it all the time. I've made great progress so far.

My wife has been a great support in me getting bigger and acting dumber. She has been enjoying the change.
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Postby slyfox » May 4th, 2013, 11:44 pm

That's awesome dude. My girls loves how strong and muscular I've gotten already, though she doesn't really want me to get too freakishly big (I'm pretty sure she'll warm up to it once I'm there, haha). She definitely doesn't want me to get any dumber though.
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Postby Dogboy » May 5th, 2013, 1:04 am

I don't think she wants me too dumb, just cute dumb. She also helped me change my wardrobe to show off my body.
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Postby slyfox » May 5th, 2013, 10:09 am

If not pics, then descriptions. I'm still trying to figure out what jocks wear aside from gym clothes XD
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Postby Dogboy » May 6th, 2013, 5:54 am

Before I changed anything I wore baggy, wrinkled ill fitting clothes. Now all my clothes are tight and show off my body. Everyday clothes are now more fashionable, formal and form fitting. Casual/gym clothes are also form fitting almost always sleeveless.
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Postby slyfox » May 6th, 2013, 2:12 pm

Dogboy wrote:Before I changed anything I wore baggy, wrinkled ill fitting clothes. Now all my clothes are tight and show off my body. Everyday clothes are now more fashionable, formal and form fitting. Casual/gym clothes are also form fitting almost always sleeveless.

I'm in the same boat as you. When I started really putting on muscle and dropping fat, my clothing tastes changed. I used to wear dark colored baggy stuff but now I like regular fit jeans and tight polos and t-shirts, usually in colors that stand out (like right now at work I'm in khaki dress pants and a light blue polo).
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Postby rugbyjockca » May 6th, 2013, 2:34 pm

I've been working out for about a year and a half, now. I mark my calendar for every day I hit the gym and/or reach my fitness goals, and I've gotten so good at being consistent, that the longest I've gone without a scheduled break (during which maybe I don't lift but I still go swimming, or do light cardio or whatever) in the last 4 months is 4 days.

I'm struggling with diet. When I'm good, I'm really good, when I'm not, I'm terrible.

I quit drinking completely, so 19 months sober now, which was a big change. Beyond being a jock, I can't touch a drop. It might be biology, it might be psychology, but I can't moderate at all, so it's gone.

I gave up weed for 2013, because I was worried that I couldn't control that, either. It sucks, because my BEST trances have been when I've been stoned, but I had to do it, because it's too easy to skip the gym, to eat bad, to fall into bad habits when I'm high. I'll revisit the issue in 2014.

I wear jock straps for underwear pretty much exclusively. This started when I was heavy into Master Dragon's files (he's worth checking out, though he's changed format again, so I dunno whether I'll be back), but it just feels good and keeps me feeling jock-y all the time. I barely even think about it anymore, just that I like jockstraps better than other kinds of underwear.

I -might- play rugby again this year...I took a break to get a handle on my drinking, and also because bodybuilding and weekly injuries do not mix. I'm still trying to decide if I can live with working around injuries for a few months out of the year....I want to one day compete as a bodybuilder in some amateur competition, so........

I'm not doing much hypnosis right now. I'm a bit disillusioned (I cycle through my enthusiasm for hypnosis, sometimes it's the greatest, other times not so much). To be frank, most of the hypnotists I've worked with don't quite have what I need to be a muscle jock. Mostly they just want to watch someone with some muscles jerk off on cam for them, but aren't necessarily able to give enough in return, if that makes sense. I think it's more about finding the right fit for me, than about the quality of the tists, so I keep looking.
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Trance-enhancing marijuana?

Postby RockHard98007 » March 25th, 2015, 10:55 am


When you say your best trances were when you were stoned, do you mean they FELT the best, or that they were the most EFFECTIVE?

Like many intellectual types, I have problems giving up control, although I find I'm far TOO suggestible to the unwanted sorts of suggestions that surround me in normal life. The only trance-enhancing drug I've ever tried was alcohol, which didn't make much difference in the effect. It did feel good, though.

And since I live in the state of Washington, I could actually buy pot with quality-control--verified good stuff. So I'm tempted to try it, if you think it enhanced the effectiveness of the trance.
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Postby rugbyjockca » March 25th, 2015, 3:37 pm

Necrothread! :)

It depends on what you define as "effective". For longer-term behaviour changes, I prefer to be sober, but that means I have to spend a lot of time working with a particular file or hypnotist to develop a level of comfort before things start to happen.

With pot, I find I go deeper faster and am far more suggestible in the moment, more likely to experience euphoria, and maybe (?) amnesia, BUT longer-term suggestions tend not to stick as much.

I think a lot of it also depends on your background use of drugs: if you're a regular stoner, you're likely to find that weed doesn't affect your trance much either way, because you'll have developed a tolerance for it. Likewise, if you never smoked before, the effects could be unpredictable.

Right now, my lifestyle requires that I be sober for long stretches (since my last post in this thread I became a personal trainer...still working out after 3 and half years, never more than a week off at a time), and I'm not actively trancing or doing any behaviour modification, though my goals are still the same.
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Postby JackDrago » March 25th, 2015, 8:32 pm

I go super deep on weed, but I am trancing fine again now that I have sobered up.
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Postby RockHard98007 » March 26th, 2015, 12:45 am

It's alive! The thread is alive!

I'm impressed that I got two replies the same day I posted.

Since it's so easy to get good weed here, I think I'll try it when a good opportunity arises. I'll look for a good test file; perhaps even doing a cut-and-paste thing and record one for myself, to make sure I don't get pushed out of trance by something that strikes me as too weird.

I've done very little in the way of drugs. A little medical pot a couple of years ago, to help with sleep, but I definitely don't have any tolerance for it. I think I'll ask for the more psychedelic strains, rather than the high-CDB sleep inducing strains like I was using before.

I've also heard tales that psychedelic mushrooms might be a help for trancing, but those are, of course, much harder to obtain. Especially for a white-bread, best-little-boy-in-the-world guy like me, who honestly can't think of any friends who would be worth asking where to get them.

Thanks for your advice, rugbyjockca and JackDrago.
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