devin2890 wrote:I rest for about 10-15 maybe 20 seconds before I do more and my exercise day are when I go to work and my days off are when I do work. Though I may walk or run and do a tiny bit of ab workout on my days off but nothing too heavy.
Um the free weights lifting is that where you just use the dumb bells or kettle bell and use them to exercise like lungs etc? if that what it is I do some that but just what I know/remember from high school. I do eat Special K protein bar which is my bedtime snack I just eat one a night, I just can't eat cottage cheese can't stand what it looks like smell etc. I use my scale to see my gain/lost instead of calories counting. I do eat fruits and good fat maybe not as much as I should but I'm trying to eat better. I have read that I'm suppose to eat like 5-6 meals a day but I can't seem to eat that many. I need to to eat three but I can't seem to do it but my meals are high in what I need. After I did a low calories diet and lose a good amount of weight I just can't eat more then two main meals and 2 snack ( breaktime at work and bedtime snack ). What other good fat are there ? My family makes it hard to stay with my diet/progress but I'm making it I even got my mother working out as well maybe not as much as me. My active life is about mid-high. I sleep until 10-11ish am and until I go to work I'm moving not as much I walk up and down the stairs about 10-20 times and walk around the house just to move after sitting for 30-45min but as soon as I get to work I'm moving nonstop then i workout right after and I read though not sure how much it true staying up burns about 6?? Calories. Any thing else?
You asked about do bulking up in weights and of course strenght. As I see you are doing some kind of "fitness, fat loosing exercise" now.
In my opinion 10-20 seconds resting time is very few if you are looking for up your mass. Build muscles needs go really heavy and intense in training, so muscles need time to recover/recharge to be able to do the next heavy set, without tire fast and refuse to push the weight. In my opinion there is no way to do a heavy workout effectively just with <1 minute resting time.
Go heavy, you must learn to push the weight with strain!! Select a weight with you can do just 8-10 repeats and train with them for a bigger muscle group (chest, back, legs) and do more repeats 10-14 for other muscles. For abs go more! It is not a problem if you can't press the same repeats for second time, for example for first 10, second 8, third 6.
Try rest between 1-2 minutes between sets for bigger muscle groups, and 1 minute for others. Between exercises you can rest a bit longer if you feel you need. Do at least 3-4 exercises to a muscle group.
There are many ways and systems to do the workouts, it is just a good base and you should experiments a lot in the future what works for you the best. Also sometimes it is great to try new type of exercise to give challenges to your muscles.
Can you tell us more about your current exercises and sets? Just for an example, "chest: 4 exercises, 4 sets, 8-10 reps; bench press, incline dumbell press, dumbel fly, dumbell press 45 degree".
There is a simple way you can use to find your body is ready to do the next set: when you do a heavy set, your pulse rate increases a lot, and you gasping for air. So if it just subsides (for me 1-2 minutes) you can do the next set.
I understand you can't eat cottage cheese, I have the same issue also, so I drink it in mixture with water without try to feel anything. Protein bars are ok, flood your body with proteins, nutrients to let your muscles rebuild from them while you sleep.
Don't worry you can't eat 6 meals a day and just 4. I'm sure later your eating habit will change a lot, just give time to yourself and not stuffing yourself too much (just a bit while monitoring your changes). I'm sure your stomach is now contracted because of the food quantity withdrawal for long time.
Yeah, a hour long heavy workout burn calories like 600 or even more, but it havily depends on the intensity and used weights for the workout, also of the muscle group you train.
For good fats I prefer extra virgine olive oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, poppy oil and fish oil. I use my own mixture from these and I just drink it. Also seeds contains good fats: almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, nuts, walnut.
You can buy a glass of extra virgine olive oil in the supermarket, or in any food store. If you can't drink a spoon from it, just use it on some salad or on your vegetables.