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Hello, I'm looking for a nice fellow to turn me into a jock!

PostPosted: November 10th, 2013, 2:38 am
by yourboypancho
hi guys!

I'll sum up my story. i'm shy, quiet, and very beta, and I was looking to turn into a jock to get rid of all my insecurities and hopefully become more confident.

I don't know about becoming dumber but I am certain I'd like to be cocky and more into sports, another quality of mine that stems from a heavily bookish and introverted childhood. I have reasons to believe my father wants me to be into sports but I never had interest in them.

so overall I'd very much like to be a jock, yes.

I have a Google account and Skype. webcams and photos I'm quite unsure of at this point still for security purposes, please understand. After a few sessions maybe I'll warm up to you. I'm not very susceptible as far as the files I've tried. I have a strong will, and am looking for the right tist to break me! Pull all the stops! Just ensure my absolute jock conversion!

(Mind you though I'm on no fap. I'm holding in my masturbation because I have indeed found out that it has many benefits and I"m liking this surge of confidence for now so I beg of this tist please don't get me to cum. I believe this stored testosterone in my system can be of great help in my quest to jockdom)

Again I can be very hard to put under someone's control. My thoughts tend to wander off, and my superego gets in the way. The friend who becomes my tist please do whatever you can to put my in your control. I'm willing to, but I do believe I'm not completely willing, that's why I haven't been successful. So please find ways to make me trust and accept your suggestions.

Oh oh quick info: I'm a junior English major from the Philippines, fear not I am using the things I learn from this to learn how to rap. Maybe I could get better one day but I'm still very shy about performing, something I could fix upon reaching the jock lifestate.

I'm looking to become like Lil' Wayne or one of those rappers, or rather to accept that. I find their music terrible at the moment but you know when I become a jock I hope to disregard these and really screw up my taste! Why? I want to know! I want to find out what it's like! And by then I probably wouldn't mind anymore.[/b]

PostPosted: November 14th, 2013, 6:34 pm
by WatDo
I've also been looking for a person, but I have had very little success. Either our goals weren't the same or they were way out there. Or they wanted me on webcam so they can get off on me being hypnotized. So yeah. . . I hope you have an easier time than I have.

I was also very hard to put under because I have anxiety, so my brain is pretty much designed to wander. I find that mentally saying INHALE while breathing in and EXHALE while breathing out can keep me on track. Sometimes I just repeat the words that are being said to me in my head too, maybe changing the wording to make it like I'm responding.

He says: You want to lift weights.
I think: I want to lift weights.

You get the idea.

You just need to relax and practice on how to relax. It's kind of a learned skill to be relaxed and perfectly still. You need to also find which position is best for you. Some people can only be relaxed if they're slumped on a chair, while others need to lay down.

PostPosted: December 4th, 2013, 4:00 pm
by hypnodazed
Web cam helps the hypnotist because they can see how the person is responding. So please don't rule out hypnotists because they prefer to use a web cam. Get to know the hypnotist first, before doing any hypnosis. You'll have a much better experience with a hypnotist you know you can trust.

PostPosted: December 4th, 2013, 7:19 pm
by WatDo
hypnodazed wrote:Web cam helps the hypnotist because they can see how the person is responding. So please don't rule out hypnotists because they prefer to use a web cam. Get to know the hypnotist first, before doing any hypnosis. You'll have a much better experience with a hypnotist you know you can trust.

I know that, however one who totally drops you after a conversation for well over an hour just because of that (despite knowing that from the start) sure says a lot.

PostPosted: January 6th, 2014, 11:14 pm
by Jamesdaforest
Yea, I've been looking for pretty much the same thing, but I'm already into quite a lot of sports. I was kinda looking for confidence and eating healthier and gaining muscle and that kinda jock attuide. I think the dumbing down could only happen when working out instead of it happening permantly. Sorry to randomly join into this forum but if anyone is interested my Skype is jamesda.forest12 I can cam and whatever and we can talk some more. Cheers