Jocks and getting older

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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Jocks and getting older

Postby rugbyjockca » August 30th, 2015, 10:07 am

Kind of a serious sort of discussion, but since I'm now in my late-30s it's something I think about from time to time. I've known guys interested in being jocked who are all ages, right up to their 60s and older, and I'm a firm believer that it is never too late to get into a gym or discover a sport that you love.

That said, the popular image of a jock is of a younger guy, teenaged-to-maybe-30s. I'm lucky in that there are lots of role models in strength training, and even in rugby, of guys in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who are real jocks even if they aren't necessarily competing in their sport....Muscle bears and muscle daddies are great images for me given my goals as I age: I know I have time to get big enough to consider myself "big", because there are men who've done it.

But, no matter how talented or genetically gifted, everybody slows down a bit. The image of an old man wearing a tank and a backwards baseball cap and acting like a teenager is used for comic effect more often than not. And while a college-aged dumb jock is hot, who wants to be a middle-aged man who can't do math?

Most of the older-jock templates I see in popular culture are more of the ex-jock type, and some of those images strike me as a little bit sad: guys whose glory days are long gone, who sit on their couches watching younger guys live those moments that they can no longer enjoy.

I'm curious if anyone else thinks about how they will live as an older man who is a jock. When you reach your jocking goal, how do you imagine your life as you get into your 40s and beyond? What do senior citizen jocks do for fun?

For our guys who are on this journey later in life, how do you see your own finished product? What do the older jocks look like? What are your fears and challenges, but also, what are the pleasures to be found in the jock's later years?
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Re: Jocks and getting older

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 30th, 2015, 1:31 pm

rugbyjockca wrote:...I'm curious if anyone else thinks about how they will live as an older man who is a jock. When you reach your jocking goal, how do you imagine your life as you get into your 40s and beyond? What do senior citizen jocks do for fun?

For our guys who are on this journey later in life, how do you see your own finished product? What do the older jocks look like? What are your fears and challenges, but also, what are the pleasures to be found in the jock's later years?

Thanks for the thoughtful questions you asked, rugbyjockca. In the responses below, I hope you'll foresee your own future.
    I'm qualified to answer as an older jock because I'm in my late-50s, I'm retired, and, if you were visiting you'd find me at the gym 5 times a week, on average.

    More than that, I'm hella proud to be a hypnotist who LIVES the lifestyle.
Among the things that give me pleasure:
    - Encouraging gym first-timers and newbies; making them feel successful.
    - Being asked by gym employees to demonstrate technique.
    - I take vicious pleasure during HIIT... out-gunning folks in their 20s & 30s.
    - Back at home, I enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing healthy food. As an outcome from that I also feel pride in sharing good food with friends.
What do I look like?
    - I'm leaner than I was in my late-30's. That's when I was seriously bodybuilding.
    - A woman I respect told me: "I don't know how old you are... but you have buns of steel". As a gay man, I didn't know whether to slap her or buy her flowers.
Among the challenges:
    - Ankles and knees feel fatigued sooner - and it annoys the hell outta me.
    - Keeping my mouth shut in the weight room when I see someone wasting time.
What do I do for fun?
    I'm living my dream!

    - Get up early
    - Have a bite to eat
    - Walk to the gym and get my workout
    - Walk home and clean up
    - Take a nap

    I also get the fun of guiding bodybuilder trance - and doing that keeps my mind focused on living well.

Thanks again for the thoughtful questions. I genuinely hope this gives foresight.
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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Postby greatsmilesd » September 4th, 2015, 2:40 pm


MN_FriendlyGuy has provided a great response. As an older guy (63 fast approaching 64) who has not been nearly as consistent in my lifting and diet as MN_FriendlyGuy, I would just add that it is easier to STAY in shape, maintain healthy eating habits than it is to get BACK into shape if you don't.

I am still able to lift and feel good about my progress, but leaning down is a real problem.

So stay dedicated, it is really worth it!
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Postby slyfox » September 5th, 2015, 10:37 am

I began my descent into jockness when I was around 29-30 (can't remember) and I'm 34 now. I've always thought of myself more as a "polo" jock than a backwards cap jock; I'd rather be the intelligent, successful muscular guy who's really into sports than the dumb college dropout. Not to say that the dumb jock ideal isn't hot; it's a really great fantasy, but not something I'd aspire towards. If anything, a happy medium between the two would be best; very intelligent and knowledgeable when it comes to jock-related things (sports, nutrition, training, even some science), but kinda dumb when it comes to more irrelevant things because they are irrelevant. To the point where people can think, "wow, that guy is really smart for a jock!"

That's what I'm working towards. Being a smart jock gives me endless pleasure, and it also ensures I can be successful and relevant as I get older.

To be honest, my biggest fear at this point is mediocrity. I don't want to be average in anything; I want to be the best, or at least one of the best. For a big portion of my life I've felt inadequate; in 30 years, I've never really accomplished anything significant and that weighs heavily on me. This journey I've taken, to become this new person, is my answer to that. Deep down, I feel that I can overcome inadequacy by becoming a beast of a man, by being strong as fuck and by pursuing my passions. And even if I fail (which I doubt I will. I'm fucking made for this shit!) I'll at least be content in the knowledge that I fucking tried and I tried hard to be awesome. I want to be that 80-year-old dude who still hits the gym, still lives his passion and continues to learn. Because fuck old age![/i]
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Postby greatsmilesd » September 8th, 2015, 10:25 am

Skyfox, GREAT attitude! Hold on to that.
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Postby HypnoBodybuilder » November 5th, 2015, 7:20 pm

I'll turn 41 in next week, and I can honestly say I'm having the time of my life, and, if anything, I'm more and more jock as the years go by. I didn't start lifting unti I was 31. Although I've never competed of stage, I will. My 27 year old pro-card holding trainer marvels at what I do. I work put at a college gym, so I lift with young frat guys and jocks all the time - and they accept me. Hell, I've even had to show them my ID to prove my age - despite my subtle wrinkles and graying goatee. They tell me all the time they hope they look as good as do now - in their 20 year old skins. Lots of things have happened and still do. How far can I keep going? No idea, but I intend to enjoy the fun of it. Do I want more? You bet.

And yes, I have an 86 year old Veteran who lifts 4x a week at my gym. I swear I'll be him.
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