by Blink » April 3rd, 2006, 2:27 pm
You should know that relaxation is neither part of nor required for hypnosis. Most folks cross easily from one to the other, so it's a common theme, and it's so comfortable and easy that most people find it enjoyable. Sometimes it can be fun to start a guided imagery session with an instruction to "Tense up!" Maybe I'm just weird that way.
Since you're already physically relaxing with little effort, I'll chime in on the mind side.
If you've noticed that your internal dialogue (AKA internal monlogue, which is parts of your mind following and commenting on different transient thoughts; experienced as conversation inside your mind) is getting in the way, there are a few things you can do. First, I'd suggest to you that you need to pay very close attention to the stream of words. As you pay more and more attention, you might notice that they are coming in full sentences much of the time. It's OK for you to notice where the sentences end and to think the word Relax between them.
Try this for a minute or two and notice how different you feel. If you don't yet notice a change, try for another couple of minutes and check again. There is no time limit on this step, keep banging at it, no matter how monotonous, until you've got clear progress.
With that done, you're ready to move on. Because of the base you put down in the previous step, the next step will be much easier. It's just a variation on the same theme. Now you can adjust the pitch of the voice you hear downward. Bring it down to a relaxing baritone, deeper if it feels better to you. Only when you've got the voice pitched right into the sweet spot should you move on. Relax.
Now slow the speed with which the words come. Insert... longer... pauses... between... them... each... time.... Relax.
Nooowww... sslllooowww... theeee... wworrrrdssss.... Reelaax.
Doo... theee... saaame... wiithh... yooourr... eyeeesss.... Reelaax.
-- blink
... slowly.
(And I have a Plan B.)