A question about Trance.

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A question about Trance.

Postby Axis » April 17th, 2006, 11:50 pm

I was wondering about the Trance state of mind.

Is it completely unconscious, as if you are effectively asleep? Or are you conscious and can hear things but are very focused on the voice?

Also, I was wondering if listening to the files while in waking life does anything.

For example, while I’m playing games or running. I might not be listening to the voice directly but it’s still there. Does this help?
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Postby whatthe75 » April 18th, 2006, 12:40 am

No your not sleeping as such, but more in a state where your subconcious is accessed.

You have total control when tranced and can hear anything going on around you.Most of the time.Sometimes i have gone too deep and just dreamt whilst the file played and woke up when the file told me too.But 90% of the time i can hear everything going on around me. Sometimes my concious mind wonders and stops listening but i still go under and wake when i am supposed to ,even though my mind is on other things and i can hear the voice in the background.

Basically to answer your question is like answering how long is a piece of string. It Depends on your mood , how tired you are and then each person trances a little differently to others.

If your not sure get a friend to watch you as you listen.The best way to see if someone is under is to watch their eyes and face.There are a few tell tall signs.
A facial flush, total immobility and relaxation, rapid eye movement, eyelid flicker, enhanced salivation (causing frequent swallowing), slowed respiration, drooping lower jaw.


has lots of good questions and answers.

You should try the subliminal files.They let you carry on with your normal day and subliminally make suggestions and you dont need to be tranced.BUT there are many arguments on if they work or not.

hope this halped a little
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Postby Axis » April 18th, 2006, 1:30 am

Thanks a lot whatthe75.
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Postby calvinator81 » April 19th, 2006, 8:09 am

hi... i am also a newbie to hpynosis but i am very eager to know more coz it sounds very interesting.

from the explanation that you(whatthe75) gave, basically the subject who is going under hypnosis knows what is going on during the hypnosis process. even though if the subject use, lets say if the subject was intended to listen to an relaxation file but accidentlally ends up listening to the trigslave file. since the subject is concious in someway so the person will know the contents of the file while listning? will the person just rejects it coz its not the intended file and wake up immediately or just continue listening to it until it ends?

is it possible to use an induction file but stop in the middle just to bring the subject under trance. will i be able to continue the hypnosis session from there? how big a chance will the person goes under a trance listening to those induction files?
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Postby goldragon_70 » April 19th, 2006, 8:00 pm

calvinator81 wrote:hi... i am also a newbie to hpynosis but i am very eager to know more coz it sounds very interesting.

from the explanation that you(whatthe75) gave, basically the subject who is going under hypnosis knows what is going on during the hypnosis process. even though if the subject use, lets say if the subject was intended to listen to an relaxation file but accidentlally ends up listening to the trigslave file. since the subject is concious in someway so the person will know the contents of the file while listning? will the person just rejects it coz its not the intended file and wake up immediately or just continue listening to it until it ends?

is it possible to use an induction file but stop in the middle just to bring the subject under trance. will i be able to continue the hypnosis session from there? how big a chance will the person goes under a trance listening to those induction files?

If it's another file then you wanted to listen too, then you will know,a nd if you don't want to hear it, you will be able to change it. Yes, you can contentue a session from the middle of the induction, but the change from one voice from another might jar some out of trance.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby whatthe75 » April 20th, 2006, 2:25 am

If you were listening to a relaxtion file and accidentally listened to the trigslave file without knowing then it depends on your mind on what would happen.If you liked the idea you would most probably continue listening but if it was something you didnt want to do ( trig slave for example ) then you would most problably wake up.Less likely though is you would listen to the file as normal but the file would just not work as your mind would reject it.It cant really make you do something you dont want to.

BUT what your concious mind wants to do could be different to what your sub concious mind would accept. You might have deep down desires to do somthing but you dont,cant or wont admit it. A good example is someone that has secret gay thoughts.So if they listened to a file without them knowing that contained gay themes,then they would most probably accept the file.

I hope that makes some kind of sense.
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Postby calvinator81 » April 22nd, 2006, 3:40 am

thankx so much.. think i am begning to understand....
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