Just a thought about entering trance

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Just a thought about entering trance

Postby Crackrat » June 5th, 2006, 3:09 am

I was reading somewhere about the "7 plus or minus 2" method of induction, where the subcincious is accessed by overloading the concious though process, and then I started thinking about video games. I often lose myself fairly completely in a game while I'm playing. Does anyone think it would possible to reach the subcioncious mind with a file playing quietly in my ears, loud enough to be processed, but not enough to be a distraction?
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Postby Jacara » June 5th, 2006, 8:23 am

Someone posted almost the same idea a few weeks ago [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1635](click here to see it)[/url], except he wanted to listen at work in a sorta subliminal way like you're talking about (loud enough to hear it, but not enough to consciously pay attention to it rather than what you're doing).

I think it makes sense, but it didn't work for him.
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Postby CuriousG » June 5th, 2006, 3:39 pm

For fairly automatic tasks, it might work. For thing that require a lot of analytical thought, you'll either be distracted or you'll tune it out 100%.

So, depends on what sort of videogame you're playing.

Nonetheless, for the most part, it's more effective to just trance regularly.
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Postby jun » June 27th, 2006, 2:44 pm

Simple, relfex-type games might be good. I used to zone out and go into a form of trance playing through Phantasy Star Online when looking for rare items. The places I went through were too easy for my character but to get to the rare mob you had to cut through a board and a half of junk...

During that time things went into autopilot and I would lose time not really realizing how long I had been plodding through.

I doubt it would work with that game in particular but I think there are other games that could work.

Geometry Wars on the Xbox 360 is one I think might be worth looking into if you have a 360.

A) To be really good you have to be in a zone or trance of sorts and the game almost trains you to do that.

B) You have access to mp3 files either directly from the 360 harddrive (burn it to disc, copy it onto the drive) or over a network off your computer.

C) Bright, psychedelic lights, conscious-less gameplay.

I don't know if it WOULD work, but I'll personally give it a try some time when I get a chance.
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Postby aeroue » June 27th, 2006, 5:17 pm

I think it could work.

Playing Timesplitters the other day, first person shooter if you are unaware, and after a couple hours playing I was in the zone for lack of a better term. Not only did I kick arse but I don't know how I did so well, and I felt my mind go all weird. But it probably depends on the game, the person, the file and how you feel at the time.
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Postby GuySmiley » June 28th, 2006, 1:48 am

This just got me thinking about something that happened a few months back. I was playing Soul Calibur 2 with some friends of mine, and I was getting regularly beaten down. At one point, I don't know why, but I stopped paying full attention to the screen. I was vaguely aware of it in my peripheral vision, but I wasn't really watching that closely, letting my mind wander a bit.

I got three perfects in a row.

I've never tried it again, but I always wondered about that, if it was just a coincidence, or my subconcious playing, or what.

Probably not relevant, but I felt it was worth mentioning.
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Postby abunidal » June 28th, 2006, 1:28 pm

I think what you are describing is "the flow" - [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_%28psychology%29[/url]

Totally concentrating on one activity, not really thinking about what one is doing, and not really noticing anything around. Somewhat similar to hypnosis.
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