Am I actually going into trance?

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Am I actually going into trance?

Postby JHoffman » August 2nd, 2006, 8:16 pm

I've been confused whether or not i'm actually going into trance or not when i'm listening to the files. Right now I'm listening to VisualizeHelp-TrigWerewolf, yet I don't seem to get any results.

Maybe the induction might not be working for me. I jus started with the files about a month and a half ago (And some of you may think that going for trigwerewolf is a bit too advanced for me because of the visual hallucinations that need to occur).

So anyway, I don't know if i'm trancing or not. I need to ask a few questions.

1. Do my eyes need to be closed before going into trance?

2. I feel heavy and don't bother to move my arms like EMG says in the induction, but I don't know if I'm getting "Deeper". What feelings describe Deeper?

3. Should I try to refrain from moving at all during the files?

Also, i'll describe my trance, well, whatever I think it might be. The induction comes, and as I lay down my body feels heavy but I don't feel like i'm drifting off. As soon as he gets down to asking me to start going deeper, I never get past that point.

I only feel some numbness and can't move, and that's just about it.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Jacara » August 2nd, 2006, 8:48 pm

Seems to be a good starter trance to me.

Your eyes don't need to be closed. The usual example of trances in everyday life is when you "zone out" while driving, and can't really remember part of the drive. That's a trance with eyes open.
The thing is, you want to focus as much as possible on one thing (whether EMG's voice or your breathing or a spiral or whatever) and not get distracted. Most people would find keeping their eyes open to invite too many distractions, but if you're staring at a spiral then that might help instead.

I'd just keep practicing, and maybe try for a simpler file to start with so you don't get discouraged.
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Postby JHoffman » August 2nd, 2006, 9:08 pm

I'll keep all of that in mind, thanks. I was thinking of trying out BetterGuitar, StopProcasinating or SuperHumanMind, as they seem simpler in trance-training aspects.

But I really want to get into transformations as soon as possible. Is there any fileset that you could recommend for training my mind to achieve better, if any results on the transformation files?
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Postby Undisclosed » August 3rd, 2006, 2:41 am

What's weird for me, is that I'll drift off into a trace, all heavy and relaxed, then like a lightswitch I instantly become extremely aware. I know I'm still in a trance though, because all the suggestions are very effective. Still, it's like being super-awake yet relaxed, and not like sleep at all.
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » August 7th, 2006, 1:54 am

Kind of hard to explain, isn't it?

Once you get into deeper trances, let me assure you, there will be no snapping out of it at random times (unless, of course, that's what you want). Let's face it, it's fun. I have such a good time messing with my mind.

And the best part is that unless you want it to be, there's no permanence. So you can do a bunch of wacko stuff with your mind and eventually return to... um... whatever you consider normal. (Me, I was never "normal". ;))
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Postby Jacara » August 7th, 2006, 6:46 pm

But that's tricky... if you change yourself, you wouldn't want to change back, so the changes are "permanent" in that way ;)
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Postby Undisclosed » August 7th, 2006, 8:04 pm

Jacara wrote:But that's tricky... if you change yourself, you wouldn't want to change back, so the changes are "permanent" in that way ;)

Only if you think that's what's going to happen.
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » August 7th, 2006, 11:41 pm

Jacara wrote:But that's tricky... if you change yourself, you wouldn't want to change back, so the changes are "permanent" in that way ;)

Nah, sometimes I'll think to myself: "I wonder what it would be like to...", hastily write a Virtual Hypnotist script, enjoy the experience, and then never listen to it again if I don't want to. It's all part of the mind game. That's the benefit of having an extreme hypnosis fetish: You can try almost everything once and enjoy it, no strings attatched. :)

Now, the ones I'm interested in; those are the ones I enslave myself to listen to. Not that I need to, but it's all part of my sick fetish(es) regarding hypnosis. ;)
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Postby JHoffman » August 8th, 2006, 1:54 am

I'm just concerned because there doesn't seem to be any easy hallucination files to start off with so I can jump into transformations quickly (At least that's what I think).

Maybe my results would be magnified if they made Accelerator free, but I doubt that's ever going to happen. ._.
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Postby AshTR » August 10th, 2006, 2:38 am

Yeah, I know what ya mean. I don't have any extra money for a membership so i'm almost in the same spot.
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Postby LDark » August 10th, 2006, 2:42 am

Write scripts. That's how I'm a Premium Member.
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Postby Rererere » August 21st, 2006, 12:24 am

i have never actually been hypnotized, i have tried it numerous times, but it never seems to word, like i never go into a trance, idk why, i just dont, any suggestions?
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Postby darkvulpine » August 28th, 2006, 4:26 pm

I'm still a bit new, but so far out of all the trances I've tried, the werewolf one was the only one I guess went either into trance or fell asleep on.

When I woke up it was the begining of the file, so I'm assuming it was a real trance for me. Though I tried the trigger phrase, and nothing happened, so I skiped ahead in the file to the change part, and sat down and listined, and I felt the changes as he described it. My lights were out, so I wasn't seeing much, but most of the things described I felt, but not the tail, or the fur. I looked at myself as best I could, and I didn't see any change really, but I felt like a werewolf, I was standing on my toes, and my face snarled and I could hear myself growling a bit. It was pretty cool, one of the few that actually worked, well half worked.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » September 27th, 2006, 2:21 pm

A few days ago I listened to one of my hypnosis files in the car, while I was with other people. (They thought I was just listenin' to my ipod and sleeping) However, after the file was over they pointed out that I was "sleeping with my eyes open". They said my eyes were half open; that they had rolled back so they could only see whites, and that they were flickering rapidly.

However, I've only had very limited success with the files I've been using. I want to download the visualizer help file, but my downloads still don't work.
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Postby porcelain » October 8th, 2006, 7:37 pm

she's found that the more you try to "help" hypnosis work, the more you wind up blocking its effects. You just have to lie back and let it do whatever. Don't focus on making your body feel anything, just let it go its own way while you relax. It takes a long time to actually know how to clear your mind, but if you just treat any thoughts that float around as inconsequential, it'll help a lot.
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