Newbie with lots of questions!

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Newbie with lots of questions!

Postby bbwanab » September 25th, 2006, 6:01 pm

Hello all,

I am new to this site and have lots of questions that I hope some others may help.

Firstly let me say that I truly believe Hypnosis works. I was skeptical up until about 15 years ago when a previous girlfriend was hypnotized at an X-rated hypnotist show. Since then I have been very interested in hypnosis and have tried several other self hypnosis with what I would consider no success.

So my questions:
1) I have read many of the threads with regards to how can you tell if you are in a trance. I realize that it is different for everyone. Many times I do believe that I am in trance however I have the following doubts:
a. I can still hear sounds around me even if the script says something like you can only hear my voice.
b. I live with a wife and kids and I can hear them in the background
c. I get an itch that won't go away unless scratched.
d. I still remember everything even if the script says you won't remember.

Are all these things normal?

2) I have read in several threads that you may need to listen to a file multiple times.
a. How many times is "multiple"?
b. Should you listen multiple times per day listening multiple times in a row, once per day, every other day, once a week???
c. Do you need to listen more for behavoiral changes versus sensory perception versus visual perception?
d. How many times should you listen before you give up that the file won't work with you?

There are a couple that I am very interested in. One is behavoiral and one is transformation. I am willing to listen however many times I may need to in order to experience these but do not want to keep listening if in vain given limited time.

3) For files which indicate they can be self triggered. Does this mean both to start and to stop? Do you need to say the trigger out load or just think the trigger? If the trigger is ".....for you", do you replace "you" with "me"?

4) Are there any special methods which should be used during the script to help the suggestions take hold. Does visualizing what is being said hurt or help assuming you are supposed to be hearing the suggestions (consciously or not). I have listened to one file and although if I think about the effects it is supposed to have, I feel something, but there is no visual or physical perception change.

5) Is it worth it to see a Hypnotist live for something innocuous(sp) like quitting smoking to understand how it feels to be "under"?

6) Last one....if I wanted a custom script that would be for both me and my wife, are there "private" services that would do something for us?

Sorry so long, but have been really curious and needed to get my thoughts out there to see if I could get some answers to my questions.

Really appreciate any advice or assistance that can be offered.

Thanks so much!
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Re: Newbie with lots of questions!

Postby willingsub » September 26th, 2006, 12:58 am

bbwanab wrote:
1) I have read many of the threads with regards to how can you tell if you are in a trance. I realize that it is different for everyone. Many times I do believe that I am in trance however I have the following doubts:
Are all these things normal?

Yes they are. In time you may come to realy not hear anything or go numb. But for most people, especially at first, that won't be the case, and that doesn't mean you're not in trance. Instead of expecting to go deaf, try disregarding sounds and sensations. They are there, you notice them, but you don't have to do anything about them or even have an opinion about them. This is easiest to achieve with sounds, a little harder with something like an itch, but it can be done. Don't try to actively ignore the itch, that will just focus your attention on it, but instead just notie it as something inconsequential, like when you notice a cloud.

2) I have read in several threads that you may need to listen to a file multiple times.

I'd start by listening to any given file at least once a day for a week or two. I think the way in which files work (or don't work) are different for everyone. For me, behavioral changes and changes in the way I think are relatively easy, while I haven't had altered visual perception even once. If after two weeks you don't notice any effect, I'd say the file doesn't work. Note that thinking a lot about the change promoted by the file, consciously promoting these changes, and feeling driven to come back to a certain file a lot are all effects, signs a file is doing something.

3) For files which indicate they can be self triggered. Does this mean both to start and to stop? Do you need to say the trigger out load or just think the trigger? If the trigger is ".....for you", do you replace "you" with "me"?

I never tried a self triggerable file before, can't help you there.

4) Are there any special methods which should be used during the script to help the suggestions take hold. Does visualizing what is being said hurt or help assuming you are supposed to be hearing the suggestions (consciously or not).

Visualising never hurt me. It helps you keep focused on the file, and it programs your mind for the changes the file is suggesting.

I have listened to one file and although if I think about the effects it is supposed to have, I feel something, but there is no visual or physical perception change.

I'd say it is starting to work. Remember that for most people hypnotic hallucinations are difficult to achieve, and physical changes even harder (some say impossible, I think certain changes are possible but hard to achieve). You may want to start with the behavioral file you mentioned. For most people a behavioral change is easier to achieve, and the success will boost your confidence in hypnosis, making it easier to get a transformation file to work.

5) Is it worth it to see a Hypnotist live for something innocuous(sp) like quitting smoking to understand how it feels to be "under"?

It can't hurt, but I've never been to a live 'tist myself.

6) Last one....if I wanted a custom script that would be for both me and my wife, are there "private" services that would do something for us?

If you click on the button 'services' on this site, you will see EMG does custom files. If you like his files, I suggest you get in touch with him.
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Postby Jack » September 26th, 2006, 5:00 am

No file on this website will be enough to work for every person on this website without everyone being trained, being flexible enough to go into trance using one of them, or the file happens to have an induction that is general enough that it can mesh with the way in which it is that you go into trance.

You might wish to alter the files(or download only the bodies), and make an effort at using some of the different inductions that are provided here to see if they work better for you.

When I read your post, I could tell that you are already getting some effect from what you're listening to. Now, the next time you listen to what you've downloaded, I want you to approach it with the belief that you're a good trance subject, because you go into trance all the time without even knowing it. We all do. We can't not, because it's how we evolved!

If you do decide to go to a live hypnotist, ask them to either give you a way to put yourself in trance quickly, or to teach you self-hypnosis, and how to utilize it.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
"Dum spiro, spero." - Cicero
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Postby LDC » November 2nd, 2006, 7:04 pm

The truth is that there is no such thing as hypnosis, I love the fantasy but in this boring world it's just not real.

The closest you'll ever get is either a natural trippy trance-state or a drug-fuelled high.
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Postby LDC » November 3rd, 2006, 1:15 pm

Hi Willing, what everyone wants (on this site at least) is a state in which they can experience involuntary effects (albeit that they subconciously still have control).

hypnosis as relaxation is just that - relaxation. It's not a state in which you can hand over control to your unconcious mind to the point where you can hallucinate at will or be immobilised - you can pretend to be immobilised but you can't actually experience it.

I'd love to believe that hypnosis could be for real, but there is no evidence of it ever being so.

Relaxation, dreaming and daydreaming just don't count as real hypnosis.
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Postby willingsub » November 3rd, 2006, 2:11 pm

LDC wrote:The truth is that there is no such thing as hypnosis, I love the fantasy but in this boring world it's just not real.

Somehow I think you have a rather mystified view of hypnosis. Hypnosis isn't "out there", it is just a natural state you probably achieve several times a day, but don't recognize as such because it's so 'normal'. It's just the state of mind you have when you are so completely focused on something (reading, driving, gaming) you lose track of your surroundings. Ever played a computer game, gotten completely involved with it, and suddenly realized you've been playing for hours and have forgotten to eat/go to bed/turn the lights on? That's hypnosis. Ever had the experience of reading a book, almost experiencing the story along with the characters, and not even hearing your name when someone talks to you? That's hypnosis. Ever enjoyed a movie so much that, in spite of the fact that you know it isn't real, you still accept the events in the movie as normal and natural, even though impossible or unlikely in the real world? That's hypnosis.

Hence all the questions in this forum about "was that a trance?" In most cases the answer is: "yes, it was." People just don't always recognize it because of the B-movie and stage hypnosis examples of unwitting subjects getting instantly unconscious and zombified when a 'tist swings a watch. If that is your idea of hypnosis, then no, you're not very likely to experience that, especially when you're not used to going into trance on purpose.
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Postby Dingus » November 8th, 2006, 3:26 pm

I first started trying to hypnotize myself about a year and a half ago, and I still haven't seen any results from the only file that I want. I recently started again, but I'm not as good at it as I used to be. Before I could get in deep enough that I could not even feel my limbs and now I can only make my body sort of stiff. I don't know what's wrong with me. I can’t get any file to work, and the only one I want to work is the keyboard curse, which I hear is one of the hardest to get to work. I'm at whit’s end, and I need to find a way to force myself into a trance. I always feel like it's going to work, then it doesn't achieve anything, except wasting my time. :evil:

Can anyone help me figure out how to trick/force myself into a trance (without illegal drugs) or have any helpful suggestions, or links to somewhere I can actually get people to help me? :cry:
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Postby Jack » November 9th, 2006, 6:45 am

Hmm.. First, stop trying to force it to happen. Want it to happen. Let it happen. Never try to force it to happen until you can easily go in as far as you want to whenever you want to.

Second, have you made an effort at using all the different inductions? You have to remember that these files are made to be general. They probably won't work on everyone, but they will work for the majority of people.

Finally, if you're having a hard time, and have some burning desire: save up some cash so you can see a live hypnotist. Tell them you want a self-triggerable post hypnotic suggestion to be able to go into a trance. Anyone worth the money they charge should be able to do this.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
"Dum spiro, spero." - Cicero
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