
A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Postby Erotico » November 9th, 2006, 12:26 pm

I am going to conduct a sort of experiment. I am going to attempt to gain muscle mass, definition and strength without exercise or dietary change. I was in the Army for a number of years and enjoyed the side effect of being ripped. Since then, I have let myself go. I have always been fascinated to see if I could achieve anything like my past self again without the strain. My Drill Sergeant said "If you lose muscle, you can always get it back to a reasonable degree if you do it in a reasonable amount of time.". So if all else fails, I can always break my back and hit the weights again. However, this method sounds more appealing.

From my research, I have found out that one of the most important aspects of hypnosis and hypno-therapy is 'trance'. In order to help myself out, I will do basic relaxation techniques. Then I will try to alter my Brainwaves using sound to get myself more susceptible to trance. For this I have employed the assistance of the Brainwave Generator. I will listen to 'Meditation Basic at 7Hz' and 'Meditation Deep at 13 - 4 Hz'. After that, I will listen to Deepening, Deepening 2, Focus Induction, and HypnosDCInduction. I will do this for 7 days and see if I can achieve a better trance like state. I will be recording and taking note on all my progress. If I notice any change, or one system works better than the other, I will explore further. Since I understand that long periods of time may be needed, I could repeat this regimen for a few months.

I am new to this and could be missing a major point or step. Any insight or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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Joined: November 6th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Dingus » November 10th, 2006, 7:09 pm

This should be interesting, but sadly, i cant help you much.
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Request for Info - What Suggestions Do You Give Yourself?

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » November 14th, 2006, 7:37 am

Erotico wrote:I am going to conduct a sort of experiment. I am going to attempt to gain muscle mass, definition and strength without exercise or dietary change. I was in the Army for a number of years and enjoyed the side effect of being ripped. Since then, I have let myself go. I have always been fascinated to see if I could achieve anything like my past self again without the strain.
One of the unexpected benefits of WarpMyMind is learning that someone else (you) shares an interest I'm passionate about... hypnosis and hypermasculine body modification. Erotico - I'm genuinely interested in the outcome of your experiment.

Your posting listed MP3s and binaurals you're using to reach hypnotic trance. During your trance, you should be using goal-related suggestions/affirmations. When you get a chance, would you describe the suggestions/affirmations you're using (will be using?) to tell your tranced mind to begin adding muscle mass?
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Observations continued

Postby Erotico » November 14th, 2006, 8:49 pm

Thanks for the encouragment MN_FriendlyGuy. I have had some success, some great success, with the files I have been using. It has only been three days but I can already sense some results. The Brainwave Generator files really help in relaxing me. I especially like the HypnosDCInduction. The first time I attempted trance, I was more bored than anything. However, I was very relaxed. By today, I could really tell there was a difference. An odd sensation went through me. It was almost like having your leg fall asleep and you get a tingling sensation but can't really feel pressure or pain. It started at my feet and hands and crept up into my torso. The last thing to go was my chest and navel. Oddly enough, I could always 'feel' my head. After that, I didn't care what was happening and can't describe that particular facet of it any further. My girlfriend took a picture of me for giggles and when I saw it, my eyes were partly opened, crossed, and I was (this is silly) drooling slightly. I can pop out of this feeling fairly quickly. Hopefully by the end of the week, I can go into what I guess is a trance more easily and get deeper into it. My senses are numbed during this experience also. Smell is almost non-existent, touch is nowhere to be found, and vision is reduced to light and dark patches with some soft coloring. Hearing is amplified dramatically, sometimes making it harder to go under but after awhile all I can hear are the sounds coming in through my headphones. Despite this early success, I think I am capable of more. I will keep listening to these until maybe, someday, I can go into a trance without any outside help.
Regarding suggestions and affirmations, I don't really know exactly what they are, except for the obvious book definitions, in relation to hypnosis. I am a visual learner and usually think in pictures and images. I use images to try to get my desired results though. I often imagine myself doing pushups, pullups and lifting weights bigger than I could ever handle. Running and crunches and pilates are good to visualize as well. I often imagine, call me childish, the Incredible Hulk. The transformation from a normal person to a huge, green goliath plays over and over in my mind.
My goal with this is to get into the deepest trance possible and listen to muscle increasing files on this site. I had never thought of using positive self motivation and affirmations in the process. Any help anybody could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again MN_FriendlyGuy.
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Postby Jorua » November 15th, 2006, 7:54 pm

Interesting idea :D
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