forget to smoke?

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forget to smoke?

Postby WifeInTraining » March 4th, 2007, 12:22 am

would this file work to stop a smokeless tobacco habit? or would one need a specialized file?

also, what is the best file for inducing the hearer to be receptive to listening to other files - even suggestible about which files to hear?

I'm REAL new at this, real idea how to do it, but what I'd like is to start my wife off (she's willing to experiment with this) on some of the files which promote easier induction and deepening response - perhaps the accelerator file - and then when that's set follow it with some files for stuff she is open to - non-sexual stuff. And as a part of that, I'd like to work in a file which sets her at ease about listening to the more sexual files.

There are some of the sexual ones which directly suit our needs - that is, there's lots of sexual adventures she'd like to do but she's scared to commit to them - but part of her fear includes fearing the effects of these files. If there's one which will basically say to her "being hypnotized is Okay and you should really do so every chance you get" that would be worth knowing about (and paying for!)
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Postby WifeInTraining » March 4th, 2007, 1:42 am

Another question.

My wife is a "tomboy" and I wonder if there is a feminization file designed for women?

She loves pants and hates skirts...I'd like to if not reverse that then at least have her prefer skirts as her first choice...among promoting other "girly" interest.

Oh, and also:

The site introduces itself as a source of free files - yet everything I see on the list from the "Files" link has a price or a "Premium" there another list of free files I've not found?
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Joined: March 3rd, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby WifeInTraining » March 4th, 2007, 1:44 am

I might as well throw all my questions into the same thread.

Exactly how do I do this? Does each file come with it's own induction and awakening or are they only bodies?

do I have to "patch together" the inductions with the bodies I want to use?

What do I do if I want to put more than one body in? for instance, a deepening or an accelerator in front of the suggestion.

I gues what I'm saying is - is there a page on this site that walks a newbie through step by step how to apply the files on this site to an actual subject?
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Postby lelia » March 4th, 2007, 2:51 am

The site introduces itself as a source of free files - yet everything I see on the list from the "Files" link has a price or a "Premium" there another list of free files I've not found?

A free file looks like this (starts with ".")
· Name: Cardigan - Forgetting to Smoke

A Premium file looks like this (starts with "$")
$ Name: Cardigan - Gradual Induction

In the Files menu, just click on the underlined file name to download it.

If you go to Files >> Category >> Inductions
you will see that that there is a long list of free files
most files are Inductions followed by Suggestions then Awakening
see the comments for each file to find out

If you are new to this I would suggest you find one induction that works and listen to that file only at first. You should listen to it yourself as it will do you no harm and it's the best way to understand what is in each file and to build your wife's trust. If it does not work well for her try another file but find one that appeals to her and gets her into trance . Different files take different approaches and some will work better than others for each individual. I suggest you try one of EMG's files first. Many women seem to like Cardigan's files. I like Blink's and Lady Rio's files. When you have found a good file listen to it repeatedly say twice a day or more until it works reliably.

Some people go into deep trances easily. If the trance is shallow it will be helpful to use a deepener file. (Search this site for "Davis-Husband" for details about depth of trance)

Then you might consider the following file or something similar. I have not tried it myself. The basic version is free.

· Name: TrigArousal Additional Types: Body/Subliminal/Binaural/Script All additional types are only available to Premium Members Become a Premium Member
Description: Triggers a feeling of arousal that grows every time you hear "Get Hot Now"
Author: EMG PlayTime: 00:13:14 Added On: 2002-07-27 Downloaded: 13236
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 3.2353 Total Votes: 17 Comments: 0

You should make sure that your wife knows about the arousal trigger effect and agrees to it. It is vital to maintain trust by being honest with her as hypnotic files will not work unless she builds trust that she can relax into trance and accept the hypnotic suggestions.

Have fun.
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Postby WifeInTraining » March 4th, 2007, 11:36 am

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Joined: March 3rd, 2007, 1:00 am

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