Any (LEGAL!) drugs that could help?

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Any (LEGAL!) drugs that could help?

Postby TMaskedReader » February 13th, 2007, 7:46 pm

I've been able to get into the trance state for a while now, however, visualizations have always been a problem. I've tried the VisualizeHelp file a number of times and it's just not getting through. I'm sometimes able to imagine the thing I'm being asked to visualize, however, I feel I'm not getting the full experience.

I spoke to my doctor about this earlier today, and of course, being a doctor, she wasn't able to recommend anything, so I wanted to put the question to all of you here. Are you aware of any legal OTC hallucinogens that I could try? Cannabis isn't really an option for me, and I'm not looking for anything that's going to make me trip out for hours, just something that might help put me in a more suggestive/visualising state.
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Decreased Caffeine?

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 14th, 2007, 6:31 am

Is the option of reducing/eliminating caffeine a possibility for you? That simple action helped me.

Visualization is a weakness for me too. I'm learning to accept it; realizing it might be the price I pay for being analytical.

    Symptom: My ability to visualize seems to be limited to situations that are based in experience. Balloons tied to the wrist and pulling me up?? Uh... no.
And now that I've posted this in a public forum, let's see if karma causes me to me meet a hypnotist who makes me eat my words. :roll:
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Postby mr_pink » February 14th, 2007, 1:28 pm

I'm lucky in that I have a very low tolerance to a particular OTC painkiller - just a single normal dose of this can make me feel relaxed enough to help visualisation.

However, this is still synthetic. You might want to try St John's Wort. That is -extremely- relaxing, and I've found that relaxing is the key to quality visualisation as opposed to chasing something which will do the visualisation for you (tried illicit substances for this - they work to some degree, but the visualisations take so little work that they are rendered ineffective as you can't concentrate on them).

Hope this helps! :)
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Postby mistschaufel » February 14th, 2007, 2:36 pm

Valerium also might help, as it is a mild natural sedative
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Relaxation problems.

Postby Mari4199 » February 14th, 2007, 6:43 pm

All of the above suggestions are good ones. But you also might want to analyze your stress levels and such. A very stressful life and high levels of engziety can inhibit successful trancing. :)
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Postby Axiom » February 14th, 2007, 7:00 pm

visualizations have always been a problem

Sleeping well is supposed to improve memory so I imagine it would improve visual memory and visualization. I find I sleep better at weekends and I am most imaginative and creative on Monday mornings.

I think taking art classes or any graphically creative activity would help to develop visualization.

How about trying the Lucid dreaming files. I found these very effective and some of the vivid images and sensations carried over into wakefulness.

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Postby Izzabelle » February 14th, 2007, 11:24 pm

Valerian works very well for relaxing, especially the tea, if you can get past the smell and taste lol. It can be found at any health food store.
Lady Izzabelle
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Postby no_such_girl » March 3rd, 2007, 11:25 pm

I am a total newbie here - as in just joined the site a few hours ago, so feel free to ignore me completely. I would, however, like to know if this works for others the way I *think* it will work for me.

One benadryl about an hour and a half beforehand. Of course if you have trouble staying awake will trying to trace this may not be such a good idea.

Oh! The general "allergy relief" works just as well.

I'm a newbie here but I'm an expert on benadryl!
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Postby blahblah9728 » March 4th, 2007, 9:19 pm

Haven't tried this myself but theres an inessential amino acid (meaning it is not one of the 20 our body utilizes to construct proteins) called L-Theanine that supposedly significantly increases the brains production of alpha waves. Its legal, available online, and from what little research I've done completely harmless and free from side-effects. If anyone trys this out, please be sure to keep us informed.

Here is a webpage that confirms what I've just written:
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Postby told2stop » March 5th, 2007, 8:20 am

And just to touch on something that is not legal. I find that just a little bit of smoke before you start is extremely effective. :D
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Postby Jack » March 7th, 2007, 6:45 pm

Btw, there are otc medicines available(like benadryl) that are narcohypnotic substances.

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Postby Blink » March 9th, 2007, 7:48 am

Erickson recommended alcohol. I read the article years ago, but I haven't got a copy handy. (Never seen it online, either.) If anyone has a copy of his Collected Papers (it might be in there), or has time to get to a university library....

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Postby spidey » March 21st, 2007, 7:53 pm

I would definitely recommend drinking some alcohol beforehand at least at first. When I started, I just tried Induction files and had a difficult time relaxing my body and focusing. With a couple drinks (not too many!) it's easier to relax block out other things.

Once I went down a couple times it was very easy to begin going into trance without alcohol. Once you're in a deep trance it's much easier to go back the next time. I can pretty much get myself into a light trance by just counting from 10 to 1 now.

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Postby runstop » March 21st, 2007, 10:05 pm

I'll 3rd that. I have an easier time after a drink or two. Too many is counterproductive, though, and makes going into trance pretty impossible from my experience.
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Postby Ys » March 22nd, 2007, 11:42 pm

Not that alcohol ever was.. never a prerequisite that is.
If anything, alcohol hinders me from going into deep trance.. besides it's really weakening your "control" of / access to the process.. in a bad way, unlike "Warp my Mind" :)

The main problem (just as with visualisation) is that people expect something extraordinary, so they are kinda upset when they just feel pretty darn well (for deep trance) or are "just" fully in the scene (as for visualisation).

Relax.. literally and otherwise.
Everything will come together just perfect for you when you let it :)

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Postby Patch_Winter » March 25th, 2007, 1:08 am

You might want to try some Robitussin, which is a dissociative hallucinogenic. It's available at lots of stores in capsule- and liquid-form. If you're just going to try to drink a whole bottle you'll need a strong stomach -- otherwise -- caps are better.

Straight Robo isn't too good for your body, mind you. But it's not too hard to extract the DXM-part from it and then use it directly.

Here're some really explicit methods on how to do it, some aren't worth it, but that depends on what you want.
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