Hypnotized GF

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Hypnotized GF

Postby Jerminator » March 26th, 2007, 1:46 pm

Hi people. I need some ideas. I have never been successfully hypnotized but my girlfriend goes under really really well. All I have to do is wave my hand in front of her face and she drops in to deep trance.

Now I would like some new ideas. I know the people on here are really creative. If you had a girl (or guy) and could do probably just about any sort of hypnosis you wanted with her what would you do? I'm looking for really creative here. We've done things like situations (she was a harem girl in Persia etc.), continuous orgasms, sex while she was only partially in trance.

Please don't sust say "explore your feelings", just reply with what YOU would do.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby jeremiah » March 26th, 2007, 3:24 pm

I would have her become awaken, but her body do something to herself, while he is fully aware of it.
Lemme show you.

I would put her under, then tell her that When she awakens she will walk to the bathroom, strip naked, and come out. Then make her want to have sex badly. Something like that.

I mean, for me I'd have her think she was a guy and had a penis (im not gay though) and I'd have her panic and see how she reacts.

Or I would go through the voting page on this website and do some of those things. People here have very creative ideas.
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Postby Draygone » March 26th, 2007, 5:07 pm

I'm a little curious what sort of ideas and results you get, if you want to keep us updated. :)
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Postby mindmaster3434 » March 26th, 2007, 5:58 pm

I've used hypnosis to help train my girlfriend into a deeply obedient and submissive slave (it was her desire to become that as well), increase the sensitivity of her body to my touch, especially her nipples which can now cause her to orgasm from only nipple stimulation, and when I feel like a change it only takes a few words to completely change her personality into whatever I please. Getting her to such a state has taken a lot of time, work, and patience though.

Best of luck with your experimenting.
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Postby Lissar » March 26th, 2007, 6:11 pm

My boyfriend and I have really wanted to incorporate hypnosis into our relationship, but I'm not a good subject, he's never tranced anyone, and I don't have a lot of time to listen to EMG's files (enough for them to be effective, anyway). So, to start off, I'm jealous!!

We want to use hypnosis to explore my submissive side, so a lot of my ideas have stemmed from there. One thing we want to try is to have me become more and more submissive every time I orgasm (after being able to orgasm on command). We wouldn't have this be permanent; it would last for the night, or until he decided to reverse it. We also want to try having me being unable to resist commands (also temporarily). If I have any more ideas, I'll let you know. But you should definitely update us with the results of whatever you decide to try!
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Postby Axiom » March 26th, 2007, 6:23 pm

If you had a girl (or guy) and could do probably just about any sort of hypnosis you wanted with her what would you do?

The file that people have voted for more than anything else is "Increase IQ" and I don't see why this wouldn't work. So you could simply use hypnosis to suggest that your girlfriend's intelligence will increase to its maximum potential and then ask her what to do.

If, as they say, the primary erogenous zone is the one between the ears, the effect should be awesome.

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Re: Hypnotized GF

Postby Blink » March 26th, 2007, 6:32 pm

Jerminator wrote:We've done things like situations (she was a harem girl in Persia etc.), continuous orgasms, sex while she was only partially in trance.
If she's a particularly good trance subject (and your description makes me think that), then here's a little gem you can try.

Get her in a good, deep trance and tell her that the nerves in her erogenous zones are electrically connected to the nerves in your fingertips. Every sensation you feel with your fingertips will be amplified, magnified, made a thousand times more intense, amped up in power and delivered directly into the nerves in the most sensitive parts of her body. Be specific about where she'll feel it.

That's it.

Then take her out to dinner.

Oh, be ready when you pick up your cold, cold glass. Try not to lick your fingers too much, and only tap the points on the tines of your fork if you're an absolute sadist.


-- Blink
"If you believe in fairies, clap your hands!" Peter Pan.
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Postby Jerminator » March 26th, 2007, 9:38 pm

I will keep you all updated. I promise. One thing that we have going is that whenever I say the trigger word she feels like a vibrator is being applied to her clit.

Another thing I have done is have feel whatever I do to the back of her neck in her pussy. Then we went to the movies and I stroked her neck the whole time.

I've also had her take off an article of clothing without knowing it whenever a certain word comes up in the conversation. I forgot to turn that one off one time, was almost pretty embarrassing.

I'll let you guys know what we try next.
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Postby Blink » March 27th, 2007, 6:22 am

Axiom's post inspired me (well, reminded me).

Do time distortion. Take her six months or a year into the future and ask her what the most erotic hypnosis experience was. Get her to tell you the one that she was surprised she liked, the one she never thought you'd do. Ask her what made it good for her.

Then do it.

If she can do the time distortion, there are lots of other cool applications for it.

-- Blink
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Postby Draygone » March 27th, 2007, 11:00 am

Hmm... what I would do...

Well, I'd do something like the Trig Experience file here. Have her imagine herself as a character on TV, experiencing everything the character is seeing, feeling, etc..

And, I would very likely have her think she changed forms. Like, to a dog or a chicken, or maybe to a 'taur or some mythical creature. Fun stuff like that. Maybe have her act like the animal in question, but more likely have her keep her human mind. Except take away her ability to speak, if the target form in quesiton is not one that typically talks.

That's about it, though. I wouldn't likely try any erotic stuff myself. Unless she insisted.
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Postby Kendai » April 6th, 2007, 1:40 am

here's one i'm thinking of actually making a file for, though it's probably FAR too intensive to work easily as a uniform file.

you can take roleplaying up a level by making her temporarily belive she's a character of your desighn.

the metod i have in mind is this: start with visualization of a room with jars. she takes a jar, and "breathes" herself (body, memories, personality) into it, leaving her mind in a blank slate. then put the jar safely on the shelf, re-enforce that she can go back to her real self any time. then describe a person you want her to be, and have her "breathe" in the new idenity from another jar. from there she can be suggested to play out the role in trance, and after getting the hang of it i guess, move on to having her come out of trance AS that person.

start with people not too different from her real self, and work your way up to something fun.

Example: a reporter who's with the police as they attempt to bust a sex slave ring, and ends up gassed to sleep. when the wakes form trance as the reporter, you can pretend she's being taken as "merchandise."
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