Hypnotic story

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Hypnotic story

Postby loony28 » May 3rd, 2007, 9:50 pm

I've had this idea recently that should help people achieve results from hypnosis. While the files on here are good some people have trouble with them, like me. Now if you're like me you can read a story and be so focused on it that you don't notice anything else. I believe that some of our hypnotists here can create stories that have hypnotic suggestions in them. The start of the stories should start out with like "My name is" people can fill in their own name here and then have something like "and this is my story.". This will put the story in a first person perspective and it will be you. Here are a couple of ideas I've had.

Relive One Year
This one would enable you to relive one year of your life as the opposite gender in your dreams. What you would do is write down an age before you go to sleep and the next time you dream your dream will be of that year in your life but you will be the opposite gender. The dream will be vivid and clear and you'll remember it all when you wake up.

I'll have to post my other idea later as I have to go now.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 3rd, 2007, 10:08 pm

Interesting idea. I know that when I read a story I sorta imagine it in my mind as the scenes unfold in the story I'm reading.
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Postby loony28 » May 4th, 2007, 7:14 am

Diapered_Cherub wrote:Interesting idea. I know that when I read a story I sorta imagine it in my mind as the scenes unfold in the story I'm reading.

That's pretty much the idea. This is an alternative to the audio hypnosis files which may benefit those that find it difficult to get the audio files to work for them. Now as I've said here's another story idea, actually two.

Lucid Transformation
This would allow the reader to write down what they want physically changed. When they go to sleep they will dream about the changes while being conscious enough to guide it and when they wake up their body will have changed.

Dream Adventure
This one would create a dream environment that would be accessible to anyone that either reads this story or hears a file with the same suggestions. To start off with the dream environment will be huge to accommodate all the people that are likely to visit it. It will allow people to interact through the use of an avatar and of course there will be monsters and the like for people to fight. Now to create the avatar you simply write down what you want it to look like. You can write down as much or as little as you want but you at least have to have a gender (male, female, no gender, she-male) and a name. The rest is up to you depending on the level of custumizability that you want. Now for the time compression. This will be in the form of physical time to dream time. 1 sec = 1 minute, 1 minute = 1 hour, 24 minutes = 1 day, 2 hours 48 minutes = 1 week, 11 hours 12 minutes = 1 month (consisting of 28 days), 6 days 1 hour 36 minutes = 1 year (consisting of 13 months or 364 days). When you are ready to enter you just close your eyes and say the trigger phrase "Enter dream adventure now". When you want to exit you just say "Exit dream adventure now".

I hope there are hypnotists here that can create these types of stories for us. Perhaps EMG can add another catagory for these. Anyone else have some suggestions?
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Postby Draygone » May 4th, 2007, 11:57 am

Can a dream really seem to last that long in such a short period of time?
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Postby Kharon » May 4th, 2007, 12:49 pm

Can an hour reading a book seem like a few minutes?
Can a minute waiting for service seem like several?

The answer to both of these is "yes". Where perception differs from reality, your judgements will be based on your perception, and your mind can perceive things to be very different from so-called "objective" reality. I've had dreams where I fought for years in a war, but woke up the next morning. I've had others where time slowed and I experienced excruciating physical changes in slow-motion.

Dreams are completely within the mind, and because our synapses move at the speed of light, our physical limitations of time do not apply to them, or our perceptions of time. And in a dream more than objective reality, perception is the only reality that matters.
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Postby Draygone » May 4th, 2007, 11:06 pm

Experiencing years in a single dream? I can't say I've ever had a dream that lasted that long. Or one that lasted even a day. Were some days/weeks/months skipped in between?
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 4th, 2007, 11:47 pm

I think what they mean is that in the dream you precieve that you've been doing a certain thing for years,, and not that you actually have been. For example in a dream I might get into my car to go to work. While in reality I've only been alseep and dreaming for a few hours,,,, but in the dream I precieve that I've gotten into my car day after day for years.
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Postby Kharon » May 5th, 2007, 1:53 am

You would be surprised. I'm sure my war dream was not the entire sequence... but I do recall that in the dream I knew I had been fighting the war for years, and what had happened during those years. As a result of this, I didn't feel out of place, and accepted my position in the dream world.

I know what I dreamt exactly is that my faction had just won, and we were having a somber celebration (in honor of the fallen). The ceremony included the marriages of some of the surviving members, one of which was mine. Probably some hours were lost then, but I recall feeling, in one of the most vivid dream experiences I've ever had (there are three others that compare) and been able to recall, meeting my new wife in our wedding bed. If I hadn't woken up at that instant, I suspect it would have been a wet dream.

The second dream experience I mentioned is another of the four most vivid I recall. I was in my early adolescence, and had a dream that my body was changing into a female body, and it was a painful transformation, and it was also happening in public. It seemed as if everything was going slowly, and even in a familiar mall environment, it seemed to me to take ages to reach the restrooms, where I realized what the change was. At first I just knew that I hurt, and when I went to use the toilet I discovered my body had become that of a female.

The other two are just crazy but vivid dreams, one from the first or second grade, the other from a few years ago. Neither of those involved any sort of temporal inacuity, though one less vivid dream comes to mind where in my sleep I went through a full day of school, back whiel I was in junior high.
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