by Luinta » June 13th, 2007, 10:44 pm
Well, I listened to the Accelerator 5 times and the TrigMorph 5 times and not even so much as a shaky sub vision of ANY change.
I even started off very, VERY simple. I imagined myself exactly as I was, with only one exception. My right index finger's nail would be and inch long from the tip.
...Nothing. Not even a tingling.
I think it's just that my mind is too strong to break, or so weak that I've broken it trying to break it!
During the whole thing I was perfectly conscious of everything around me. Occasionally, I would be nothingness, but for the most part, I was just really relaxed, but conscious.
Eitherway, I quit. In the end, I know it wouldn't work, but I still hoped. See, I'm a Fatally Optimistic Pessimist. I truly, in my heart of hearts, want things to be all good and wonderful with the world, but I know for stone-cold fact, that the world just isn't like that. Most people are like that too. I want truly to give people my trust, but I've been tought too many times by the absolute WORST people, that people, as a whole, just can't be trusted. Sure, there are good people in this world; more than we may think, but that doesn't change the fact that there are only so many people in this world that can be trusted.
Sorry to waste your time, but when such depth me, I have to speak. I guess I'm just like that.
But don't think I'm some whiny emo kid just because I know the world for what it is. After all, there is still good in the world, and there are plenty of good things in it. I defy ANY of you to look at the sky at any given time, day or night, and deny the fact that it is one of the the single most wondrous things on this green earth! Take a look at ANY sunset, a really good look, and tell me that you don't just get this *aahhh...* feeling. There are so many good thins about this world. it really is a shame that no one ever takes the time to see any of it. I'm not even talking about things like the Grand Canyon or the Pyramids! Just the things around us everyday.
Most people go through life like a person walking through a dark tunnel with a flashlight, but they never take the flashlight away from what's straight ahead. They figure ..."All I need to know is what's right in front of me to get through this tunnel". They won't even consider turning the light to the side for an instant. What they don't know, or even care about, is that all along the sides of this tunnel, there are so many wonderous things!
It's like someone with 20/20 vision walking around with a blindfold on. willingly ignorant of their surroundings, and blaming everyone else when they trip over something.
Again, sorry to go so deep with all of you, but I guess someone might get something out of all this, and that's worth it in my mind.
Anywho, This is just a glimpse into some of the deeper parts of my mind. I don't know why, but I want to keep talking with you and sharing myself, my ideas. This always happens when I start talking about anything remotely deep or and big topic. I guess, I love to expand minds! Anywho, I'll leave you all to your own now. Feel free to cyber-slap me H-A-R-D if you fell like I've done nothing but waste your time.
If anyone would like to keep in touch, I leave you the 2 magic words: Private Message... I'm not dumb enough to post my E-Mail address for just anyone to spam.