Dangers of hormone changing?

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Dangers of hormone changing?

Postby NeKofLiP » June 30th, 2007, 8:28 pm

As some of you may know, suddenly having too much Estrogen (Using that as an example because not many are trying to get more Testosterone) in your system MAY cause severe blood problems, such as clotting.

The body is supposed to regularly produce a smaller amount of Progesterone to keep the Estrogen in check to prevent it from killing you.

I was wondering, would someone using the HormoneChange file be in any sort of danger at all?

If someone knew the limits of Estrogen the body could tolerate, would their subconscious be in any less risk than normal?
What about those that didn't know? Would the unconscious know where the limits were?

Is there any potential risk at all?
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Re: Dangers of hormone changing?

Postby trancemedeep11 » June 30th, 2007, 10:44 pm

NeKofLiP wrote:
Is there any potential risk at all?

I am not a doctor... but from experience with steroid users, adolescents and such, your body has a lot of processes built in to keep these kinds of things from happening. So if there is too much estrogen in your blood, then your body should trigger more progesterone in. There should be no problems unless these feedback loops arent working properly. How do you know if they are not working? Well I guess you die.... :lol:
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Postby Jacara » July 1st, 2007, 6:10 am

If some of these files can change the hormone levels in a suggestible subject, then I suppose theoretically there could be some risk, but probably no more than taking hormone pills/patches. Even in someone for whom the files work well, the change probably isn't sudden or drastic enough to be a concern.
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Postby NeKofLiP » July 1st, 2007, 6:08 pm

The files make no mention of the secondary sex hormones, Progesterone and Androgen, but I guess since we don't have to tell the mind when puberty should start and stop, the mind would regulate these changes too.
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Postby mudbunny » July 3rd, 2007, 8:26 pm

While it is possible to, using your mind, create hormones (as a result of great stress, or pleasure for example), hormones such as testosterone, which are produced as a result of data encoded in our very genes, is unlikely to be effected through listening to a hypnosis file. What is more likely is that listening to the file causes your brain to "see" bigger boobs, smaller cock, whatever you are going for.

Think of it this way, if they could cause severe changes in the amount of sexual hormones[1] simply by being hypnotized, they would do that instead of having people take hormone pills after a sex-change operation.

[1] Changes in said hormones then resulting in changes in ones primary and secondary sexual physical characteristics.
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Postby Jacara » July 5th, 2007, 8:56 am

A lot of people make the argument "If they could do (whatever) with hypnosis, they'd do that instead of (physical alternative, surgery or pills or whatever)." ..but there are a lot of things that hypnosis is good for (mental, like treating phobias or PTSD; or physical, like relieving the pain of childbirth), but they never suggest it for those because it's easier and more profitable for the medical & psychiatric industries to give you pills and other conventional treatment.
So don't limit what you think is possible with hypnosis just because you don't see it done much. It's probably the greatest tool that everyone ignores.
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 5th, 2007, 8:58 am

Jacara wrote:It's probably the greatest tool that everyone ignores.

The difference between hypnosis and drugs is that hypnosis takes concerted effort and intent to produce a desired result. Most people can't be bothered to spend that kind of time and effort when they can just pop a pill.
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Postby CG091581 » July 5th, 2007, 2:22 pm

It takes too much time and effort to change your hormones with hypnosis.
Would you rather spend 20 minutes(2-3times a day) listening to a file or a few seconds taking a pill. Most people would rather use that time for other things. Throw in the fact that a lot of people think hypnosis doesn't work, so as a result it doesn't work for them. Belief is important when it comes to hypnosis. The drug companies also want you to think hypnosis doesn't work.

The curse file makes a few subtle references to progesterone (not by name, but when EMG says your body is producing more of all the feminine hormones), so it may have a minor effect on it's levels.

The body/mind may have safe guards that keep you from dying if it was the cause of the hormone change. The last thing your mind wants is to put itself in danger. The difference between taking hormones and producing them is that the mind is more aware of hormone levels if you produce them. If you take hormones the mind wouldn't necessarily know to take the same precautions. So in that way, maybe it's safer than HRT, maybe not.

I wonder if something like curse PMS would cause hormonal levels to cycle with the curse, if used in combination with curse hormone change. I'm not trying that though, for obvious reasons.

Though the potential for actual physical harm(possibly life threatening) still exists with the curse file(and any file that effects hormones), unlike most of the other curses on this site. Yet the description of the curse file contains no warnings.

That's one of the reasons I decided against uploading my modified curse hormone change file. Unlike the original it might not be removable by EMG, so the risk increases. 68 days listening to my custom file and I'm not dead yet, though that doesn't mean I'm any safer. No warning signs (like leg cramps) of blood clots in places like my legs. I'm probably crazy for even trying it though, knowing the risks. What's life without a little bit of risk?

I'm still getting mental and physical results from the file though. My waist dropped down to 30 today my hips seem to be pretty stable at 38(79% waist to hip ratio, I started at 34/36 94%), my weight is still gradually dropping(it's about 167 now, it was 180 when I first started, so that's 13 lbs in just a little over 2 months. I never even changed my diet, or did any exercises.) I've seen some noticeable decrease in the size of my muscles(especially in my arms,legs, and back) so that's probably where I'm losing the weight from. I don't feel like listing all the other effects again though.

I don't know if this proves that I'm just producing large enough amounts of estrogen(which wouldn't really be desirable, considering how much it would take. I haven't had any penis shrinkage, so this probably isn't what's happening.) to offset my testosterone levels, if my body is just mimicking the effects of the hormones (would be the safest outcome, but not likely), or if my mind is actually stopping the testosterone production in favor of estrogen. This is probably why I should get my hormone levels tested, since I won't be sure until I do.

The mind is a powerful tool.
Maybe the mind/body just manifests all the physical changes one would associate with HRT. From the curse hormone change file I've had effects that weren't part of the suggestion. I know the potential effects of HRT though, so my mind may be filling in the blanks with other information I've read in other places.
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Postby BobbyS » July 7th, 2007, 2:48 pm

Much as I love hypnosis can I just point out the obvious flaw here no one seems t have cottoned onto.
Hormones are CHEMICALS. Your body and brain realise when one chemical is too high/low and sends out different chemicals accordingly.
Adrenaline, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen - these are all the NAMES we give to these hormones. Names ie words. A word given to an object.
And words mean diddily-squat to the part of your brain that regulates bodily chemicals. Sure your brain knows what words mean but, although I'm no doctor, I'll bet you anything the centre of our brain responsible for language has no affiliation with the part dealing with chemicals.
You want my analogy of trying to influence your body's chemicals using hypnosis?
It would be like trying to give someone an instruction over the phone using only sign language.
Now, let's say that person knows sign language - he would be able to understand what you were saying if he could SEE your sign language, but he can't, he's on the phone so he needs spoken words.
Spoken words in this case being chemicals.

I do believe hypnosis can generate powerful effects on certain people, but this is clearly a case of trying to use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail.
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Postby Kalendaine » July 7th, 2007, 11:09 pm

And the problem with that, bobby, is what? when I haven't been able to find a hammer with which to hammer in a nail, a screwdriver works well enough in a pinch.

Words, themselves, have no intrinsic meaning. It is people's ideas and connotations that are attached to them that create meaning. Hence, while the area of your brain that regulates chemicals doesn't know what the hell 'estrogen' means, it *does* know the in the right balance, estrogen and testosterone (and others) can make your body do different things, and your cells in those areas know that if they get 'x' amount of estrogen, then they should do 'y' and you end up growing breasts.

The subconscious is still high up there, however, and it might take a while, but don't rule it out simply because it seems that 'it's a situation of using a screwdriver to hammer in a nail.' I've used screwdrivers in the same fashion as a hammer, with the same end result. It *can* be done.
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Postby Tristanm » July 24th, 2007, 9:26 pm

Genetically, the X-Chromosome holds all the data for gender. The Y-Chromosome is tiny next to it, only telling the body to activate the male characteristics. Technically, all fetuses start out female. The thing is the body is not designed to undo changes to the body, nor is it designed to switch genders. So, while everyone's body has the information for either male or female organs/characteristics, it can't switch between all that well.

I do not think that hormone changing hypnosis will be a danger at all, as the body knows how to use it's own chemicals.

You will never get a full change, unless you start prior to puberty, and even then you probably will have no reproductive capability.

Hypnosis may be good, but Genetic Modification is what you want to look into. There are species out there that can change gender naturally, figure out how to get that in humans and you won't need hormone changing hypnosis.

I think I may have gone slightly off topic.
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