Is this normal?

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Is this normal?

Postby whatthe75 » January 20th, 2006, 8:21 pm

Both myself and my wife have been using a couple of the files from this site.When we both first started listening to the files we could both concentrate easily on the files and remembered everything in them.

But now whilst listening and mainly during the suggestion part we both find it very hard to concentrate on the words said and find ourselves thinking of other things. We both also find that we have lots of short dreams during the suggestions and can only remember a very small part of the suggestions if any.We both wake up fine when the file tells us to.

Is this normal.I was wondering if we were going to deep or something like that. My wife has used the suggestible files which i know includes parts which make you forget the suggestion,but i haven't used any files that say this.

Does anyone else have these short dreams during hypnosis or are we just going to deep.

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » January 20th, 2006, 9:04 pm

The real test is: Do the files work? If they work as intended, then it hardly matters whether or not you remember the trance. (I envy you if it does work. I'd love to be surprised, have no idea what's going to happen... :twisted: )

So, see if the files work. If they do, great, no problem. If they don't after a couple of weeks, then we'll see what the problem could be.
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Postby boobiesrock » January 21st, 2006, 1:05 am

I have the exact same experiences when I go into trance sometimes. I find myself having little dreams and then realizing that I should be listening to the voice in the file and then the dreams stop. Not sure if its a good or bad thing..... many of the triggers etc. dont work for me... so I dont think its a good thing ;) ... just my 2 cents.
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Postby CrashX » January 21st, 2006, 7:27 am

I thought I was the only one that had this problem I start thinking about other things and complety forgget about the words then I think
!!OO I should be listening to the file then its back to reallity
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Postby liljonny » January 21st, 2006, 9:31 am

I am no expert, but I believe that most of the files go to your subconsis so you really shouldn't remember what was said.
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Postby Jacara » January 21st, 2006, 11:45 am

If you're waking up {ie, your conscious mind comes back to the surface} when the file tells you to, then your subconscious is listening to the file. So don't worry about what your consicous mind is thinking about or what it remembers. I think you have a good thing going there, that you're able to get deep enough that your conscious mind is too far gone to focus on the file. As long as your subconscious hears it, that's what's important.
(and in fact it's pretty well established that if your conscious mind *isn't* aware of it, it works even better)
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Postby jun » January 21st, 2006, 4:01 pm

So day(trance?)dreaming might actually help somewhat?

I've been forcing myself to concentrate on the voice and what's being said. If I notice myself thinking about something else I veer my mind back onto the "right" track.

I'll find it a little funny (and annoying in a way) if I find out my attempts at keeping my concentration high were actually what was keeping the files from working. >.>

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Postby Jack » January 21st, 2006, 6:30 pm

It's a possibility. Try everything. Keep doing what works, and drop everything else.
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Postby whatthe75 » January 21st, 2006, 7:27 pm

Well thanks for all your good thoughts and experiences, i guess i am not the only one having these experiences.
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » January 22nd, 2006, 4:51 pm

What I do is try to fall asleep at the same time. That seems to stick my subconcious in the way of my thinking mind, and I slip into a nice deep trance.
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Postby mat422 » July 12th, 2007, 4:18 pm

Yeah the dreaming thing happens a lot with me now. Its hard to explain, but the way I feel during it is like this. I start out in normal light trance, but then I just let the file take me. I don't put too much concentration otherwise it will pull me out. So I get this sinking feeling that gets deeper and deeper. Then I kind of just lose myself. I'll be in this dream that usually involves me slowly sinking in water or in an elevator. At the same time I can actively hear EMG, but afterwards I don't know what he said.

It just recently started happening, so I think I'm getting deeper. I'm working with a complex file so heres to hoping it works.
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Postby cardigan » July 12th, 2007, 10:40 pm

When you start going into trance, you will often notice that your mind starts to wander. But this is a good sign. This means that your conscious mind is letting go of the file and starting to think about other things. This means that your subconscious is actually taking over - which is the whole purpose here. So anybody trying to force their conscious mind back to listening (consciously) to the file is actually ruining their chance of success.

Just let your mind wander. It will wander for a bit, and then it will shut down completely. This means you probably won't remember what you listened to during the file. That is another sign of success. Unless the transition from being awake to trance is so quick, that it goes even further and takes you into deep sleep instead :-). To avoid this don't listen when you are too tired. But do listen at times when you are somewhat tired, as you have lots of alpha waves that will help at this stage.

If you wake up when the file tells you to, you weren't sleeping. So if all these things are correct, and you still don't get any results - then what?

It could be that your own mind is sabotaging things. It could be something about social or deep personal inhibitions trying to stop you from behaving unacceptably. If this is so, you'd need hypnotherapy to find out why the changes aren't occurring. Unless you have a pretty good idea why that is - then a specific mp3 file could be created for you as a custom file to change your beliefs and attitudes.

But don't give up. Anybody with a wandering mind during induction is on the right track - at least to trance.
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Postby Kittyboy » July 13th, 2007, 7:09 am

I try to let my mind wander, but I'm afraid I'm investing too much mental energy into it for the right sort of transition. My mind wandering is sort of my natural state, afflicted as I am with ADD.
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Postby deathking0192 » July 13th, 2007, 2:08 pm

Kittyboy wrote:I try to let my mind wander, but I'm afraid I'm investing too much mental energy into it for the right sort of transition. My mind wandering is sort of my natural state, afflicted as I am with ADD.
I know just how u feel my friend. :)
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Postby notyou » July 14th, 2007, 1:10 am

My mind wanders in the exact same way, and I just let it happen. Nearly every file that I have listened to has worked for me.

Sometimes I can follow the files, other times I can only remember specific words and phrases. If I have small dreams, I usually dream about the content of the files.

When I dream during the files I feel like my mind is trying to make sense of the content it is absorbing.
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Postby jeremiah » July 18th, 2007, 6:17 am

My mind too wanders. I'll start thinking of other things, and I don't even know I am. 3 minutes will pass and I'll remember that there's that little voice in the background talking to me. Then i'll try to focus on it, and it'll eventually leave again.

Though I haven't listened to many files, sometimes I just go into trance because I love the feeling it puts me in.
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Postby CG091581 » July 18th, 2007, 8:42 am

If I let my conscious wander too far I usually black out. I don't think I'm falling asleep during the black outs.

If I fall asleep and start dreaming while listening to a file I can clearly hear the file still playing in the background. So the subconscious can still hear and understand the files if your asleep.
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