by CeeDee » October 8th, 2007, 11:46 am
I thought some more about the original question....
I have to take some issue with part of the original premise " A curse file uses the subjects resistance against itself" while true in part, that technique is used in many non-curse files, as is addictiveness ect, so it is hardly an edculsive attribute of curse files. More like it is a reasonably neccesary attribute of generic files to reinforce the repetiveness needed for general files to have4 a reasonable chance of being effective with anybody from the general public that tries them, as opposed to tailored files in personal R/L sessions.
You have every opportunity to prescreen the exact content of almost every file here, and where you might have questions you can ask in the forums or email the listed author with a polite note.
The subject does have control and responsibility of what they put in their own head. And IMHO the subject "ethically" has the responsiility to claim and own that control and responsibility.
A "curse" file is a label for a certain style of presentation of a file, they could just as easily ( and far more often are, in my opinion ) could be called a "blessing". All a name change would change is the theatrics ( and possibly scare off some folks who have been cursed by continual pestering "blessings" and "prayers" by well meaning godly relatives and itinerant self apointed preachers ).
I have to wonder what would be the motivation for wanting a curse removed. Would it be that the file didn't do what it said it would do? Not likely as then it wouldn't need removing. Possibly it did exactly what it said it would do , but the subject who had total control over selecting it , didn't select wisely or do their own due diligence? Well, who's fault is that? Not the "tist's for sure. Maybe it was exactly what the subject wanted and worked well, but other folks in the subjects real life started noticing and started giving the subject grief.. thats not the "Tist's fault.. that's the subjects choice of real life friends and family...
Ethics are , in the final analysis, nonexistant without a full and willing acceptance of one's own responsibility for one's own life.
But then like I said , I got some weird ideas, and unfortunately , as modern society evolves , they appear to seem weirder and weirder to more and more folks ....