A little common sense for the masses

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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A little common sense for the masses

Postby Bakaninja » November 26th, 2007, 9:14 pm

I've seen enough.

I would have never imagnined I would find such a haven for this kind of thing. I truly wish this was some sort of practical joke. I am positive this post will be deleted, so please take the time to read through a little advice.

I don't suppose it ever occurred to you all that perhaps this might be dangerous? Have any of you seen any decent documentation that this EMG actually has a degree in psychology or is licensed to hypnotize?

For all of you who are going through like 6 or 7 of these files a day, does it ever occur to you what you might be conditioning yourselves for? Hypnosis is a state of susceptibility and excessive use of it can cause serious consequences. The changes you experience are HALUCINATIONS. The word still means what you think it does. You are seeing things that are not real. You might write it off as a dream or something, but no. This is real life, this is where real things happen to real people. You might be limited solely by your perceptions, but that does not mean that they are the only ones in existence. Do you think your parents would think well of you if you were tripped out and thinking that you were a catgirl? Do you think that your spouse would appreciate you thinking you were a woman and feeling yourself all over? And let's not forget the mental changes. This is brainwashing. It is like you have all forgotten (or more likely do not wish to remember) what these words mean to the outside world. Brainwashing, curse, hallucination, trance and everything else. I call everything else the outside world, because you are all living inside your own.

It is one thing to dream, but it is another when your real life becomes one. When you cross the border between life and dreams, can you be so sure that you can distinguish the two. Can you be sure you can go back to the way things were unharmed?

I'm sure plenty of you are thinking that you have controlled your little fetish. Are you certail? Can you truly believe that the frustration of containing your fantasy can be controlled? Are you sure you won't "trigger" when you don't want to?

You are willing to think that hypnosis is a controllable practice, but the mind is a complicated thing. You are being hypnotized over many times. The mind isn't like clay: it's made of glass, and "warping" it could make it break very dramatically.

This is supposed to be a tool for helping people in therapy, not something reprogram yourself with. Internet tools for induction, mp3s written by God knows who and all sorts of mind-bending powder kegs waiting to explode. These things leave you vulnerable to all sorts of influences. You have been warned.

I leave my final note to all the MtF or FtM and everything in between. You have my deepest condolences. You have been trapped in what you might see as an unfair deal. But let me tell you that this is not the way. You can change your body, and you can change your mind, but despite your own ideas, you will forever have the soul of your true gender, the one you have been given. It will never be any different, and I know it is hard to hear that. You may forget it and try to supress it as far as you can, but you can never run from what you really are. I ask that you spend your energies trying to accept this and find help as soon as possible. This can be overcome, but it is not through hypnotism or any other human "quick-fix."

And so I close, awaiting the oncoming flames and bans that will be issued. But let me offer this before I leave:

Plenty of people are mad at God because they feel like they have been cheated out of something. The body they want, the death of a loved one or something else. Others believe he does not exist in any way. You've left a hole in your lives. If you cut out the greatest part of existence you are left with nothing, absolutely nothing. I ask you all to give God a second chance, because what you're doing right now isn't going to solve anything.

May you all be healed.
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Joined: November 26th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby EMG » November 26th, 2007, 9:49 pm

I won't flame you, and I run this site. Nor will I ban you unless you go out of your way to pick fights and cause problems. Instead I will answer some of your questions and state my own personal opinions just as you stated yours.

1) I am not a licensed hypnotherapist and I am not a psychologist, I am just a man who enjoys hypnosis. This site was created for those of us into recreational hypnosis and is for entertainment purposes just like the user agreement you signed said when you joined.

2) We are all adults here(or we had better be), we chose to be here because we want either a few minutes with our fantasies or to create a change in ourself that is lasting and meaningfule to us. The real point is, anyone listening to ANY file on this site chose to do this because it's something they want and I won't step on anyone's freedom of choice.

3) ALL hypnosis is self hypnosis, if you listen to a file it's because you want something, if you change it's because you want the change, if you want to go back. Stop listening! And if you REALLY need help, there are even files to help you undo any changes.

I'm sorry you feel so stronglythat what we do is wrong. I personally disagree and I hope that most of the people here agree with me. I expect so or they wouldn't be here.
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Postby axl233 » November 26th, 2007, 10:02 pm

to the thread starter:

While I agree that some people at this site rush headlong into potentially life changing files, I think it is quite presumptuous of you to base your analysis on such tenuous notions such as gods and souls, and then you imply that hypnosis is going to leave our minds open to Satan.

Meditation and (self-) hypnosis are excellent tools for self help. Hypnosis doesn't necessary warp our minds, sometimes it frees us our minds from the restriction and taboos imposed upon the western world by centuries of Christianity. Gender itself is merely a social construct; some societies have more than 2 genders. Thus it is silly for you to try to impose your notion of gender and your morals upon others. Perhaps it is you who has been brainwashed.
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your post

Postby claymore58 » November 27th, 2007, 12:04 am

Your concerns are noted,and I am sure the spirit of your post is meant
to be a cautionary tale of moderation and reflection.
Other than dogmatic reasoning and biased opinions;
provide some factual basis for your statements.
As an adult,I choose my own path,and have every right to do so.
My rights,be they God given,or due to the rule of law;
are inviolable.
Please respect my decisions as a free adult to do as I wish,
sometimes being your bothers' keeper,means letting him learn on his own.
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Postby axl233 » November 27th, 2007, 12:24 am

I missed Emg's post (I was writing my post at the time) I couldn't agree with it more, however, when reading it, I noticed something interesting. 8O

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It is his 666th post. Coincidence? Or evidence of a satanic conspiracy? :roll: :D
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Re: A little common sense for the masses

Postby whatthe75 » November 27th, 2007, 12:50 am

Bakaninja wrote:I've seen enough.

I don't suppose it ever occurred to you all that perhaps this might be dangerous? Have any of you seen any decent documentation that this EMG actually has a degree in psychology or is licensed to hypnotize?

May you all be healed.

I have met many a licensnced hypnotist that has done more bad than good.Licensed does not mean good or even knowledgable.

If EMG did have a degree in Psychology it would put me off him even more.He has found out all his stuff through actual experience and not in some lecture room.

Did it ever occur to you, or even more you might like to start studying about the impact that everyday language has on every single person and how much it shapes us.Every thing that anyone says to you has the ability to change your personality forever.So where is everyone's license or degree in psychology.

You Quoted " Hypnosis is meant to be for therapy" - Says who?

Whatever you say about this site and it's dangers -i will leave you with my final thought.

Every file on here comes with an explanation.Anyone that uses them does so through their own choosing. Do you want to remove peoples right to choose what they want to do. If you answer yes to this then you are more of a mind controller than any hypnotist.
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Postby EMG » November 27th, 2007, 1:08 am

Let's just say that my favorite shirt says 333, I'm only half evil. I guess now we all know the wicked truth.

axl233 wrote:I missed Emg's post (I was writing my post at the time) I couldn't agree with it more, however, when reading it, I noticed something interesting. 8O

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It is his 666th post. Coincidence? Or evidence of a satanic conspiracy? :roll: :D
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Postby missypuss » November 27th, 2007, 2:43 am

Dear OP,
I would like to come back to you with a few well thought out points about your posting.

So Il go to work and when I come home this evening Il let you know my thoughts.

But my first thought is this... from birth and in the womb even, we are bombarded with sounds, images, and later in our lives, text, which flows unbidden either conciously or unconciously into our minds.
Some of it is designed to teach us, to make us think or to give us pleasure, while some of it is designed to influence our choices or decisions about the things we agree or disagree with, the stuff we want to buy, the holidays we want to take, our political leanings, etc.......

I shall return to finish this later, but I hope you can see where I am going with it!!?
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Postby Blink » November 27th, 2007, 5:22 am

I won't get baited into this conversation. I'd just suggest that this and any such further discussion be moved to the Idle Chatter forum. The original post has more to do with religious conviction than it does with What It Is That We Do.

-- Blink

I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe,
But at least I'm enjoying the ride.
At least I'm enjoying the ride.
-- Grateful Dead
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Postby BobbyS » November 27th, 2007, 8:20 am


Topic creator, you do make some very valid and serious points about how hypnosis is something that should not be entered into lightly (you won't know how receptive you are to it until you have been hypnotised at least once, and who's to say you'll still want the effects of a file once they're in place?), but religion is a topic that has no place within the realms of hypnosis.

My personal view is agnostic - I don't believe you can prove non-existence of God, any more than existence, and although faith is the centre of religion, I refuse to devote my life to an uncertainty of either sprectrum. That said, I respect everyone's individual religious views, (short of them declaring that all unbelievers should perish!) and I won't inflict my views as fact or stand for anyone else doing so.
I very much respected the points you made, until you started to mention God and souls. The simple fact is however that hypnosis is a naturally occuring state that we all engage in whether we want to or not, merely by reading, watching TV, driving - even walking. It is a naturally occuring state, and if you believe an all-knowing God created us all, then you have to accept he intentionally gave us the ability to enter this state.

As for your more valid points concerning caution - I do advise anyone who ever uses hypnosis to skip through the induction and always check the content of the suggestions. Most files on this site are extremely good in that they do what it says on the tin (sometimes unrealistically so). Nevertheless, better to be safe than sorry.
Furthermore, if people wish to change gender because they are uncomfortable with the gender of the body they have, that is their choice. I would still recommend they seek some kind of professional help first, but at the end of the day it's their choice. (Even though I do doubt the potential of such files, and strongly believe a vast number of listeners just download them because they're horny.)
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You Can Remember and Laugh

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » November 27th, 2007, 2:23 pm

- When we need shoes, we shop at a shoe store.

- When we need food, we shop at a grocery store.

It must be disappointing and a little embarrassing to go into a shoe store and learn that food is unavailable.

And in the future -

As you shop -

As you shop for shoes or groceries in the future -

You can remember.

You can remember and laugh.

As you see another shopper -

You wonder.

You see them and laugh as you wonder -

Is this the one?

Is this the one who was seeking piety by joining "WarpMyMind"?
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Postby missypuss » November 27th, 2007, 5:00 pm

And the post above is the reason why I wont finish my previous post...

Here! Here!

Why sign in and look? You, after all, have free will...

My free will makes me not choose to look at sites which contain subjects I would find distasteful, such as religious sites or sites which contain scenes of war or abuse...

This site appeals to some, and they choose to be members because they find it appeals to them, anyone on here appearing to need further support due to problems they may discover when exploring the files have always had the full support of the members on here to seek further help, and given advice on where to seek it.

Does this happen on the sites you like to visit??
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I've seen enough?

Postby strictausmstr » November 27th, 2007, 6:09 pm

You do have some valid points and like all leisure pursuits there are inherent dangers.... even knitting has a danger of being strangled by wool or stabbed with a knitting needle.

As EMG points out - this is a recreational pursuit for most.. and yes it does go deeper with others. In essence it is a "buyer beware" situation.

Perhaps if you had tried some of the lifestyle enhancing files like improving your memory, reading etc then you may even begin to see that not all on this site are warped and twisted people out to become transgendered or to control others. I for one have achieved a lot of success in assisting staff to give up smoking... and I attribute much to the "arts" learned on this site.

Try it.... who knows you might broaden your mind.
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Re: A little common sense for the masses

Postby mr_pink » November 27th, 2007, 6:15 pm

Bakaninja wrote:I've seen enough....

...May you all be healed.

Interesting post, and I can see where you're coming from.

However, as a Christian, I can say that I am happy with the various files that I get from this site - mostly feminisation one - because this is how God made me. I have no feeling of guilt or that I'm corrupting my soul - I would be doing myself a disservice if I tried to suppress these feelings, and this is a place where I have been, and trust me, it's not the healthier option.

What it comes down to is this:

God made me and my reality in such a way that I find myself here typing this message to you. I'm perfectly content - yes, I realise that it's unlikely that I'll ever wake up one morning and discover that I've become Mrs Pink in my sleep, but what the heck, I can dream can't I? These files enhance the dream and make me feel better about myself, and give myself the hope that one day, the completely improbable might happen!

Acceptance of who you are is more important than asking why you are, and then trying to deny yourself on a spurious basis.

The three rules of life:

1. Love everyone.
2. Love yourself.
3. Love life.
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Postby deathjdstn » December 4th, 2007, 5:58 am

You know the difference between someone with certs and someone with experience? The person with certs knows how to pass a test from the books and the person with experience knows how to get the job done. Of course thats when interns come into play.

My point is I am a computer tech. I been working on computers for 20 years. My neighbor is a MCSE certified but not nearly as much experience i have. He will even admit i know more then him and he even comes to me for help.

Just because someone does not have papers does not mean they cannot do the job. I think EMG does a wonderful job. Some files work for me some i struggle with and some works fine for me.

I also could not agree more with EMG reply. If he did a bad job or tries to abuse his trust, I am sure this site would be pretty quiet around here.
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