Folly2005 wrote:I was wondering if anyone knew any solutions for me so I don't ruin my clothes and bed. Thanks
Not to take the piss (pun intended), but have you considered a nappy\diaper?
Seriously though, you shouldn't just try these files on a whim. If you aren't 100% sure you want something to happen... DON'T LISTEN TO IT!
Soloutions? like danmalara said, if it's a curse the only way to fix it is to buy the "cure". If it's a regular file you might end up having to commission EMG to make a custom anti-incontinence file anyway.
It's probably no consolation now, but there were a lot of people who REALLY wanted to be incontinent on the WMM Group who couldn't get that kind of result. If you don't want to pay for a (possible) quick fix just stop listening to it if you haven't already and try exert whatever control you can. Just hope it'll wear off.