DrawAnything Script

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DrawAnything Script

Postby whatsername100 » December 26th, 2007, 8:41 pm

Based on the suggestion on the voting page. I made a draft of my script for this file; tell me what you think so far.

Do you ever look at great drawings and wish you could draw like that? Did you know that it's entirely possible for you do that, too? Your mind is capable of analyzing drawings, and replicating any parts of it you like, or the whole thing. Think of a drawing right now. Think of one specific part of it. What do you notice about it? How are the lines drawn? How thick or thin are the lines? If there is shading, how is it placed? Keep thinking about it, and noticing more about each part of the drawing, until you have analyzed the whole thing. Now that you have gone over the whole drawing, try to imagine yourself starting to draw the image. Imagine your hand holding a pencil, and drawing a single line from the original drawing. Then another. You can see the image gradually coming together on the paper in your mind. Since it is this easy in your mind, it can be this easy in reality. In fact, from now on, your mind will automatically do these things for you whenever you choose. Since it now knows what to do, it will know when to do it. Your mind just needs to analyze the drawing, piece by piece. Nothing more complicated than that. When this process is finished, you will actually be able to either draw that same image, or draw other images in the same style as the reference drawing. This is an accquired new talent that your mind will remember. It will always be a subconcious talent possessed by you. The more you use this talent, the better and faster your mind will be at it. Remember, analyze the drawing piece by piece, focusing on how the lines and shading are specifically used. You will draw the image the same way. You want to do this. You want to be the best artist you can possibly be. You want to be able to draw anything just the way you want. This is no longer just dream; this is reality. You WILL be able to draw whatever you want. You will simply look at it, and automatically be able to draw that picture perfectly, or draw in the artist's style perfectly.
Posts: 49
Joined: November 22nd, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Cade » December 31st, 2007, 12:59 am

if someone can make an MP3 for this i'd be happy to test it!
Posts: 74
Joined: July 14th, 2007, 12:00 am

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