by shivasjoy » January 4th, 2008, 5:28 pm
hi guys! thanks for your answers (especially cardigan`s very helpful one!)!
i dont know exacty when it started and i also dont know why, but before it as no problem to pee infront of others. normally i`m quite selfconfident and neither have any problems with people in general, nor if people see me naked. many people saw my genitals already and its not a problem for me. but allthough i cant pee in front of others. its really annoying, when you are out with your friends and all just have a pee on urinals, chatting with each other while peeing and you have to go to a stall.
psychologists say that you can train to pee in front of others. if you do, or try to do for many times, the fear will go aay slowly. i`m actually trying to do that, but its real hard work an i only make fortunes very slowly.
if you really want to do that, cardigan, i would be very very glad if you could make a file that could help people suffering from this annoying problem!
thanks again!
greetings shivasjoy