another newbie question

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another newbie question

Postby busboy » February 4th, 2008, 10:50 am

A new question for the knowledgeable people:

Many of the files contain commands to both focus on the speaker and to let the subject's thoughts "drift". Perhaps I'm mis-understanding the meaning of the the idea of letting my thoughts "drift away", but to me that suggests something similar to daydreaming, which undercuts being focused on the speaker.
I'm asking specifically because it's difficult for me to remain 100% focused on the speaking throughout an entire trance session. Bewteen Induction, Deepening, Succeptibility or Acceleration, and a Comand file, the entire combined dialogue can run 30-50 minutes. Occasionally, my thoughts will wander off to essentially a daydream. When that happens, I'm not focused on the language or words, but usually the daydream keeps looping back to the what the speaker is saying. For instance, a daydream "conversation" almost always ends up (at some point) using the same words that are being spoken in the scripts, which brings my focus back to the speaker.
Should I as the subject attempt to focus as much as possible on the script, or does letting my thoughts drift where they may enhance my subconcious's reception of the script? I've been thinking that if my concious focus is daydreaming, then the subconcious must be getting the words comnig over the headset without my concious mind "over-thinking" what is being said, but I'm looking for some confirmation/rejection of that so I can either let my self go into the daydream ASAP or attempt to stop the daydreaming alltogether (whichever is more effective).

Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

p.s. between chats, forum responses, and helpful files, the level of information I've received from the members of WMM has been unbelievably great. I'm sure eventually the dumb questions will draw the understandable flaming, but regardless I wanted to thank the site and members overall for being so helpful.
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Joined: January 16th, 2008, 1:00 am

Re: another newbie question

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 4th, 2008, 3:35 pm

busboy wrote:A new question for the knowledgeable people:

Many of the files contain commands to both focus on the speaker and to let the subject's thoughts "drift". Perhaps I'm mis-understanding the meaning of the the idea of letting my thoughts "drift away", but to me that suggests something similar to daydreaming, which undercuts being focused on the speaker.
You're asking a question that's pretty common, busboy. It's a pleasure to tell you that the two instructions are correct. There is no conflict between them.

The answer lies in understanding upward/downward brain functions.

    - Upward communications are fast - like a DSL or a cable connection. Sensory data from your eyes is carried upward to your brain. Your wonderful mind sorts through the mass of chaotic data, using life-experience to understand it. You don't have to try. It just happens. Example: Your eyes perceive light reflected off of something - your mind recognizes the color white and the shape of a coffee mug.
With this background information, I'm suggesting you can allow yourself to hear the SOUND of words without actively listening for meaning. You can relax and trust your mind to sort it out. If you've ever dozed while the television or radio is switched on, I think you know what I mean.

    - Downward communications are just as fast - but much stronger... like a collection of DSL lines all carrying the same data. These downward communications carry instructions from your mind to the rest of your body. They're stronger for your self-preservation. They're capable of overriding sensory input and logical thought. Examples: You attempt to grasp something hot and your hand jerks away automatically. Or, you get startled by a rat and panic makes you do something a little embarrassing.
In general, it's this wonderful biologic phenomenon that makes post-hypnotic and hypnotic response possible. It really is unnecessary to try. Your mind simply makes it happen.
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Postby busboy » February 4th, 2008, 5:01 pm

Again, a tip-of-the-hat for the information. I'm wading through a pile of books trying to get information, but finding useful application data amongst the reams of academic statistics is mind-numbingly slow and frustrating.

So if I understand your explanation of the two types of information acquisition, drifting into a daydream while a file is playing shouldn't hinder the acquisition or retention of the material. Fantastic -- it's alot easier to let my mind wander than to try and laser it onto a 45 minute speech. Having to constantly re-adjust my focus back onto the talking keeps forcing my concious mind to actively manage the minutia of the trance . . . something that invariably pushes me out of that psuedo-unconcious state into simply laying still with my eyes closed. I've been having to sprinkle my post-hyp "trance" trigger throughout the files just to counteract the rousing effect of the concentration, and it's been a real pain in the keister. Letting my mind go on a 45 minute walkabout really opens up easier options . . . now I just need to make sure I don't drift into nappy time.

I have been really startled at how my daydreams have strongly bisected with the files playing. I've daydreamed while listening to someone talking before (ah, college . . . ) but I've never experienced such a strong reflection (repeatedly, no less) of the talking in my daydream.

Your advice is invaluable, yet again. You've earned "one-dead-hooker-hidden-with-no-questions-asked" and my appreciation and thanks.
Posts: 36
Joined: January 16th, 2008, 1:00 am

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