Questioning the Effects of MP3 Files

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Questioning the Effects of MP3 Files

Postby jockrockslycra » February 8th, 2008, 12:03 pm

The Following excerpt was taken from Merlin's Web [URL][/url]; My question to you all is: If the following exerpt is true, then are these MP3s really effective in making a significant change?

Q. Does hypnosis work?

Yes. But this assumes you are working with a qualified hypnotist. Tapes/CDs/MP3s are very limited and often don't work well. The problem with recordings is that they attempt a one-size-fits-all, which just isn't a good fit for most people.

Q. Why does everyone suggest paying money to see someone else?

Self hypnosis is good for generative change, suggestions for improvement to self. But are you hypnotised? How do you know? Getting taught self hypnosis is worthwhile and usually only takes one session.
Many people want to make other kinds of changes though. Then, help of a skilled professional is best. The trained hypnotist can see your 'blind spots', those things you don't notice. His/her skill can make the difference between years of trial-and-failure or success. Also, what you are noticing are symptoms. Is it the real problem though? Issues or symptoms?
The two are very different.
One actual issue may present several symptoms.
Here's a medical example:
Symptom: headache
Symptom: fever
Symptom: dry mouth
Symptom: runny nose
Symptom: blurry vision
Symptom: nausia
Symptom: aches in joints
In this case, dealing with many symptoms only hides the one real issue, bacterial infection.
A well trained professional will know how to find the actual root issue.
Self help CDs can't do this.

Q. Where can I get a tape/CD/MP3 for _____?

Tapes/CDs/MP3s are not a good idea for changework. It can be compared to self-surgery. Listening to an MP3 for a phobia is like following a self-help recording to remove an appendix. But they can be fine for general self-improvement.
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Re: Questioning the Effects of MP3 Files

Postby EMG » February 8th, 2008, 12:51 pm

jockrockslycra wrote:
Q. Does hypnosis work?

Yes. But this assumes you are working with a qualified hypnotist. Tapes/CDs/MP3s are very limited and often don't work well. The problem with recordings is that they attempt a one-size-fits-all, which just isn't a good fit for most people.

This is true, and false. Yes, the files are intended as on size fits all and a professional hypnotist working with you personally CAN and probably will do a better job but that doesn't mean that a file won't work for you. It's more of a one-size-fits most. Most people will respond, some won't, and if you don't respond to one there may be another similar file that does fit your needs better. Same is true with a professional hypnotist, some will do a better job of working with you than others and will, thus, get better results. Definitely look around for files/authors that seem to work the best for you, but good luck finding a professional hypnotist that can/will do all the things we do here. Sometimes you have to go with a second choice because you don't have a better one. Also, most of my files are free, not many free professionals out there.

jockrockslycra wrote:
Q. Why does everyone suggest paying money to see someone else?

Self hypnosis is good for generative change, suggestions for improvement to self. But are you hypnotised? How do you know? Getting taught self hypnosis is worthwhile and usually only takes one session.
Many people want to make other kinds of changes though. Then, help of a skilled professional is best. The trained hypnotist can see your 'blind spots', those things you don't notice. His/her skill can make the difference between years of trial-and-failure or success. Also, what you are noticing are symptoms. Is it the real problem though? Issues or symptoms?
The two are very different.
One actual issue may present several symptoms.
Here's a medical example:
Symptom: headache
Symptom: fever
Symptom: dry mouth
Symptom: runny nose
Symptom: blurry vision
Symptom: nausia
Symptom: aches in joints
In this case, dealing with many symptoms only hides the one real issue, bacterial infection.
A well trained professional will know how to find the actual root issue.
Self help CDs can't do this.

This seems like an oversimplification, most of us know when we have an infection and wouldn't be going to a hypnotist to fix it. However, yes, there are definitely reasons to seek out a trained professional(assuming they're good) a hypnotic CD can just cover over your fear of say mice rather than actually curing it and that may cause issues later on. But if you just want to find extra motivation to eat healthy then odds are the professional won't be able to do much more than a CD. If you have a SERIOUS issue, find a professional, preferably a psychiatrist who works with hypnosis because a certified hypnotist just means they know how to hypnotize, not that they are any more knowledgable about serious mental issues. Personally, my order of preference for any given situation would be to go to a trained psychiatrist first, a WELL certified hypntherapist second and then use a CD third but that depends on what I want from the experience because each of these options incurs a different level of effort and cost. If I just want to work on my abs I'd probably order a CD, if I had a childhood trauma or other issue I'd seek a psychiatrist.

jockrockslycra wrote:
Q. Where can I get a tape/CD/MP3 for _____?

Tapes/CDs/MP3s are not a good idea for changework. It can be compared to self-surgery. Listening to an MP3 for a phobia is like following a self-help recording to remove an appendix. But they can be fine for general self-improvement.

I would agree, a CD might not be ideal for a phobia, and I'd NEVER use one to work through an adult or childhood trauma. If I wanted to eat less or exercise more or do some of the other things we do on WMM a CD should be just fine, just find an author you like and a style you like and you'll probably get results. Oh, and if you don't find the topic you personally like then ask someone or comission a custom piece. Remember, what is done on WMM is recreational hypnosis, it's hypnosis for fun, or fantasy or for some change that you already desire. If you have a serious issue, or a file has a bizarre reaction, seek a professional.
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Re: Questioning the Effects of MP3 Files

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 8th, 2008, 2:09 pm

jockrockslycra wrote:If the following exerpt is true, then are these MP3s really effective in making a significant change?

Grinning here, jockrockslycra. Your interest in this topic reveals you might have a desire for more.

You've asked for a black-and-white answer... Yes or no - are these mp3's effective for making change? As I look out my metaphoric window, I see more than shades of grey. This one covers the entire spectrum of color.

    Imagine a page divided into four sections (quadrants).

    On the horizontal plane, insert a scale of "hypnotizeability". Ranging from difficult to easy... some folks are more easily hypnotized than others. With practice, "hypnotizeability" can improve.

    On the vertical plane, insert a scale of "hypnotist skill". Ranging from bad to great... some hypnotists are more skilled than others - and their recordings are an extension of that skill.

    This scale of "hypnotist skill" is valid every time a subject attempts a trance... (text-trance, mp3, webcam, face-to-face). Sorry, Merlin - a face-to-face trance with an unsuitable hypnotist ain't necessarily better than trance with an mp3 from a skilled hypnotist.

    Wait - There's more!

    This page of quadrants I asked you to imagine? It's flat. It has a clinical, 2-dimensional nature that ignores your wants and needs.

    On the depth plain, insert a scale of "Desire". Ranging from weak-to-strong, how deeply do you desire change? The intensity of desire you feel is a 3rd dimension that's present. And you can bet your sweet ass you don't want to waste your recreational time and money on a clinician who might have a wicked fundamentalist bent.
I can't give a straight 'yes' or 'no' answer to your question. But I sure do encourage you to keep practicing basic trance skill. You can do this easily and enjoyably with mp3s.

More than that, listening to hypnosis mp3s is a way of sampling the work of different hypnotists. What better way to begin your search for a recreational hypnotist? When you find a hypnotist who has a skill level that matches your desire - you'll know it. And you'll be glad your trance skill is solid.
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Postby busboy » February 8th, 2008, 2:26 pm

I can say from my own experience as a skeptic that the files can work. I first achieved trance with EMGs induction file. They certainly aren't automatically perfect for everybody, but the work underlying them (well, many of them t least) is sound. Whether the voice guiding you through the trance is live or Memorex doesn't change the pivotal question: is the voice you're hearing saying the right things at the right time in the right way? If the voice is, then whether there's another live body in the room or not is irrevelant.
I do agree that a live tist has the advantage of being able to work off of the subject . . . extending an induction if there is resistance, for example, or shifting to another type of deepener if the first isn't working for a particular subject. But the MP3s have some advantages as well . . . the ability to intermix binaural tones, subliminal scripts,easily play to different hemispheres of the brain with stereo mixing, etc., can be pretty powerful tools.
Do they work? Yes. Are they better/worse? neither . . . just different.
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Re: Questioning the Effects of MP3 Files

Postby jockrockslycra » February 8th, 2008, 3:23 pm

I was just posing a question to the forum to see what others thought - a counterargument of sorts :D - I'm still doing my files no matter what haha.

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
jockrockslycra wrote:If the following exerpt is true, then are these MP3s really effective in making a significant change?

Grinning here, jockrockslycra. Your interest in this topic reveals you might have a desire for more.

You've asked for a black-and-white answer... Yes or no - are these mp3's effective for making change? As I look out my metaphoric window, I see more than shades of grey. This one covers the entire spectrum of color


I can't give a straight 'yes' or 'no' answer to your question. But I sure do encourage you to keep practicing basic trance skill. You can do this easily and enjoyably with mp3s.

More than that, listening to hypnosis mp3s is a way of sampling the work of different hypnotists. What better way to begin your search for a recreational hypnotist? When you find a hypnotist who has a skill level that matches your desire - you'll know it. And you'll be glad your trance skill is solid.
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Postby whatthe75 » February 8th, 2008, 5:43 pm

One thing to consider though is if you went to a hypnotherapist no matter how good they are you would only get their one style. ( though i am being a bit contradicting here,as a good hypnotherapist should have more than one style )

Experimenting with many MP3's first, can give you a wide range of hypnotists styles.From this you can find which style suits you the most. You can find some surprising,and some just dont work.

I make my own MP3's for myself to listen to.I have listened to many tists including a few on here and have taken all the parts which i have found work with me. A few which i didnt think would work,but was surprised at how well they worked. And when putting my wife under i use a totally different style than with myself.

The last point i shall make is that the points made on the FAQ's are just one persons view.

My advice is to try what you want to and make your own mind up. I am always experimenting with hypnosis - usually on myself,and it hasnt effected me yet blurbuldsklkudgfnlun arrrrggghhhh wibble,oh no the aliens are after me!
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Postby hellion0 » February 8th, 2008, 6:52 pm

While a lot of the files here tend to be one size fits most, and I accept that possibility going in every time I put voice to mp3 that some of the listeners will see no results, remember this: You get what you pay for, and you never know what works until you try it... and if it doesn't, try something else. Try, try, and try again until something works or you've tried every single option, from the widespread to the obscure. You might not respond to the style or voice of one 'tist or content of a file, but be putty in the hands (or words, as the case may be) of another.

If everything fails for you, don't knock it for others. What fails for you may irreparably change someone else. The files might work, they might not, but with some exceptions, they're free. There's no risk, other than the risk you accept in listening, the risk that it just might work. Professionals cost money, as does getting that "just for me" file. There's a risk of being out a good bit of money for no results just as high as there is in being out money, but being changed due to it. Even if the "professional" live session doesn't work for you, the free, "one size fits most" stuff just might. In the end, it all depends on what you're willing to risk on a glorified sugar pill... or a life changing experience.

You never know either way until you try. Safety first.

And one last thing to remember... sometimes one does not need a piece of paper to be good at what they do, and some of the best do it for free. Paper can't measure knowledge, be it certification or cash.
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Postby seekingnewreality » February 8th, 2008, 8:26 pm

hellion0 wrote:And one last thing to remember... sometimes one does not need a piece of paper to be good at what they do, and some of the best do it for free. Paper can't measure knowledge, be it certification or cash.

Truer words have never been spoken. (And not just relating to this topic either.)
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