yet another silly question

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yet another silly question

Postby busboy » February 8th, 2008, 11:50 pm

It's been almost a week and I haven't posted anything naive, so here goes.

I've got my my mix of files finally down (I think), but now I've encountered a new problem. I'm using a long induction, 2 depeners (different styles), a PHS reinforcer, Suggestible, Accelerator, TrigArousal, and TrigRobot (cuz why the hell not). Unfortunately, that jacks my trance time up into the 50+ minutes range . . . which is proving to be untenable for me. Either I start focusing my concious mind again after about 30 minutes or I drift off to sleep.
I want to drop all the Trig files, and just focus on Suggestible and Accelerator with the PHS reinforcer for a week or two. The thinking is, if they both take then I'll get more benefit kicking them on, then swapping them out for the Trig files (and keep my play time below 30 minutes).
I'm wondering if any headway I've made with the trig files will degrade if I don't use them for a week or so. If I've gained any traction listening to them over the last 10-14 days, I'm loathe to go back to square 1 when I re-start with them. Some of the literature I've read suggests that post-hyp suggestion triggers can remain effective for years (Yapko gives an example of one lasting for 16 years), but I assume that's for fully accepted and integrated triggers. If the triggers haven't caught yet, will a week's absence wipe out what's been accepted by my subconcious?
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Postby catgirlatheart » February 9th, 2008, 12:24 am

I'd split your files into 2 groups and alternate daily
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Postby catgirlatheart » February 9th, 2008, 12:26 am

catgirlatheart wrote:I'd split your files into 2 groups and alternate daily
& I wouldn't worry about it.
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Postby bdbu » February 9th, 2008, 3:45 am

20 minutes is best
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Postby busboy » February 10th, 2008, 9:25 pm

Thanks cat and bdbu . . .and as usual the advice I get here is (feels) right.

At this point, I'm scrapping all Triggers and PHS files . . . going to just work on Induction and deepening. I thought I was hitting a deep state with my trances, basing that on the physical sensation of being almost numb. The more I look into it though, the more I think I'm just staying at a light trance state despite the physical sensations, for the pivotal reason that my concious thoughts never fully disengage or slow down. Until I can cross that threshold, then everything else isn't going to be working at the level it's supposed to -- I'm listening and evaluating the files as opposed to absorbing and accepting them.

I've stapled together Cardigan's Deep Trance Induction and Enhancement and Acceptance files, with the combined file clocking in at about 15 minutes. Right now I'm comparing different deepener files, but I may just go with my own ("cloud drifting down") as it's seemed to be effective in the past. If I can get to that "concious mind on hold" state then I'll step it up to the next level . . .

. . . which brings up another question. The Deep Trance induction works fine with all the suggestions and imagery UNTIL the final one -- see a doorway, go through and hit deep trance. All the rest of the imagery and suggestions produce appreciable effects in my body and mind, but that one has no effect at all. Any suggestions for heavy deepeners that people have found to be particularly effective? Obviously, it's going to depend on the subject, but any input is helpful.

Again, thanks to you two for the advice and input.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 11th, 2008, 7:29 am

busboy wrote:
. . . which brings up another question. The Deep Trance induction works fine with all the suggestions and imagery UNTIL the final one -- see a doorway, go through and hit deep trance. All the rest of the imagery and suggestions produce appreciable effects in my body and mind, but that one has no effect at all. Any suggestions for heavy deepeners that people have found to be particularly effective?

busboy, I'm smiling as I type this. Your question causes me to remember a moment in the movie The Wizard of Oz... the moment when Dorothy opens a black-and-white door and enters technicolor Oz.

Some guys distract their conscious minds by counting backward by 3s. You can try counting from 915 to zero. 915, 912, 909, 906...

Some guys tense-up all their muscles for a few moments. You can hold your body rigid and then allow yourself to sink into relaxation.

And sometimes - all you really need is the right person to tell you.

The deepener you're hoping to find...

the one that takes you to the irresistible point of yielding...

It's there inside you already.

All you have to do is recognize the feeling

and in the quiet of your mind

say 'yes'.
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Postby busboy » February 12th, 2008, 12:33 pm

To friendlyguy, and everybody that has tried to help me these past few weeks . . .
Your kind words and positive energy and encouragement have kept me going with my little experiment, and I can't thank you all enough. Unfortunately, I have some bad news . . . .
I'm a fucking idiot.
In my haste to learn as quickly as possible, and experince as much as possible, I raced ahead with a little bit of knowledge and a whole lot of ignorance.
I've been using Brainwave Generator to create binaural beats for my files. Unfortunately, as I'm using Vista operating software, the help file doesn't come up, and I'm not an audio engineer, so when I would open the sub menus all I say were wierd graphs I didn't understand. Still, if you push the "make a file" button, it'll make a file, right? so I slapped a new one in each of my files, than combined all of them into a playlist.
As I have very recently come to realize with my studies, if I'm tring to take advantage of binaural beats I'm shooting for Theta or Deltas brainwaves, meaning the binaural beat is between 0.1 up to approximately 8 mhz. Trying to learn more about Brainwave Generator, I am now starting to understand some of the windows in the sub-meus . . . and I'm certainly understanding the one that shows what the default "hypnosis" preset produces -- a 15 minute file that slowly drops from 12 mhz to 8 mhz . . . keeping me in the Alpha stage, light trance/meditation but that's it. Even better, since I put a binaural sound file on each script, I would start at 12mhz, slowly drift down to 9-8mhz . . . and then abruptly jump back up to 12 when the next file started, virtually guaranteeing I'd never get beyond light trance.

I have an Uncle that works for Ratheon making missles. He offered me some of the best advice I've ever received in this life, and I unfortunately didn't heed it this time: "when all else fails . . . read the directions."

I'm such a fucking idiot.
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Postby busboy » February 12th, 2008, 12:46 pm

well what do you know . . .

first try with the BW effects set properly, kept slipping toward deep trance over and over once the cycle entered theta levels. My conciousness "caught" itself and stopped the full decent, but it was far more successful than any other attempt, and I have no doubt it's just a matter of days before I can reach the proper depth.

Tried one PHS -- rigidity of my left arm when I have my first cigarette post trance. Achieved about 75%-80% rigidity on my first attempt with the command file. Everything works exactly like it is supposed to, presuming you don't run sounds in the background that are designed to keep you awake.

Last public flagellation -- I'm a fucking idiot.
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Joined: January 16th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 15th, 2008, 2:43 pm

Congratulations on your progress, busboy.

For the sake of other readers - here's the deal...

    Use Audacity (or some other application) to splice your hypnosis recordings (snippets) together. Then, save the result as a single, continuous mp3.

    Check the duration for that mp3.

    Use BrainWave Generator (or some other application) to create a binaural file with the same duration as the mp3. Customize the beats to suit your needs. Save your work as a file (wav or mp3).

    Use Audacity (or some other application) to put the two tracks together (hypnosis mp3 and binaural) so that they play simultaneously.
And here's a corollary to that saying When all else fails, read the instructions...

    Admit Nothing.
Again, congratulations on your progress, busboy. Thanks for letting others know the steps that are helping you to be successful.
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