April Chats

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

Moderator: EMG

April Chats

Postby EMG » April 2nd, 2008, 9:34 pm

This is the transcript for this week's chat. Remember, I will be back again next week at 8PM Mountain(10PM Eastern, 7PM Pacific)

01[19:56] <EMG> Evening
[19:56] <{kamea}R> good evening EMG
01[19:57] <EMG> Hmm, pretty quiet so far.
03[19:57] * hypnoslut (~hypnoslut@pool-72-88-219-197.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #warpmymind
03[19:58] * hypnoslut is now known as tinaslut
[19:58] <{kamea}R> it's been quiet off and on
01[19:58] <EMG> Of course, I guess I am early :)
[19:58] <tinaslut> hi everyone
[19:58] <{kamea}R> hi tinaslut
01[19:58] <EMG> Evening
[19:58] <{kamea}R> nah...you're just punctual
01[19:59] <EMG> That's not a word that often applies to me.
06[19:59] * {kamea}R decides to bite her tongue and behave
06[19:59] * @MasterGreg peeks in
[19:59] <@MasterGreg> hi EMG
01[19:59] <EMG> Evening
03[19:59] * jason (~jason@c-71-231-65-62.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #warpmymind
[19:59] <@MasterGreg> long time no see
01[19:59] <EMG> Has been a bit
[20:00] <@MasterGreg> how's things?
01[20:00] <EMG> Let's see, bored at work, working on the site and taxes at home. Same old same old :)
[20:01] <{kamea}R> Sounds about normal then
01[20:01] <EMG> Sadly yes.
[20:02] <@MasterGreg> and how's the hypno army doing? ;)
03[20:02] * lil_debra (PJIRCUser@ has joined #warpmymind
01[20:02] <EMG> But, I'm sure I'll dream up something. Hmm, I guess I'd call it an army of one ;)
[20:02] <@MasterGreg> sometimes one's all ya need
01[20:03] <EMG> Well, I could probably use 1-2 more, but I'm not sure all the people in my life would agree
[20:03] <@MasterGreg> stupid peers >.<
01[20:03] <EMG> Nah, if it was just peers I could ignore them. A bit closer than that :)
[20:04] <@MasterGreg> I'm gonna go with family
[20:04] <sleepyalaura> hi everybody
[20:04] <jason> hello sleepylaura
[20:04] <lil_debra> hi eveyone
[20:04] <tinaslut> hello
[20:05] <{kamea}R> hi sleepylaura
[20:05] <jason> oops, i mean sleepyalaura
01[20:05] <EMG> Close enough, I could spend an entire evening describing my life :) Evening
[20:05] <sleepyalaura> :)
01[20:05] <EMG> (of course a lot of people would fall asleep if I chose that course of action)
[20:06] <{kamea}R> couldn't we all do that though at times EMG?
[20:06] <@MasterGreg> isn't that your master plan?
01[20:07] <EMG> LOL!!!! Not that sort of sleep. Probably the wrong channel for putting everyone in trance
[20:08] <lil_debra> don't worry about me, can't be hypnotised
01[20:09] <EMG> Always a shame, although can't is unlikely. Haven't is more likely.
[20:10] <lil_debra> well sometimes wonder if have or not but haven'ty as far as knowing of
[20:11] <lil_debra> would like to be and have them haveing to acttiing female all the time, when out or when at home
[20:11] <jason> you would probably know :)
[20:12] <tinaslut> i'm in trance now. it's wonderful having a self trigger ! :)
[20:12] <sleepyalaura> is a self trigger really possible?
[20:12] <+Apothem> heh I take it you really enjoyed your session tina?
[20:12] <tinaslut> sure
[20:12] <lil_debra> how can a person tail if they are
[20:12] <jason> of course it is, sleepyalaura
[20:12] <sleepyalaura> that's really nice....wow
[20:12] <jason> most of the time when you're entering trance, you're doing it yourself
[20:13] <jason> the hypnotist is just helping you get there
[20:13] <sleepyalaura> true, i suppose
[20:13] <+Apothem> guided self-hypnosis
[20:13] <@MasterGreg> so what inspired you to stop by this time, EMG?
01[20:13] <EMG> Oh, he's right :) Thus the dread saying, "all hypnosis is self hypnosis"
[20:13] <sleepyalaura> i have heard that saying before...
01[20:13] <EMG> I scheduled a chat. I'm going to be here every Wed at 8 this month.
[20:14] <@MasterGreg> I should pay more attention to that website
[20:14] <+Apothem> wooo
01[20:14] <EMG> (that's 8 Mountain)
[20:14] <lil_debra> would like to hypnotise and have to start wearring dresses all the time even when going out somewhere
[20:14] <+Apothem> It's an honor to have you here EMG
[20:14] <{kamea}R> any particular topic tonight?
01[20:14] <EMG> Sadly, I didn't dream up anything, I'll try to do that next week. So, we'll call this week "Get to know EMG"
01[20:15] <EMG> I'll field any question anyone cares to ask.
[20:15] <lil_debra> can curses be broken
[20:15] <tinaslut> can i have your autograph ? :)
[20:15] <@MasterGreg> where's my share of zombie women?
01[20:15] <EMG> easily, yes, and in the mail
[20:16] <@MasterGreg> I hope you poked air holes
01[20:16] <EMG> to break a curse, either pay me, or just stop listening, it'll pass in a few weeks in most cases
[20:16] <{kamea}R> i didn't think zombies needed air ;)
[20:16] <+Apothem> lol
01[20:16] <EMG> Dang, you beat me to it.
[20:16] <+Apothem> wow...
[20:16] <{kamea}R> *smiles*
[20:16] <@MasterGreg> well they're OBVIOUSLY just zombie simulations
[20:16] <lil_debra> heck was hopping it couldn't be
01[20:17] <EMG> As for autographs, I'll be at Thunder in the Mountains in July and will sign anything you want signed.
01[20:17] <EMG> (except blank checks)
[20:17] <{kamea}R> lol
[20:17] <+Apothem> LOL
[20:17] <+Apothem> EMG, any advice on materials to look for the upcoming tists?
[20:18] <lil_debra> that's at bristol tenn isn't it
[20:18] <+Apothem> Personally, I've been trying to learn as much as I can, but finding resources on the net is a bit hard. Any books you could recommend?
01[20:18] <EMG> nope, Denver, CO. Personally I don't have any good resources. I learned from a cheap book I picked up from the library about 15 years ago.
[20:19] <+Apothem> wow...
[20:19] <{kamea}R> Is Thunder in the Mountains as good as i've heard? It's been tempting to go down since i'm only a few hours north of Denver.
01[20:19] <EMG> hypnosis.com is a decent resource as are a lot of other web pages.
03[20:19] * jcsub (~jcsub@ppp-70-244-249-184.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) has joined #warpmymind
[20:19] <jcsub> hello melody
[20:20] <lil_debra> would lilke to go down also
01[20:20] <EMG> Thunder is a BLAST if you're into BDSM. Imagine an ENTIRE hotel filled with fetishists. Nice dungeon too
[20:20] <lil_debra> where is it maybe can make arangements
[20:20] <{kamea}R> awesome...got the BDSM part down lol.
01[20:21] <EMG> Denver, July 25-28. The nice part is the hotel will be ONLY fetish people so you don't have to worry about the guy in the room next door.
01[20:21] <EMG> I also hope to do Hypnoticon in LA in October, but I'm not sure I'll make it.
[20:22] <{kamea}R> i didn't know there was a hypnosis con...i'm not surprised though
[20:22] <lil_debra> what did you mean about the guy next door
[20:22] <sleepyalaura> yay I didn't know it was coming to LA!
03[20:23] * Shadowlost (~Shadowlos@bas1-oshawa-1242369691.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #warpmymind
[20:23] <@MasterGreg> ugh
[20:23] <@MasterGreg> um
[20:23] <@MasterGreg> please... excuse me
01[20:23] <EMG> Well, there are TONS of hypnosis conventions, but Hypnoticon is more for people like us. It looks at alternative/fetish uses rather than clinical
06[20:23] * {kamea}R nods
01[20:24] <EMG> And if I can put it together there will be a MindWarpCon for the SERIOUSLY twisted hypnotists.
[20:24] <{kamea}R> i was meaning more the cons for us than the clinical ones.
[20:24] <{kamea}R> when and where are you looking at doing that?
[20:24] <sleepyalaura> that sounds great emg
[20:24] <+hellion0> ooh?
[20:24] <lil_debra> have listened to a couple of files and really love them, would like for them to stay for the rest of life
[20:24] <lil_debra> hi hellion
01[20:24] <EMG> Then keep listening. Currently we're discussing either Vegas or San Francisco.
[20:25] <{kamea}R> nice...
02[20:25] * jcsub (~jcsub@ppp-70-244-249-184.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: jcsub)
01[20:26] <EMG> That one's still in the EARLY planning stages
[20:26] <+Apothem> what about the clinical conventions
[20:26] <+Apothem> Any good ones for that?
01[20:26] <EMG> do a web search, the National Guild of Hypnotists does at least one a year that's huge.
[20:27] <+Apothem> ah cool, thanks very much
01[20:28] <EMG> No problem. There are also hypnosis clubs ang groups out there in a lot of major cities, if I could remember the name I'd mention it.
03[20:28] * Shadowlost (~Shadowlos@bas1-oshawa-1242369691.dsl.bell.ca) has left #warpmymind
02[20:28] * sleepyalaura (~sleepyala@cpe-75-83-232-32.socal.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: sleepyalaura)
03[20:29] * sleepyalaura (~sleepyala@cpe-75-83-232-32.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #warpmymind
[20:29] <{kamea}R> that's good to know
[20:30] <lil_debra> hi kamea
01[20:30] <EMG> Yeah, always good to find somewhere to practice :)
[20:30] <+Apothem> amen to that
[20:30] <{kamea}R> hi lil_debra
[20:31] <+Apothem> I've been learning for a bit, and have been looking for people to practice with
[20:31] <{kamea}R> *laughs* my Master practices enough on me it seems.
01[20:31] <EMG> That's where I get most of my practice, willing victims ;)
[20:31] <+hellion0> anything down the line for those who aren't into the clinical side, but are overseas?
[20:32] <lil_debra> don't have anyone to practice here, know of one that would like to have him do it to me
[20:32] <%Melody> hiya EMG
01[20:32] <EMG> Nothing I know of. If I make plans like that I'll let you know. Evening melody
[20:33] <tinaslut> Hi Melody :)
[20:33] <lil_debra> hi melody
[20:33] <+hellion0> let's hope. vegas or san fran would be a bit far to travel from the uk.
[20:33] <+Apothem> omg I must join the club of saying hai 2 u melody!
[20:33] <+Apothem> :P
01[20:33] <EMG> Yeah, just a tad.
[20:34] <+hellion0> (heck, it's too far these days from new orleans, too.)
[20:34] <%Melody> hiya
[20:34] <sleepyalaura> good excuse to come out to LA though!
01[20:35] <EMG> Still, if you're an evil hypnotist, just write it off on your taxes as business :) Well, Hypnoticon 2009 will be back in Atlanta, I plan to make that one.
[20:35] <lil_debra> that would be fun
[20:35] <+hellion0> heh. if i paid any, i would probably do that.
[20:35] <+hellion0> (gotta love disability.)
01[20:35] <EMG> Yeah, next year I GOTTA train EMGSlave to do the taxes :)
[20:35] <@MasterGreg> I don't think I can ever go to hypnoticon
01[20:36] <EMG> Because?
[20:36] <lil_debra> not always have a bad back and it's giving pure hell today
[20:36] <@MasterGreg> bad associative "memories"
01[20:36] <EMG> Ahh, that could be a problem.
[20:36] <@MasterGreg> never been, but it may or may not have recently wrecked my life
[20:36] <@MasterGreg> who knows!
[20:38] <+hellion0> heck, i'd take getting trained to be able to make any sense out of doing taxes.
[20:38] <{kamea}R> i think that's includes half of the US population hellion
01[20:38] <EMG> Hmm, don't think that file will EVER go over well :)
[20:38] <{kamea}R> lol
[20:39] <lil_debra> can't make any since out of this confersation tonight
[20:39] <!Casper> hi EMG
01[20:39] <EMG> Oh, don't worry, it's all subliminal messages. Evening Casper
[20:40] <+hellion0> ...is that why i can't bring myself to curse? :P
[20:40] <!Casper> now I understand the new user record! :D
[20:40] <%Melody> yay
01[20:40] <EMG> Well, I did say I'd be here for about an hour tonight.
[20:40] <lil_debra> know someone that wish would curse
01[20:41] <EMG> and I will be back next week. So any more questions?
[20:41] <{kamea}R> i have one
[20:41] <{kamea}R> What is the oddest file you have been requested to make, but refused to make?
01[20:42] <EMG> LOL!!! I don't refuse much, so that is a challenge
[20:42] <+hellion0> i've noticed that most of your "baby" files either are geared for straight or male/male AB/"parent" relationships... any in the works for AB girls who like girls?
[20:42] <{kamea}R> ok...or semi-regretted later or had second thoughts about doing.
[20:42] <lil_debra> have you ever made a file that would make a human dog want to eat out of trash
01[20:43] <EMG> Oddest that I did would be a file to forget a computer game so they could play it again.
[20:43] <{kamea}R> thank you :)
01[20:43] <EMG> I regretted one that felt like it was really being used to enslave an unsuspecting listener, but they phrased the request well enough that I did it.
[20:43] <!Casper> that ain'T odd...
01[20:44] <EMG> and I've done one or two to make someone enjoy eating feces, that's a bit gross even by my relaxed standards
06[20:44] * {kamea}R nods
[20:44] <lil_debra> don't have much expriance but really like the files that have listeened to
[20:44] <!Casper> that I wouln't have done it for health concern
01[20:44] <EMG> As for a file for AB girls who like girls, never made it far up the voting list.
01[20:45] <EMG> It was requested and paid for by the person doing the consumption. And I required they still idemnify me should it work.
[20:45] <lil_debra> know a girl who likes girls to have sex with
06[20:45] * +hellion0 goes to register for endangered species protection. :P
[20:45] <{kamea}R> smart move
[20:45] <%Melody> cant say Id blame you EMG
[20:46] <%Melody> >.< Digestion...twice is nice?
[20:46] <%Melody> ick!
01[20:47] <EMG> Yep, I can't argue with that one.
[20:47] <lil_debra> have ever made a file that would make a person have sex with same sex so master could watch
01[20:47] <EMG> There are a couple that are anything to please type files that should result in it. But nothing specific
[20:48] <lil_debra> heck was hopeing that had, wanted to try that one
01[20:49] <EMG> Put it on the voting list, I do files from there every year or so :)
03[20:49] * beth_d (~beth_d@CPE001cf0680e11-CM001692fae4dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #warpmymind
[20:49] <lil_debra> ok, would love to have sex with someone so master could watch
06[20:49] * mara-yummy watches with eyes wide open
[20:50] <lil_debra> thanks emg has been nice talking to you have learned something tonight
[20:51] <+hellion0> yay, i'm a rarity. *runs around*
[20:51] <lil_debra> going to look for that file and see how its done
[20:51] <lil_debra> want to do it for master
01[20:52] <EMG> Hmm, EMG teaching people... SCARY
01[20:52] <EMG> Training yes, but actual learning, that's just wrong ;)
[20:52] <%Melody> that could be scary...
01[20:53] <EMG> I'm actually considering doing a presentation at the next hypnoticon
[20:53] <%Melody> I teach people and its scary
[20:53] <%Melody> and Im not even evil :p
[20:53] <{kamea}R> that would be cool to see
[20:53] <lil_debra> want to get facial for master
[20:53] <{kamea}R> you have to be slightly evil if you teach Melody...goes with the territory somedays lol
[20:53] <%Melody> I say I do a nice enough job...
[20:54] <%Melody> Apothem wouldn't you agree?
03[20:54] * Shadowlost (~Shadowlos@bas1-oshawa-1242369691.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #warpmymind
[20:54] <tinaslut> i agree too :)
[20:55] <!Casper> EMG: do you know of any tist in montreal?
[20:55] <%Melody> thats right you were my test subject last night...
[20:55] <+hellion0> *perks*
01[20:55] <EMG> No, Sorry, I don't know a lot of other hypnotists, something I want to work on.
03[20:55] * Shadowlost (~Shadowlos@bas1-oshawa-1242369691.dsl.bell.ca) has left #warpmymind
[20:55] <%Melody> hellion0 what are you perking about?
[20:55] <!Casper> ok
[20:56] <!Casper> there seems to be close to none here... :(
[20:57] <+hellion0> nothing? *acts innocent*
[20:57] <%Melody> nothing>
[20:57] <%Melody> >.>
01[20:58] <EMG> So, anyone have any topics they'd like to see discussed next week?
[20:59] <%Melody> Oooo I got a good one
[20:59] <%Melody> Hypnosis :p
[20:59] <!Casper> lol
02[20:59] * sleepyalaura (~sleepyala@cpe-75-83-232-32.socal.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: sleepyalaura)
01[20:59] <EMG> Hmm, ok, Melody, you need to stay after class and watch the clock for a while :)
[21:00] <+hellion0> *giggle*
[21:00] <%Melody> Hon Im always staying after class
[21:00] <%Melody> :p
[21:00] <lil_debra> have a question, have listened to train dog file, now like to eat out of trash can and drink water out of commode how long will it last
03[21:00] * sleepyalaura (~sleepyala@cpe-75-83-232-32.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #warpmymind
01[21:00] <EMG> I'm sure you won't get sleepy at all
[21:00] <%Melody> not really
01[21:00] <EMG> Depends, how many times have you listened?
[21:01] <%Melody> Im pretty good at resisting trance when I need to
[21:01] <lil_debra> a bunch and still listen to it
01[21:01] <EMG> Then you're probably stuck with it for a while. Gotta stop to have a file fade. Listen long enough and it'll stick
[21:02] <lil_debra> really like doing it and love the file
01[21:02] <EMG> Nothing wrong with that at all.
[21:03] <lil_debra> how can i stop loveing it like i do
[21:03] <lil_debra> really, cause love getting in trash and finding something to eat
[21:04] <%garebear> melody: im pretty good at resisting trance when i dont mean to :)
[21:04] <+Apothem> I can break trance if I need to
[21:04] <lil_debra> the food no matter what it is taste better than it would have when it was cooked
[21:04] <sleepyalaura> yes, but why would you want to break trance!
[21:04] <+Apothem> because if it goes in a manner that I don't like
[21:04] <+hellion0> some suggestions break it for me.
[21:04] <+Apothem> I break, I don't let it continue
[21:05] <+hellion0> but actively breaking it, i'm not sure i can.
[21:05] <%Melody> I break trance for submissive suggestions
[21:05] <lil_debra> love mine but sometimes worry if doing the right thing
01[21:05] <EMG> A suggesting you'd resist will break it for a lot of people. Others simply ignore them
[21:06] <+Apothem> what about a mindset?
[21:07] <lil_debra> think i'm very lucky to be able to eat trash, not many people do and they don't know what they a missing
[21:07] <%garebear> i saw a kid at my work eat bread out of the trash can today
[21:07] <!Wild^Sprite> well hello there EMG nice to see you
[21:07] <%garebear> he made the point that homeless people would love that bread
01[21:07] <EMG> a mindset can certainly affect trance quite a bit. If you are in the wrong mood a file may hit you wrong and wake you up(or you may never go under)
[21:07] <+hellion0> hihi sprite...
[21:08] <lil_debra> he is very lucky
[21:08] <%garebear> and i said i agree and if i could id take bread to homeless people but right now i have a job to do
01[21:08] <EMG> On the other end, in the right mood you might try something you wouldn't normally in the right mood.
01[21:08] <EMG> Evening sprite
03[21:08] * Bansheela (~chatzilla@adsl-75-43-208-56.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) has joined #warpmymind
03[21:08] * [^_^] sets mode: +v Bansheela
02[21:08] * sleepyalaura (~sleepyala@cpe-75-83-232-32.socal.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: sleepyalaura)
[21:08] <+Bansheela> It's a party in here.
[21:08] <{kamea}R> very valid points on both sides EMG...i have found that to be the case.
[21:08] <%garebear> thats true
01[21:10] <EMG> The human mind is tricky(and frequently messed up) we all react differenly, often to exactly the same stimulus.
06[21:10] * {kamea}R agrees
03[21:11] * hypnoslave66 (~hypnoslav@68-116-190-201.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) has joined #warpmymind
[21:11] <+hellion0> true...
01[21:11] <EMG> Many of you would respond well to an induction where I described a nice warm meadow on a spring day with warm sunshine.
[21:11] <Belloq> hypnoslave66, could you pm me please?
[21:11] <{kamea}R> *smiles* oh yes
01[21:12] <EMG> But some do a LOT better with a more direct approach while others require something more subtle(or some other voice)
[21:12] <+hellion0> warmth? who'd relax to something like that?
[21:12] <hypnoslave66> hey Belloq
[21:12] <%Melody> I don't know
[21:12] <hypnoslave66> sure
[21:12] <%Melody> its like an oxymoron
[21:12] <%garebear> emg do believe every1 can get the results they want with enough dedication
[21:13] <%Melody> warm relaxation
[21:13] <+Bansheela> Well, dedication is part of it gare, but a custom tailored induction can do wonders for somebody who has trouble trancing.
02[21:14] * beth_d (~beth_d@CPE001cf0680e11-CM001692fae4dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: beth_d)
[21:14] <lil_debra> going to move to a new place new haven and maybe get a friend to help with these files
[21:14] <%garebear> yah i can imagine
[21:14] <%garebear> its gotta take awhile to figure out what works
01[21:14] <EMG> I seriously wonder about some of the more bizarre files or the ones that cause real changes, but most mental changes can be accomplished with patience and dedication.
[21:14] <%Melody> garebear I have some new techniques I could try on you sometime
[21:15] <+hellion0> actually...
[21:15] <+Bansheela> Have you ever seen any physical results EMG, as a result of Hypnosis?
[21:15] <lil_debra> have a little here but not much
[21:16] <%garebear> ill talk to you later melody
[21:16] <%Melody> ok
02[21:16] * +Apothem (~Apothem@cpe-075-181-103-174.carolina.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
01[21:16] <EMG> I've seen some people that have claimed them, but I don't work with enough live people to claim any true success. Studies have indicated that breast growth can happen via hypnosis(about as much as with a variety of products that say they do it)
03[21:16] * Apothem (~Apothem@cpe-075-181-103-174.carolina.res.rr.com) has joined #warpmymind
03[21:16] * Apothem (~Apothem@cpe-075-181-103-174.carolina.res.rr.com) has left #warpmymind (Cycling Channel)
03[21:16] * Apothem (~Apothem@cpe-075-181-103-174.carolina.res.rr.com) has joined #warpmymind
03[21:16] * [^_^] sets mode: +v Apothem
[21:16] <%garebear> i believe it can
[21:17] <%Melody> I do as well
01[21:17] <EMG> So don't expect more than a couple cup sizes max. For us guys I'd guess 1/2 inch max. Sex change I haven't ever seen.
[21:17] <mara-yummy> how do you type so fast EMG?
[21:17] <%garebear> but it definitely would be harder for unnatural transformations to occur
[21:17] <+Bansheela> Very true.
01[21:17] <EMG> I program computers for my job, I type a LOT.
[21:17] <mara-yummy> lol
[21:17] <%Melody> in my opinion its a matter of striking the right chord
01[21:17] <EMG> So, yes, I DO have control issues, deal with it ;)
[21:17] <+hellion0> what i wouldn't give to be able to get rid of inhibitions...
[21:18] <%Melody> if you hit the right chord anything is possible :)
01[21:18] <EMG> inhibitions are a challenge, they are best worked at slowly.
[21:18] <+Apothem> subliminals?
01[21:18] <EMG> (or indirecly)
01[21:19] <EMG> I personally am dubious about subliminals, but some people love them.
[21:19] <%garebear> theoretically subliminals should be effective
[21:20] <%garebear> ive seen mixed claims
[21:20] <{kamea}R> i have tried them a bit, and seem to work fairly well for me. part of me is still skeptical at times. i try to hard to listen for something i'll never hear
[21:20] <lil_debra> like curse files here
01[21:20] <EMG> I have seen mixed claims as well. Yeah, curse files seem to have mixed results too :)
01[21:21] <EMG> The real reason for a curse file is to create a mindset in the listener before they ever hear it. A curse file SEEMS more powerful, so for some people it is.
[21:21] <lil_debra> don't know about that but can say love the ones that have tryed here
[21:22] <+Bansheela> Adds in a sort of Mental Placebo effect
[21:22] <lil_debra> i have listened to curse diaper humiliation,now crave to be humiliated
01[21:22] <EMG> Precisely.
01[21:25] <EMG> Any more questions before I go?
[21:25] <+hellion0> nothing i can think of...
[21:26] <+Bansheela> Thanks for visiting!
[21:26] <+Apothem> any suggestions or words of encouragement for the upcoming tists?
[21:26] <{kamea}R> yeah, thanks EMG
[21:26] <%Melody> nice chatting with you MV
01[21:26] <EMG> No problem, I'll be back next week. As for encouragement. Practice.
[21:26] <%Melody> eerrrr
[21:26] <%Melody> nice chatting with you EMG
01[21:26] <EMG> Find an induction you like and practice it a little.
01[21:27] <EMG> work on your pacing so you're not just blurting it out and let it flow and pay attention to your subject
[21:27] <+Apothem> Ah I see
01[21:27] <EMG> Do that and you'll be just fine. If you fail the first time, try again. I'm pretty sure I failed a time or three.
06[21:27] * +hellion0 goes to fix some tea.
[21:27] <+Apothem> :)
[21:27] <+hellion0> next week i think i'll try to grow some nerves.
[21:28] <+Apothem> As far as contributing to the site, just follow the guidelines on the announcements page?
01[21:28] <EMG> Feel free to ask anything. Yep, that's all you need to do. If you have questions send me a PM
01[21:29] <EMG> Anyway, time to eat something before recording and heading to bed. G'night
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Postby Cubivore » April 3rd, 2008, 10:45 am

Last edited by Cubivore on December 12th, 2008, 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby EMG » April 3rd, 2008, 2:31 pm

That would seem unlikely, I simply answered questions/statements and since I don't spend much time in chat I took them for face value whether they were or not. I never assume that anyone is what they say until I know them well enough to worry about it.

Cubivore wrote:EMG she played you for an april fool :U
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Postby Cubivore » April 3rd, 2008, 4:16 pm

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