Lunn wrote:What did you do first?
Read... a lot. Watched & listened to a lot of hypnosis stuff (things on here, things on youtube, etc). Read some more. Tried things with a couple people I know, did my best to get feedback, and have been going from there since.
And what ethics and morals guide you, if any?
My own?
All I have is RealPlayer and Quicktime so I am also wondering if those are good enough or do the job to make files.
Audacity is free, use it. Also, listen to the files you record before sharing them. Did you overload the microphone a bit and get a bunch of loud fwmping noises? Redo it and be more careful. Did you gasp for breath? Repeatedly? Snip out a single one if it's a bother, but you might want to just redo it if it's the whole recording.
Have an idea of what your going to do before you record it. When doing hynosis on someone in person it's easy enough to adjust things as you go and just sorta wing it. When your doing it for a recording though, you don't have the visual/auditory/etc queues to judge the subject that you would otherwise have in person; make a script and read it over before you start. Most of the recordings I do only loosely follow the script, a simple phrase might be embellished as I go, but the general flow is there.
Edit: also like MN_FriendlyGuy mentioned, it helps a great deal to do what you can to understand a subject you are jumping into with hypnosis. Getting the little details right can make everything else just fall into place effortlessly.