sleep paralysis

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sleep paralysis

Postby sometrouble » September 12th, 2008, 6:59 pm

i experienced this once, and have read about it too. waking(?) in the night and sensing the presence of some malevolent entity sitting close to or on my body, whilst at the same time being unable to move. happened to me during a period of extreme emotional strife, and i've always assumed that it was connected to that strife. any similar stories?

also ive read that it is one explanation for alien abduction experiences. i think that theory holds water
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Postby whatthe75 » September 13th, 2008, 1:01 am

Yes i experienced this first when i was a teenager.It scared the shit out of me as i felt completely awake and then this crazy thing sits on my back and starts pulling at my shoulders.I couldn't sleep for a few days it really scared the crap out of me.

I first thought my room was haunted and no one beleived me. Happened again a few months later and then i saw a documentary on sleep and they almost explained the dream to exact detail.

I still get the same state a every now and then,though without the demon any more - just the paralasis - now i know how it works and why, i accept it and enjoy trying to move my body,is quite a cool experience.

There are tales of similiar stories dating back hundreds of years of the sleep demon and even some famous artists have paintings representing it.

I also heard that it explains the alien abduction stories,which i believe is the most plausable explanation.The dream is so intense and real i can see how they are so convinced.
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Postby PS360 » September 13th, 2008, 7:36 am

I woke up once and sometimes my body moves first then it Gets stiffer and stiffer and i thought i was going to stop breathing till i blinked my eyes and wake up.

Does that count.
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sleep paralysis

Postby wetdl » September 13th, 2008, 7:43 am

I had something close, happened twice some years ago. I, in both cases got up out of bed in the night, but colapsed and was unable to move at all for a minute. My body just would not respond to commands to move at all. It passed quick, but it was scary, and strange.
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Postby Draygone » September 13th, 2008, 8:51 am

I wouldn't really say I was dreaming. Far as I can tell, I'm always awake, but not my body. For me, it's rather uncomfortable and annoying. I have to get out of it by breathing really hard to get the blood pumping more, and that slowly gets me out of the state. And then I have to start moving around in bed a lot so that I don't fall back into the state, until eventually I fall back asleep entirely.
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Postby korik1 » September 13th, 2008, 4:11 pm

I had this happen to me. I often have very disturbing, graphic, and often violent dreams. After one such dream, the details of which I can't remember, my eyes shot wide open and I couldn't move. At the foot of my bed was the grim reaper, standing, staring at me. I was able to speak, and I said "If it's my time, take me quick." Then it slowly faded to transparency and then vanished completely. I was rather awake by that point so I sat up and tried reading but couldn't think about anything but what I saw.
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