by MdeSiberieux » September 19th, 2008, 4:16 pm
Hey all, I was wondering if I could get a quick question answered. I've been using Cardigan's deep trance induction in combination with the body of the furry transformation file as it seems to be more effective in relaxing me than the regular induction that comes with the straight up EMG version. I've experienced the heaviness in the arms and the lessened desire to move, but can always remember what is said in the file. Today however, I tried something different and used one of the visual hypnosis aids to focus on instead of random spots on the wall. I remember getting up to the part where cardigan says to close your eyes, and maybe a few sentences in, and then the next thing I know, I open my eyes. I looked at the CD player, which was set for one run through of the induction and file, it has finished, and the clock is registering over 20 minutes later than when I started. Is it possible that this was a very deep trance?